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An Excellent Term Paper: the Only Guide You Will Ever Need


Couple of students studying in a train station

Writing a term paper is a big task; it is also something you are bound to run into in many of your university courses. Not only that, but college term papers will probably make up a huge portion of the final grade you get in your course. That is incredibly intimidating.

The bottom line is:

You need to have a solid understanding of how to write a college term paper that will get you the grade you want. But what is a term paper? Do you even know what is in a research paper? Let’s find out because this having a solid idea of what a term paper is will help you determine your approach to term paper writing.


What is a term paper?

A research paper is an assignment given by your professor, generally after a semester of work to determine your overall grasp of the course content and help you expand the knowledge base you have built.

In fact:

You can greatly increase your level of proficiency in the course and delve into the course content on a much deeper level. You will also sharpen your research, analytic, and writing skills, skills you will need as you move beyond university and start your career.

The topic assigned to you can be in any area of focus related to the course material you studied. There might also be times when you are allowed to choose your topic, or at least, pick a narrower topic from within a broader scope of content.

With this is mind, let’s take a look at some basic tips for how to write a college paper.


Basic tips for writing a research paper

As Frederick Taylor University points out, thereare nine steps you must take when writing a term paper. These include:

  1. Choose the broad subject area on which you wish to focus.
  2. Narrow down that broad subject areato a more specific topic.
  3. Determine the objective of your paper.
  4. Conduct a preliminary literature review and create a bibliography.
  5. Create a provisional outline of your paper.
  6. Read the literature and take notes as you do.
  7. Create a final outline for your paper.
  8. Write a rough draft of the paper.
  9. Proofread/edit and write a final draft for submission.

Term paper facts

Lock Haven University also provides some fabulous and detailed guidelines of what you must include when writing a research paper. In short, these are:

  • Research and investigation: This is where you hunt down the material you will use for your paper. Try to find material that is more difficult to find and that will give you a unique slant to your paper.
  • Synthesis: Take the material and information you find and amalgamate it in such a way that relationships and patterns are evident.
  • Organization: Give structure to the information you have uncovered.
  • Analysis: Provide a solid analysis of the material you have uncovered and organized, presenting supporting evidence to back up your arguments.
  • Clarification: Ensure that the research and information you are presenting is clear and easily understood by the reader.
  • Examination: Indicate how the topic of your research fits into the broader context of the field, how it might have historical significance, or how it relates to alternate fields.
  • Selection and distillation: Take a good look at the information you have and weed out anything that is not necessary until you only have the most relevant content for your paper.
  • Choosing a point of view: Show how the evidence supports your arguments and research.

It is important to prepare yourself for writing a college paper throughout the semester — don’t just wait until the paper is assigned. You can do this by always attending class, paying attention during lectures, and taking good notes during class. Now, let’s expand on these basic tips.


How you prepare to write

Before you begin writing, you have to choose your topic. Even though your professor might assign you a general topic, there is a good chance you can choose your own or at least choose a narrow focus of the broader topic your professor assigns. When choosing your topic, do the following:

  • Select a topic in which you are interested, one that gets you really excited!
  • If you can’t figure out a narrowed down topic, then start with something broader and begin writing. You might find that a narrower topic reveals itself to you.
  • If you need help or guidance when choosing a topic, you can talk with your professor. You can also share ideas with classmates until you choose one that works for you.
  • When you settle on a topic, consider it in the form of a question or a problem that requires solving, which will help you focus your research and present your paper in an intriguing manner.

Your research needs to be conducted in a methodical manner and you need to refer to authoritative sources. When conducting your research, keep the following in mind:

  • When starting your search for sources, check your library catalog, bibliographies in journals and professional papers, and sources suggested by your instructor.
  • Start out by reading through some general sources that discuss your topic and then referring to the references listed in those sources.
  • Use primary sources, as opposed to secondary sources. This means if a reference is made to a certain source, go to the source itself, rather than referencing the source that referenced the source.
  • Great primary sources include books, journals, government publications, and other professional documents.
  • Be sure to use the most recent sources first and work your way back in time.

When doing your research, it is best if you create systems for doing the following:

  • Taking notes
  • Keeping a bibliography
  • Organizing material in order of most important to least important

You can then tackle how to write a term paper outline

Once you have done all of the above, you can then tackle how to write a term paper outline. When creating your outline, keeping the following in mind:

  • Firmly establish your topic and state the reason for its significance.
  • State why the research material is relevant.
  • Establish your thesis statement.
  • Determine how to plan the organization of your paper and create an outline.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers up some great information on how to prepare to write your term paper.


Once you have all the preliminary research and organization completed, you can set out to do the most important part — the writing!

To write a well-organized paper, you must know how the proper term paper format. The format of a research paper is covered by Oregon State University, UCDavis, and for a great term paper example, Frederick Taylor University details how to write each part of a term paper with a term paper format sample.

Aside from a very creative title that clearly states what the paper will be about the parts of a termpaper are as follows:

  • Introduction: Here, you will provide your thesis statement, your objective, and how you will approach the research and analysis you provide in your paper.
  • Body: Here you will provide a detailed discussion of your research sources and analyze the information you have gathered. This will be achieved over the course of a few paragraphs.
  • Conclusion: Here you will summarize the information and analysis you presented in the body of the paper and discuss your findings, conclusions, and further research on the topic.
  • References: List all the references from which you gathered information using the referencing style requested by your professor. Refer to this MLA college research paper example, APA term paper format, or Chicago style guide for information on different styles of referencing.

Concordia University, Rice University, and the University of Alberta all provide excellent guidelines on writing a research paper.


Types of research papers

There are so many types of papers you can write and your choices depend on the courses you are taking. Whether you are in history, science, computer science, or psychology, or another field of study, you will very likely be required to write a term paper.

You are in luck!

To help you get a better idea of what to write, what follows are descriptions and examples of college term paper topics you might be required to write. You can use these as a benchmark so you can get a better feel for what you need to produce for your professor.

Let’s take a look…


Do you know the history of the internet? Did you know the United States government invented it for military use? However, these days everyone around the world has access to the Internet, providing people with the ability to stay connected, shop, work, and more.

When writing a research paper on the topic of the Internet for your technology course, you will be able to learn so much about the World Wide Web, including the inner workings of the vast network that keeps us all connected.

But beware!

The Internet is a very broad topic, one that you will need to narrow down if you plan to write about it for your technology paper. For this reason, here are some specific topics from which you can choose when you are selecting a topic about the Internet.

Choose a topic about the internet

  • Pathologic use of the Internet is a great topic. Millions of people feel they simply can’t live without the Internet. The absolute dependence so many people have on the Internet is a serious psychological issue that would make a great topic for your paper. As part of your paper, you can provide suggestions on how to prevent our youth from becoming addicted to the computer and the Internet.
  • Internet ethics is another fabuloustopic for a research paper. There are many ethical issues on which you can focus because there is so much questionable or downright immoral content out there, such as pornography or websites that inciteracial and religious conflict.
  • Software piracy and other forms of Internet crime is also a fabulous topic for a paper. You can focus on the various types of Internet crime and what is being done to deal with them. You can also offer suggestions for ways to improve regulations and fight Internet crime.

When it comes to writing about the Internet, there are many facets of the topic you can explore. The best idea is to come up with a topic that is unique and intriguing, something that hasn’t been explored to any great degree. The University of California-Irvine offers an extensive list of topics from which to choose.


You can explore the various

Business also has many different topics that are perfect for a paper. A marketing term paper is a great general subject area. Outsourcing is perhaps an old topic in the business world, but it has developed so much in recent years that there are many new ways for companies to outsource their work. You can explore the various ways to outsource and how businesses handle each of them.

What about strategy?

The exploration and explanation of different types of outsourcing in different fields of business is a broad topic. You can narrow this down by browsing through your textbooks, other types of books,articles, or the Internet to find a focus or particular question you can address in your paper.

You can focus on how companies outsource through freelancing websites, what accommodations companies need to make when it comes to outsourcing these days, or another relevant topic. Because outsourcing has evolved significantly with the introduction of the Internet and mobile technology, there are many focused topics to explore. Check out the University of Victoria for great examples of papers and topics.



One of the biggest problems in psychology is the extent to which child abuse occurs. The abuse of a child often leads to one or more types of mental illness and psychological issues that can plague a child through to adulthood. Child abuse makes a very interesting and relevant topic in today’s society.

When writing about child abuse, always begin with an introduction to what child abuse is, but then you will want to narrow down your topic to something that has a unique focus. Some areas of focus you might want to consider include:

  • Changes in the prevalence of child abuse over the last 100 years. For this, you can take a look at the statistical data on child abuse. Any government or other official website devoted to child abuse will contain all the latest and historical statistics on the problem. You can focus on this data and make a case for if and how child abuse has changed over time.
  • The different types of child abuse. You can take an in-depth look at the various types of child abuse, how they are classified, and what signs are apparent when child abuse is happening. You can narrow your focus to one type of abuse, such emotional, which is perhaps more difficult to recognize.
  • The prevention of child abuse. Many methods have been proposed and initiated to prevent child abuse. You can conduct an in-depth study into these methods, discuss what works and what doesn’t, and what other potential ideas for child abuse prevention exists. Your research might lead you to some ideas of your own, which can be presented in your paper.

Again, the key is to come up with an original topic. You just might ignite a flame of passion about the subject matter in your reader’s heart.Louden County Public Schools outlines more topics to consider.


Literature is another subject in which you might be required to write a term paper. In the case of literature, you can focus on one specific novel, perhaps a historical novel or a classic, and choose a narrow topic that relates to that story.


One fabulous example is Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This is truly a classic that will not steer you wrong. In fact, you might be assigned this novel as a topic for a paper. If you have read the book and paid attention in class, you might already know what to focus on in your paper, but if you aren’t sure, then here are some ideas:

  • The depths to which white society can sink. Huckleberry Finn comes from a low-class family. His father is a drunk and a ruffian and he frequently vanishes for months at a time. Huck is filthy and often homeless. How does this reflect the time in which the book was written and how is it relevant now?
  • Child abuse and protection in relation to Huck and his father. How did society and the community fail to provide Huck with adequate protection from his father? You can relate this to the way in which the harsh adult reality can have an effect on child’s perception of the world and to how child protection has progressed since the time the book was written.
  • Conduct a thorough review of societal values of the time. Huckcan consider a situation based on its own merits, rather than on what society thinks. This enables him to reach conclusions that are certainly correct, but that were not accepted by white society at the time. In particular, the ongoing inequality between white and black people should be addressed in terms of the novel and the time in which it is set.
  • You can address the issues of racism and slavery as they are presented in Huckleberry Finn. Twain exposed the hypocrisy of slavery and adequately demonstrates how racism affects the oppressors as much as it does the oppressed. Focus on how this situation results in moral confusion, in which apparently “good” white people, such as Miss Watson,do not express concern about the injustice of slavery and do not seem phased by the cruelty that is apparent when Jim is separated from his family.
  • Focus on the concepts of moral and intellectual education. Huck is an outcast of society and it is up to him to determine his own sense of morality. He has no formal education. He relies on his child’s intuition to distinguish between right and wrong and can do so without the prejudice of the white society of the south.

The moral and ethical issues presented in Huckleberry Finn are incredibly deep and diverse and still relevant in today’s society. You will find a rich wealth of information and topics related to this great novel and the Burma Education Fund offers many more literature term paper topics to consider.



History is such a broad topic that it can be incredibly difficult to narrow it down enough to find a topic for a research paper. You can begin by considering the type of history course in which you are enrolled. You will have a completely different focus if you are enrolled in an American History course than if you are studying the fall of the Roman Empire. Fortunately, history provides us with a wealth of dates, events, and personalities and these make great topics for term papers.

Let’s consider topics for an American history course. Some general topics on history of the United States include:

  • A focus on your favorite period in American history. This might be the Civil War or World War II.
  • A focus on your favorite president or the president you believe had the mosteffect on the development of the United Sates, either in a positive or negative way.
  • A focus ona particular event that is significant inAmerican history and expand on how it affected the development of the country.

If you plan to focus on an American president, you can certainly choose from any of them. However, the following are particularly interesting as a focus for your paper:

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • Woodrow Wilson

You can even compare and contrast two presidents. Other interesting American history paper topics include:

  • The Bill of Rights and how it sowed the seeds of the American Constitution
  • Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemming
  • The causes and effects of the Monroe Doctrine
  • The peculiarities of the formation of the Confederacy
  • The Suffragette movement and its effects
  • How the League of Nations was a dream that failed
  • The Korean War and how it was a confrontation between two superior nations

Ultimately, you need to come up with a point in history, an event, or a person and narrow down your topic to one that gives you a unique take on American history and will provide the reader with information that will make them consider American history in a new light. Martini Hospital offers a list of other history topics you can explore.



Anthropology is a more research-oriented discipline, which can make writing a research paper more challenging. When you write your paper, there should be an element of research in it. This might be a theoretical study or an examination of a specific group of people. Either way, you will need to include some empirical data, as well as theory.

It is critical to decide which group will be the focus of your paper and there should be a considerable amount of information about them available. Since you will be conducting a detailed study, choosing a local group of people is ideal because you can then conduct interviews and gather first-hand accounts and information regarding the people and where they live. This could be a group of:

  • Indigenous or First Nations people
  • An immigrant group
  • A prominent family

If you simply are not able to collect empirical field research, you should choose a topic for which there is ample information. You can find this information in your school library, journals, and on the Internet. Southern Nazarene University offers some great topic suggestions for cultural anthropology.

As you can see, there are many potential topics from which to choose when deciding on a topic for your paper. This sampling just scratches the surface of what you can do. Chances are you will need to write papers for more than one of your classes so be sure to check out the links above and do some serious research into potential topics.

If you need more guidance when writing your paper, you can check out this fabulous lecture given by a professor at Cambridge University.

It can be so overwhelming when you are expected to write a term paper, in part because you have to learn how to write it effectively and in part because you are snowed under with a lot of other work. If you feel you still need term paper help, don’t turn to free writing help or buying term papers online. If you see college term papers for sale, you never know what you will get and whether it will be full of plagiarism or have been sold to other students.

If you need help, the best thing is to have a term paper writer from a custom term paper writing service write a custom term paper that is 100%-free of plagiarism. The best paper writing services NEVER plagiarize! This level of custom term paper writing offered by a custom research paper writing service will allow you to submit a paper your professor will love and one that will get you a fabulous mark!

How to Write a Good Book Report: 32 Tips and Ideas


female student study in library, using tablet and searching for

Reading books is pleasurable and entertaining; writing about those books isn’t. However, learning how to write a book report is something that is commonly required in university. Fortunately, it isn’t as difficult as you might think.

The key is:

When writing any and all types of book reports you absolutely must be organized! You have to start at the beginning and have a plan for getting your ideas on paper in a way that will wow your professor. But first, you might be wondering why you even need to know how to write a good book review. Let’s find out!

Reasons for writing a book review

Reasons for writing a book review

When it comes down to it, you need to learn how to write a summary of a book because it helps you develop your analytical skills, skills that will be necessary throughout your life. Your instructor will also want to see that you have a good grasp on what you have read and that you can evaluate it critically, summarizing the book, providing an assessment, and giving a recommendation as to whether or not to read it.

With this in mind, these are the various types of book reports you might be asked to write:

  • Analysis of a novel: This requires you to consider and provide a critical analysis of various elements of the book, such as the plot, main characters, and central themes.
  • Analysis of a specific theme: You might be required to analyze a single theme in the book.
  • Comparison of two novels: Sometimes, a professor will ask that you compare and contrast two different novels, which is perhaps the most challenging type of book report to write.

Now that you have a solid idea of why you are required to learn how to write a book review and the types of book reviews there are, you need to understand some of the basic rules for writing a novel summary.


Basic rules for writing a book report

Here are some basic rules and tips that you should follow when learning how to write a book report.

  1. Write the book review in the third-person, present tense.
  2. Ensure each paragraph is well-developed and that they flow well from one to the next.
  3. When writing about the author, discuss their judgments, writing ability, and the primary achievements in their writing.
  4. Always support your opinions with solid evidence and arguments taken from the book.
  5. Be sure to discuss the main characters and the primary problems they face in the book.
  6. Summarize the book briefly; do not go into a detailed retelling of it.
  7. Be sure to provide a detailed analysis of the author’s intended message and how this message is delivered.
  8. Remember that book report essays must remain objective in their analysis of the content and structure of the book.

With these initial tips under your belt, it is time to move on to the actual report. But you’re not ready to start writing just yet. Here are some tips you need to know to get you started.


Tips on how to get started

When learning how to write a college book review, you need to consider your first steps. Remember the primary purpose of writing the report is to capture the reader’s attention and help them decide whether the novel is worth reading.

With this in mind, here are somevital pieces of information your book report essay must include:

  • Background information: This is generally about the author, with a focus on information that will help define why the author wrote the novel.
  • Classification: This is where you classify the novel in terms of history, psychology, philosophy, or another relevant field. You can present your analysis regarding this classification.
  • Summary of the content: This is where you summarize the primary ideas of the novel.
  • Critical comments: Present your analysis on whether or not the author was able to convey the main idea of the story effectively and whether they took their intended audience into consideration.


There are three ways to write your book report, depending on the focus requested by your professor:

Plot summary


A plot summary provides the reader with your general impression of the book and its significance. General guidelines when writing a plot summary include:

  1. Avoid retelling the plot and share your feelings instead.
  2. Provide an explanation of your overall opinion and impression of the book, keeping a positive slant on the writing.
  3. Make sure you support all your arguments and opinions with evidence from the book.

Character analysis

It is here where you will explore the traits (both personality and physical) of the various characters and discuss how their actions affect the book’s plot and outcome. General guidelines when writing a character analysis include:

  1. Explain the impression a character leaves behind. Does this character fit into the era in which the book is set? Is the character typical of the period? Remember that in books written after the 19th century a character cannot be considered as purely positive or negative.
  2. Discuss each character’s gestures, mannerisms, way of speaking, style of dress, and the general description provided by the author.
  3. Indicate whether or not there is a “fatal flaw” that causes a character to get into trouble on a regular basis.
  4. Make sure you support all your arguments and opinions with evidence from the book.



A theme is a method of focusing your research on a specific point in a book that you aspire to explore, which is a great way to deal with bigger works of literature. General guidelines when writing about book report themes include:

  1. Explain the theme, including how and when it is depicted in the book.
  2. Provide examples and quotations from the text to support your analysis and be sure to explain each example and quotation carefully.
  3. Discuss how the theme has impacted you and your enjoyment when reading the book.

Some things to consider about the book you are reviewing:

  1. Your most advantageous chance at writing a great book report is to select a book you like and generate book report ideas from it, although you might be assigned a book. Regardless, read it through twice if you are able.
  2. Flag significant parts of the book and make notes as you read it.
  3. While you are reading, consider the main point the author was trying to get across to the reader, your overall impression of the book, and the theme on which you will focus in your report.
  4. Outline your analysis of the plot, the main characters, the setting, and the period.

Queens University and Australian National University provide great information for getting started when learning how to write a good book report. Once you have done the above preparation work, you are ready to start writing.

How exciting is that?

Let’s take a look at how this is done.


How to write a book report

First, you will need to create a book report outline that follows the standard book report format. That standard college book report outline includes the following steps to writing a book report:


It is at this point that you hook the reader and draw them in. In a very intriguing manner, the introduction must:

  1. Be powerful and enlightening, without being lengthy
  2. Provide the rudimentary information about the book
  3. Define the message presented in the book, includingits organization, the main arguments made by the author, and the evidence used to back up those arguments
  4. Present your opinion and let the reader know what you are planning to analyze


You will portray a summary of the key arguments in your report, which should take into account the thesis of the book, as well as its organization, the main arguments made by the author, and the evidence used to back up those arguments.



Here you provide your full analysis of the book, including detailed supporting evidence for your book report thesis. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Include a minimum of three paragraphs and provide one main idea for each.
  2. For each paragraph, provide a topic sentence, proof for your arguments, and a concluding sentence.
  3. Make sure you stick to your outline and find a good balance between the general and the specific.
  4. Afford transition words and sentences that ensure the reader can move smoothly from one paragraph to the next.


Here you concisely summarize your report. General guidelines include:

  1. Write one to two paragraphs that cover the arguments you made and the substantiating evidence. You can also discuss the book’s contributions to its field and provide recommendations for the reader and a conceivable direction for further research.
  2. End with a one-sentence summary that asserts your overall opinion.

Massey University, Trent University, and Purdue Owl all provide excellent itemizations of the book report format and how to write a summary of a book.

But that’s not all!

Writing a report on a fictional book is not the only way it can be done…


Extraordinary types of book reviews

There are a couple of distinct types of book reports. These include reports on non-fiction books and creative book reviews. Here is some information on each type.

Non-Fiction book review

On occasion, you may be able to write a report on a non-fiction book, such as a biography, history book, or a factual book on a subject that interests you. When writing a report on a non-fiction book, include the following:

  • A preliminary statement on the book’s general subject
  • A summary of how the author presented the subject
  • Your considerations and sentiments about the book
  • Information on the main idea/ideas presented in the book

For more information on writing a report on a non-fiction book check out Butte College.

Creative book review

If you are given some autonomy in how to present your book report, then you might want to consider getting a little more imaginative than simply turning in a written report. A creative book report will give you the opportunity to show the breadth of what you can do.

To write creative book reports, you need ideas and creativity. So, precisely how do you get creative with your book reports? There are so many ideas that there is bound to be at least one that sounds interesting to you. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:


  • Choose some intriguing details about the book that could be conveyed as rumor or gossip and write a letter about them that you would send to your friends or family.
  • Create a list of the characters you would invite to your birthday party and use their individual qualities to demonstrate why.
  • Pretend you are a journalist who is interviewing the author of the book. Determine a series of questions you will ask and make up answers you think the author would give. You can present this interview to the class.
  • Hold an awards ceremony as a way to present your book report. Select the main character, another character, or the book itself as the winner, but give a solid description of each of the nominees.
  • With a little research, you can construct a life-sized model of the main character, taking into account the fashion of the era in which the story is set.
  • Consider the story if you were also a character in it. How would you have behaved in the story? Would the outcome of the story been different with your involvement? How?
  • Create an abstract painting or drawing of a character from the book and how that character would fit into today’s society. Consider that character’s values and goals when creating the art.
  • Conduct an interview with the main character and come up with intriguing questions based on the book.


  • Write a diary as if you were the main character.
  • Put together an oral report of the book. It only has to be 5-7 minutes long and you can use this to discuss the most interesting parts of the book, such as character details.
  • Select a scene from the book and act it out as a play.
  • Choose your favorite part of the book, memorize it, and present it to your class.
  • Create a sales pitch for the book, trying to convince your audience to buy it and read it.
  • Illustrate a few select scenes from the book.
  • Dress up as your main character and present a characterization in front of the class.
  • Determine how you would make the book into a movie and write out your plans as if you were presenting them to the author.
  • Write a professional book review like the one you would read in a newspaper.
  • Create a collage or poster representing the book, carefully selecting images that represent the characters and scenes in the book.
  • Create a comic of a part of or the entire book.
  • Be a storyteller and retell the story in a way that you think is better and more captivating.
  • Compose a letter to the main character in which you ask questions or express your admiration.
  • Draw a map that depicts a city or other geographical location described in the book.
  • If you are working with a historical book, create a family tree of the main character.
  • Write an alternate ending for the book, one that you prefer, but make sure the plot lines jive with it.
  • If working with a historical book, generate a timeline with descriptions and drawings that highlight special events that happened in that era.
  • If the class is familiar with the book, pantomime one part from the book and have everyone guess which part it is.
  • Create a multiple-choice quiz based on the book.
  • Detail background information that might clarify why the author chose the theme or topic.
  • Choose your favorite character and describe what you think would be the perfect date with him or her.
  • Write a sequel that allows you to compose a new storyline for the main character.
  • Retell the story from your point of view if you were the main character.
  • Summarize an imaginary memoir the author writes about the book.

Wow! What a lot of creative choices! And the National Council of Teachers of English offers up many more ideas.

Now you have a concrete map to follow when writing your book report. But what about a book review example to drive it home? The University of Arizona, Massey University, and Indiana University Bloomington provide phenomenal book critique examples.

You can also get more general information for writing reports and essays,and if you need additional guidance for how to write a good summary of a book, this video will seal the deal in terms of clarity.

If after all this you still experience uncertainty about how to write a book report, then by all means, pursue the help of a custom writing service to assist you in authoring a report that will guarantee you a respectable mark. You’ll be glad you did!

50+ College Essay Topics to Impress Your Instructor


Group of students looking papers

You are not alone if you are experiencing difficulty selecting college essay topics! While many students appreciate the freedom of choosing a topic, most pupils depend on being provided college essay prompts.

But don’t worry because this article contains over 50 different essay suggestions. (Many of these can be used as college essay questions, proposal essay ideas, or even college research essay topics.)

There are so many research topics and college essay tips here that you should bookmark this page immediately because this list could be essential later!

But here’s an even better idea — bookmark Custom-writing.org straightaway. The helpful college essay tips in articles like this are just the start; Custom-writing.org also offers professional writing help at a range of reasonable prices.


How to use this awesome essay topic list

There is no magical key to picking satisfactory topics, but there are multitudinous ways to select unproductive topics. Lists like this are helpful, but you’ve got to learn how to use them. Accordingly, here’s the best method for utilizing topic lists.

First of all:

Do not restrain your early brainstorming; when you sit down to come up with writing topics, write down every topic that comes to mind. If you come across any other list like this one, write down every topic you see that sounds interesting or appropriate. You might even want to peruse college essay samples for topic inspiration.


Once you have your own list of conceivable topics, review the essay instructions or prompt, if any exists; then, exclude topics that are inappropriate; and lastly, try to ascertain which of the remaining topics you are most capable of writing about. This might be the topic you have the most passionate feelings about, or it might be the topic you simply understand most absolutely.


The best topic for your next essay

Now that you know how to employ this list, let’s examine the list itself. These exceptional possible essay subjects are arranged by topic, so you may want to print off one or more sections so you can mark up the list to zero in on the right topic for you.


Picking the right essay topic on personal character and experience

  1. Adventure: There are many ways to write about adventure in an essay; you can write about a particularly adventurous situation of your own or one experienced by another individual, perhaps a famous figure.
  2. Leadership: Typically, the many essays on leadership describe a particular leader or a specific situation, but a novel perspective on this subject is highlighting episodes of disastrous leadership, like the expansion of fascism after World War I or exploitation under European colonialism.
  3. Decision making: Both commonplace decisions and monumental, earth-shattering decisions make fantastic essay topics — the next 3 topics demonstrate the complete range of essays on decision making. (Tip: Utilize these as problem solution essay topics In this specific situation, simply spend more time focusing on what the decision-maker did correctly or incorrectly.)
  4. US President Truman deciding to drop atomic bombs on Japan: This decision may have been the most significant of human history because it marked the introduction of a technology that could annihilate the human race. When President Truman permitted the deployment of atomic weapons on Japanese civilians, he ushered in a grave chapter of human history.
  5. Deciding what to wear today: This might be the most mundane decision because every human does this each and every day; however, because it is extraordinarily routine, it might be one of the most fascinating proposal essay topics — if composed thoughtfully.
  6. Purchasing decisions in the supermarket: Similarly, everyone must decide what to eat several times every day. In an essay on this subject, focus on the general trends that describe grocery shopping decisions.
  7. Picking a book to read: The average American reads fewer books than at any earlier time in history, souse an essay on selecting a book to read to explore this issue. (This is particularly interesting when you recognize that more books are being published nowadays than ever before.)


Picking the right essay topic on everyday life

  1. Marriage: In bygone eras, most children were born within wedlock, but the contemporary world contains proportionally fewer marriages. Essays can explore this topic in a multitude of different ways, but the next two ideas are particularly suitable marriage-related topics
  2. Pressure on women to marry: In most societies, women are coerced into marriage more forcefully than men, so this is a remarkable topic for investigating sexism in everyday life.
  3. Personal feelings on marriage: Alternatively, your essay could also be about how you personally feel about marriage.
  4. Sports: Everywhere in the world, fans fervently adore sports, so it’s a spectacular subject for an essay, irrespective of whether your tone is serious or lighthearted.
  5. Football: Because it has gradually become the top sport in America, a football essay is especially relevant to readers, but because of the long-term health risks associated with concussions, football is well-suited for a sports persuasive essay (or any sports college essay).
  6. Basketball: After soccer, basketball is the most rapidly growing sport globally. Your basketball essay could delve into the geopolitical implications of this newly globalized sport.
  7. Love: It is the quintessential human emotion, and that’s why love is a timeless topic for any writing assignment.
  8. Happiness: Love and happiness go together, so it is no surprise that happiness is a fruitful writing topic — concentrate on the pursuit of happiness, simply being happy, or anything else.
  9. Christmas carols: Everyday life includes the holidays that come just once a year. It might sound strange, but you should strongly consider writing about Christmas carols. In fact, the next few topics are even more specific regarding Christmas carol topics.
  10. The 19th century origins of Christmas carols: You could write about the origins of Christmas carols, most of which date back to the 19th century — previously, Christmas songs were restricted to church hymns.
  11. Christmas carols around the world: Every country with significant populations of Christian celebrates Christmas uniquely, and this makes the global diversity of Christmas carols one of the more interesting research topics.
  12. Personal feelings evoked Christmas carols: Once again, you can choose to make yourself the topic of your essay, and you can do this by simply writing about how Christmas carols make you


Picking the right essay topic on health

  1. Food: Everyone consumes food, so you surely have something to say about any number of countless food topics that are available. The next few ideas are more focused within the broader context of food.
  2. Healthy eating: In the wealthiest and poorest countries on earth, healthy eating means very different things, and focusing on either variety of healthy eating has plenty of potential.
  3. Fast food: People have never eaten so much fast food as they do in our busy contemporary world, so write about this interesting trend that has plenty of health implications as well.
  4. Childhood obesity: Because of all the high-calorie foods that are available today, many children in industrialized countries have weight problems — this has some extraordinary potential for persuasive writing.
  5. Alcoholism: Substance abuse problems like alcoholism have been an exemplary subject of writing for a long time. You can use a data-based approach for a research report or contemplate the implications of this problem.
  6. Teen pregnancy: In many regions of the world, teen pregnancy rates are lower than ever, but the phenomenon is often associated with poverty and lower levels of education.
  7. Smoking: In the United States, smoking is one of the top causes of death, and there are so many ways to expound upon smoking that the following topics are just a tiny percentage.
  8. Smoking in public: Should it be outlawed, is it a public health hazard, or just a basic liberty that the government is unjustified to control or even regulate?
  9. Smoking should be banned: This is an extremely and unusually strong stance to take, but often these are the most entertaining essays to author.
  10. Why people smoke: All smokers have their initial justifications for beginning to smoke, so perhaps use your essay to explore one or more reasons.
  11. Quitting smoking: Some people use tobacco substitutes like candies or even nicotine gum, but everyone struggles.
  12. Smoking and mood: If you smoke or know a smoker, the linkage between smoking and mood is undeniably intriguing.
  13. Second-hand smoke: When people smoke, those who are nearby also breathe in many of those toxins, so you could write about the moral implications or even just the societal and health impacts.
  14. Smoking and cancer: Everyone understands that smoking and inhalation of cigarette smoke is linked to cancer, so if you choose this topic, attempt to take a novel perspective.
  15. Smoking and cardiovascular disease: Long-term smoking has been linked to heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which means it should be fairly straightforward to convince your reader of these very clear dangers.
  16. Peer pressure: The vast majority of smokers begin as youths because their friends or acquaintances are already smoking.
  17. In pop culture: Movies and television series were once exceedingly common mediums for the depiction of smoking, but your essay could explore how this pattern has evolved over time.
  18. Acquiring habits from family members: As pointed out by a famous public service announcement from the 1980s, drug use like smoking actually runs in families. You could explain why this should or should not be the case — both make terrific essays.


Picking the right topics on ethics and society

  1. Abortion: In majority Christian nations, there is no more contentious topic than abortion, which is why the next few ideas converge upon this controversial subject. (Of course you can always write a balanced abortion research paper where you present various abortion facts.)
  2. Abortion as a controversy: You could treat your abortion essay as an abortion debate essay in which rather than taking one position, you do your best to present both perspectives.
  3. The case against abortion: In writing an abortion pro-life essay, you should proffer various potential reasons to oppose abortion.
  4. The case for access to abortion: You may also consider an abortion prochoice essay. In this type of abortion persuasive essay, you should emphasize the costs to individuals and society when women are denied access to abortions.
  5. Honor: Whether it is honor killings or honor as a device in literature, so many essayists have pondered honor that there is certainly at least one more decent essay to be written on the subject.
  6. Shoplifting: One of the most common forms of crime in the world includes petty thefts such as those that occur during shoplifting. Your essay could spotlight the motivation of individuals for shoplifting, methods of discouraging the practice, or even its implications to retail businesses. (Maybe you can even detail a personal story about a friend who has shoplifted.)
  7. Domestic violence: Violence against women and children is immeasurably frequent in all societies, so you can use your essay as an opportunity to explore domestic violence (though it may be personally challenging).
  8. Animal cruelty: Another woefully wide spread form of abuse is animal cruelty, which can range from dog fights to factory farming and everything in between.
  9. Capital punishment: The vast majority of governments have banned this most barbaric of practices. When judicial systems have the authority to take lives as punishment for crimes, there are serious social implications.
  10. Current events: If you are having a difficult time picking a topic, open up a newspaper or go to your favorite news website. Your next essay can be on the first article you read that captures your attention.
  11. Child labor: In the developed world, the job of children is to simply learn, grow, and enjoy themselves, but in the developing world, this is unfortunately not reality — the next few topics give some specificity to this rather problematic matter.
  12. History of child labor: Under this subject, you would survey the diminution in child labor over time, but you might also want to consider atypical counter examples of this trend.
  13. Child labor across the world: In this sort of essay, you should evaluate how child labor varies from one geographic region to another.
  14. Child labor laws: The foremost reason child labor doesn’t occur is because it is banned by law, so take some time to research how effective these laws are — and aren’t.
  15. Unemployment: Sometimes, there aren’t sufficient jobs for even the adults in a nation, never mind the children, so consider exploring why this economic failure happens.

Hopefully, that is enough college essay topics for you to make a great choice, but if you need more proposal argument essay topics, check out the rest of the materials on the Custom-writing.org blog. There are general writing tips, essay formatting guidelines, and much more to guide your writing.

But if tips and tricks are inadequate or you truly need some real college essay examples, reach out to the writing experts at Custom-writing.org. They can give you the essay you need, when you need it, so your grades keep you and your parents happy.

Literary Analysis Topics and Themes: the Ultimate List


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Literature courses are all about two things: reading and writing about what you’ve read. It’s hard enough to understand great pieces of literature, never mind analyze them.

But you’re in luck:

This article summarizes a vast array of literary analysis topics and literary analysis topic ideas. These insights into the literary analysis paper topics that you need to write about provide you with the first step towards producing a great literary essay.

But this first tip is perhaps the most important. If you’re struggling with your essay, contact the experts at Custom-writing.org. Professional quality writing is just a few clicks away. (And this expertise is surprisingly affordable.)


General tips for writing well about literature

But first:

Before delving into the great topics and themes of this article, it’s important to note some ground rules for writing about literature. Here are three very basic points that will help to make sure you get a great grade on your essay:

  1. Make sure you refer to the literature you are writing about in the proper format. For example, the titles of plays and full-length books should be italicized while poems and short stories should be in quotes (under the MLA style).
  2. If your essay contains quotes, make sure that those quotes are properly attributed with the correct page numbers and lines. (Ask your instructor to make sure you are formatting these quotations correctly.)
  3. Do not directly quote or borrow arguments from a previously published literary analysis sample. Often, teachers see the same forms of argument (and even language) again and again. This is a form of plagiarism. (This is why services like those offered by Custom-writing.org can be so helpful.)

One last thing:

Before moving on to the topics covered by this article, remember that the basics of essay writing are just as important in this style of an essay as any other. This means you need a clear introduction (with a concise thesis statement), a distinct body, and a cohesive conclusion. If you can do this in a 5 paragraph essay, you can certainly do this for much longer essays as well. Don’t get sloppy with your essay structure just because you have a few more pages to express yourself. So make sure you use a literary analysis essay outline!

(If all else fails, try watching a video on literary analysis writing.)


Writing perfect Shakespeare essays

If you’re an English student, you will study the works of William Shakespeare, which is why this article begins with a list of foolproof Shakespeare essay topics. How many Romeo and Juliet essays have been written? There’ve been too many to count. Is there a unique Shakespeare love essay topic left? Surely, there isn’t. But still there are thousands of Shakespeare essay examples written every day by students around the globe. The key to writing a Shakespearian quality essay can be found in this list of Shakespearian literary analysis essay topics.

(By the way, you can find all of Shakespeare’s works on the internet for free.)

Unlocking the top Romeo and Juliet essay topics and themes

  1. Romeo and Juliet essay examples can be found all over the internet. Here are some of the top Romeo and Juliet themes and topics.

1a. Fate in Romeo and Juliet: We all know that Romeo and Juliet were the archetypal star-crossed lovers. Throughout the text of this famous work, Shakespeare makes it quite clear that their love is doomed by fate.

1b. Light and dark in Romeo and Juliet: Both light and dark, as well as the more general concept of contrasts, figure heavily into the language of this play. Romeo himself is the embodiment of someone containing contrasting elements.

1c. Time in Romeo and Juliet: Romeo visits Juliet in the course of the night, promising to return in the future. And all this occurs in a play that spans less than a week’s time. For this reason, the theme of time is usually discussed in the context of how short our time truly is.

1d. Love in Romeo and Juliet: But of course, love is the ultimate theme of Romeo and Juliet. The tragic love of this pair has become a cliché for romantic fatalism for a very good reason. Love is perhaps the number 1 topic of Romeo and Juliet essay prompts.

  1. Shakespeare’s Hamlet may be the second most widely assigned play in the history of English courses. Accordingly, here are the top Hamlet essay topics.


2a. Mortality in Hamlet: Here is your spoiler alert—the title characters of most Shakespearean plays do not survive.And Hamlet is no exception. As you read this play, pay special attention to the characters that die and those, like Yorick, who died before the play began.

2b. Women and misogyny in Hamlet: In the time in which the play is set, women were not treated very well in society. Characters like Gertrude and Ophelia are not treated well in the play, and they are an excellent prism through which to consider the place of women in society.

2c. Madness in Hamlet: The cliché “method to his madness” is derived from this classic play. This is a great topic or theme for any student reading Hamlet.

  1. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is the last (and shortest) of the 3 big Shakespearean plays that every high school student reads before graduation. Like the rest of William Shakespeare’s tragedies, it is full of meaningful themes and topics for literary analysis essays.

3a. The corrupting influence of ambition in Macbeth: The title character is on a quest, and throughout the play he time and again decides that the ends justify the means. Alternatively, you can explore how Lady Macbeth does precisely the same thing in pursuing her goals.

3b. Witchcraft in Macbeth: The three witches’ prophecies famously propel Macbeth to take action. However, many essays have been written on the supernatural element of Lady Macbeth sleepwalking. (By the way, Lady Macbeth herself is one of the best Macbeth essay topics.)

But wait, there’s more:

Shakespeare wrote many more plays beyond the big 3 listed above. Here are a couple more topics and works that show of the range of William Shakespeare.

  1. Shakespeare’s King Lear is one of the longest works by the Bard. (This is another name for Shakespeare, by the way.)And King Lear is filled with great essay topics. Many actors feel that the title role is one of the most challenging available for an actor because of his gradual descent into madness. Accordingly, “madness” is perhaps the best topic related to this play.
  2. Shakespearean sonnets like “Sonnet 18” make excellent Shakespeare essay topics because they are so succinct, but so rich with meaning. Love and adoration, which are expressed in “Sonnet 18” and throughout his other sonnets, are great critical analysis essay topics. Use Shakespearean sonnets as an opportunity to show off how many poems you can analyze in a single literary analysis example.

This list only scratches the surface, so check out literary analysis sample essays on Shakespeare written by professionals. There are plenty of excellent essay collections available on the web.


Great ideas for other literary analysis essay prompts in non-fiction

The world of literature goes far beyond William Shakespeare and fiction in general. Here is a bunch of more literary analysis paper topics for other great works of literature.

  1. Elie Wiesel’s classic memoire of the holocaust Night is a difficult book for many students to read. And yet, most students need to write a Night by Elie Wiesel essay at some point. (If you need help with specific Night essay questions and answers, check out one of the many resources on the book.) In fact, many students need to write one Night by Elie Wiesel essay in high school and another in college. Every decent Night analysis essay should touch on the key themes challenged religious faith and the inhumanity of people towards others. (Overcoming this latter theme is actually the focus of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.)
  2. Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild chronicles the journey of 22-year-old Christopher McCandless from modern society into a 2-year trip in the wilderness of the western United States. This work of non-fiction explores the themes of escape, society, and the power of nature. (Warning: things do not end well for McCandless along the Stampede Trail of Alaska.)


There is a lot of great nonfiction. But most great books assigned in English courses are fiction. Read on to learn how to write essays for great pieces of fiction.


Finding the best topic literary analysis paper topics in the classics

Works of literature from Ancient Greece have a timeless quality. This has kept them taught in our educational system for thousands of years. With thousands of years to digest them, there is little that hasn’t already been written about these works.


Keep the scope of your essays on the classics somewhat modest.But be sure to consult other sources if you’re confused.

  1. Plato is perhaps the most influential thinker in the Western World. Accordingly, it is not an easy task to write about his powerful philosophical tomes. Most teachers will assign only portions of The Republic, so it is important to approach essays about them carefully.
  2. “Antigone” is one of the masterworks of the Greek playwright Sophocles. The key themes to explore in this tale of royal succession include civil disobedience, natural and human law, and faithfulness.


Powerful literary analysis topics within the subject of race        

An exceptional amount of writing has been devoted to the subject of race. Here are a few of the most important works on this controversial topic.

  1. J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians is a powerful book. (It earned its author from South Africa a Nobel Prize in Literature.) A short Waiting for the Barbarians summary should capture the narrative of the escalation of tensions between a fictional colonial town and its surrounding indigenous population. When the protagonist helps a native woman, he begins to doubt the humanity of colonialism, another of the key Waiting for the Barbarians themes that should be explored in any Waiting for the Barbarians analysis.
  2. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is the chilling tale of young Marlow’s voyage up the Congo River. There he meets the wicked ivory trader Kurtz. The book explores the themes of imperialism and racism. It also questions the civility of Western society over supposedly savage indigenous people.
  3. Mark Twain is one of the great American writers and satirists. But his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn delved into themes and topics that are among the most serious of any literary analysis essay topics. These include freedom versus slavery and man versus nature.
  4. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was an instant classic. Like many great books of the 20th century, To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the American South. And like many books set in the American South, it explores the themes of race and justice. (Note: this book is full of amazing quotes that can be used to motivate your essay.)


Profound literary analysis topics in women’s literature   

Literary analysis on the topics of gender and women in society is critical to understanding the modern world. Here are a few powerful essay topics in this area.

  1. Alice Walker is one of the great literary figures of the 20th century. She’s written many notable books and stories. But two of her works rise above the rest, and are referenced by more than one literary analysis sample online.

14a. The Color Purple is Walker’s most famous work. This National Book Award-winning work features the themes of sexism, racism, and the disruption of traditional gender roles. (This book is not for the faint of heart. There are many vivid depictions of violence contained in this cultural touchstone for African American women.)

14b. Alice Walker’s second most noted work is the short story “Everyday Use.” In this short story about heirloom possessions passed down from one generation of women to another, the author explores the themes of family and differences between generations.

  1. Despite her brief life, Jane Austin was one of the most important literary figures of the 19th century. Few authors were as talented as her. And even fewer dared to express the challenges of being a woman at the end of the 1700s. In her work, themes of overt sexism are not as common as themes of women working to secure firm places in society.

15a. Social standing and wealth are the two key themes of one of Austen’s most beloved novels, Pride and Prejudice. In this book, the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet must choose between two suitors. One is a personable man. The other is better established in society, though less kind.

15b. Emma is the tale of a young woman who’s less interested in securing her own marriage than those of her sisters. The key themes of this novel are the constraints placed upon women in 17th century society as well as marriage and social status.


Mastering topics in 19th and 20th century literature

Don’t forget:

Many of the great literary works in the English language were written in the golden era of the 19th and 20th centuries. These works, ranging from epic novels to short poems, provide insight into the themes that have come to define the spirit of the Anglophone world.

  1. There is no more famous detective, fiction or real, than Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” contained in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the favorite Holmes story of both the author and readers. Accordingly, many students are assigned literary analyses of this short story, which explores the themes of chaos as well as good versus evil.
  2. Students of all ages have read Lord of the Flies, the classic novella by William Golding that explores the dangers of groupthink and the conflicts between rationality and irrationality as well as between morality and immorality. How the characters, a group of young boys marooned on an island, struggle to survive is an allegory of modern society.
  3. William Goldman’s The Princess Bride was such an entertaining story that it was adapted into an even more popular film. The major themes explored in this book include the power of love to conquer all and the arbitrary nature of time and history.

19 D. H. Lawrence is one of the masters of 20th century English literature, and the short story “The Rocking Horse Winner” demonstrates his skill as well as any of his works. In this tale of a struggling family, the themes of money and greed are most fully explored, as a young boy uses clairvoyance gained on a rocking horse to predict race outcomes.

  1. The American writer John Steinbeck captured the hardships faced by normal people during the Great Depression. His novella Of Mice and Men is a classic tale of struggle. The main recurring theme among the characters is striving after dreams, often futilely, as demonstrated by each of the characters, from George and Lennie to Candy and Curley’s wife.
  2. Playwright Tennessee Williams’s masterpiece “A Streetcar Named Desire” is perhaps the most famous American dramatic play of all time. In this provocative play, the themes of reality and fantasy in conflict as well as the contemporary dependence of women on men are explored.


Excellent themes and topics for analysis of poetry

Many of the great works of literature are actually poems. Writing about poems requires a special approach.

Keep in mind:

Most essays on poetry actually exceed the length of the poems themselves. Accordingly, don’t be afraid to quote the poem heavily and give several alternative interpretations.

  1. The short-lived American poet and writer Stephen Crane wrote the acclaimed American Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage. But he also wrote a collection of poems entitled War is Kind. Through these poems, he delved deep into the themes of war and violence based on his experience in the Spanish–American and Greco–Turkish Wars.
  2. At the opposite end of the poetry spectrum you can find the Elizabethan-era Englishman John Donne. His works were largely written in the form of sonnets focused on the themes of love, social criticism, death, and religion.

The best topics in contemprorary literature

Finding the best topics in contemporary literature

But remember:

Excellent books are still being written! Once in a while, your instructor may ask you to analyze a more recent work. Here are a few great books to consider for your next essay.

  1. Sherman Alexie’s novel Reservation Blues tells the story of a group of young men on a Spokane Indian reservation who obtain the enchanted guitar of a legendary bluesman. This book explores many themes of Native American life as well as overcoming obstacles and poverty.
  2. Montana 1948 by Larry Watson is a novella set in the Western American state of Montana, where a young man’s family struggles to survive. The book explores the themes of loyalty, justice, and family obligations.
  3. In Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, the protagonist Susie dies a violent death. And then her spirit proceeds to watch over the investigation of her disappearance and her family members’ lives. The key themes of this book are mortality, justice, and grief.
  4. Last but not least, you may want to write about one of the volumes of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. Just remember, when you write about a book that also became a movie, actually read the book! (And most importantly, don’t confuse the two. It’s an easy way to convince your teacher that you didn’t read the book, even when you did.)


Maybe you haven’t even begun reading the book. Maybe you still haven’t even picked one of the literary analysis topics. This is precisely when you need help from Custom-writing.org. With an easy payment via credit card, PayPal, or wire transfer, you can be on your way to a great paper and top grade.


How to Write an Outline That Will Earn an A+ Grade



Having a hard time writing an essay or a research paper? Suffering from “blank page syndrome”? Are you sure you’re doing everything right? You probably are if you know how to write an outline…

But do you?

To many of you, an outline may seem like just another piece of extra work to do, but trust us, it will end up saving you a significant amount of time. Before writing any kind of paper, you should think carefully about what you’re going to write about and how you’re going to structure your writing. It’s quite a serious challenge to do both things simultaneously—and that’s where a well-developed outline will save you.


The outline basics

Writing an outline can be briefly defined as crafting an overall plan or framework that will be later perfected into a speech or a written paper (though actually it’s helpful to write an outline for a research paper, essay, or even for writing a resume).

What are the main functions of an outline?

  • Organizing your thoughts and making sure no key points are missed
  • Structuring the material presented
  • Putting in order and relating the different parts of the issue to each other
  • Providing the relative importance of every point and aspect of the document

Here’s a tip:

  • Say “No” to writing before you’ve thought carefully.
  • Outline writing will allow you to avoid rambling and wandering around your topic. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you know how easy it is to get lost in an unfamiliar area without a map. This idea is perfectly applicable to writing an outline!


The outline structure

The outline structure helps maintain the logical organization of your final document.

So, what are the essential parts?

  • Introduction (containing your thesis statement)
  • Body (providing the argument, pieces of evidence, or relevant examples)
  • Conclusion

Why should you stick to all these points?

It should be constructed this way in order to keep you from losing direction throughout your paper. The right outline will ensure that you properly support your thesis statement with everything you cover in the paper. It will prevent you from going off topic.

Here are some more useful points to keep in mind:

  • List in the outline all the important points you will end up writing in your essay, research paper, or whatever it is you’re working on.
  • Each paragraph should specify just one point. Don’t make the reader rack his brains trying to understand and get to the point.
  • Your introduction is the starting point that describes your overall opinion or statement on the topic. Afterwards, move on point by point, coming to a logical conclusion at the end. All of your paragraphs should be categorized according to their significance.
  • Gather related ideas together in a group under general headings, and arrange them in a way that flows logically. Numbering is a useful tool here, letting you assign more or less weight to the appropriate points and ideas. You can also place minor points off in the margins of the paper according to their decreasing importance.

How does your outline structure help your readers?

Some of you may be thinking: “This is my outline, so I can create my outline the way I consider it to be best.”

That’s right, but if your outline will be read by anyone else, a rigid, clearly organized structure will considerably help your reader.

And here’s why…

The outline allows your reader to:

  • Easily read and quickly perceive the information visually
  • Take a break between sections to think over previous ones
  • Understand signals about changing the focus
  • Catch the logical exposition of the topic


Guidelines for outline formatting

There are certain rules you should follow in order to make a helpful outline.

So, how do you write an outline? Let’s take a look.

  1. A clear and precise organizational system is essential. The topics should be subdivided by numbers and letters, followed by a period.
  1. Every section (heading/subheading) should consist of at least two entries. For example:
  • If your outline starts with a section under Roman numeral I, it must also include a section labeled Roman numeral II.
  • If you have a capital letter A under category I, there must follow a capital letter B. Then continue with capital letters C, D, E, and so on, depending on how much information you are going to cover.
  1. The major points in the outline correspond to your key ideas, which will be placed in each paragraph’s topic sentence.
  • The first Roman numeral is for the introduction.
  • The next one is for the first body paragraph.
  • The third one is for the second body paragraph. (Use as many body paragraphs as you need to fully support your thesis.)
  • The last one is for your conclusion.
  1. Unique headings are not necessary for the introduction and conclusion. You can simply use the words “Introduction” and “Conclusion.”

Here is a tip:

  • Always be as consistent as possible. Choose the numbering style that you think works best for your paper and stick to it.
  • To avoid confusing yourself or your reader, never mix different types of outline.


Examples of different outline formats


  1. Topic outline

Particular features: The headings are words or phrases rather than complete sentences. This outline format is particularly appropriate when dealing with various issues that could be arranged in different ways.

Research essay outline:

Negative Influence of Computer Games on Children

  1. Introduction
    1. Do computer games cause human aggression?
      1. Brief statistical data
      2. The issue of causation
      1. Recent research
        1. Studies “for” computer games
        2. Studies “against” computer games
        1. Evidence “against” outweighs the evidence “for” computer games
  1. Research for
    1. First investigation “for”
      1. Method
      2. Tools
      3. Results
      4. Commenting on the conclusion
      1. Second investigation “for”
        1. Method
        2. Tools
        3. Results
        4. Commenting on the conclusion
  1. Research “Against”
    1. Study “against”
      1. Method
      2. Tools
      3. Results
      4. Commenting on the conclusion
      1. Second study “against”
        1. Method
        2. Tools
        3. Results
        4. Commenting on the conclusion
  1. Conclusion
    1. Questionable results of studies “for”
    2. More evidence from studies “against”
    3. Negative influence of computer games on children proven by research
    4. No further research needed


  1. Full sentence outline

Particular features: The different levels are given in complete sentences.

  • A full sentence outline is usually used when your paper concentrates on complex details. A sentence outline gives you the opportunity to specify details directly in the headings rather than creating a long, confusing outline consisting of many brief phrases.
  • This type of outline is usually accompanied by an APA reference list, provided on a separate page. If you want to include quotes within the outline, use APA in-text citations for that.

Basic essay outline example:

Open Online Libraries Have Changed the Way People Learn Today

  1. Introduction
    1. Online libraries give 24-hour access to global information, making people read more.
    2. There is no need to spend hours at traditional libraries anymore.
    3. Online books can be downloaded and read at any time.
    1. The expansion of online libraries gives more opportunities for self-education.
      1. Statistical data provides evidence about the self-education popularity increase.
      2. Several theories point to the future of global e-learning.
        1. Free online education has multiple effects on qualification levels.
          1. Many industries today lack highly-qualified specialists with solid academic backgrounds.
          2. The quick and simple e-learning process makes people promptly lose their knowledge due to lack of practical training.
            1. Conclusion
              1. Open access presents serious competition to traditional colleges.
              2. E-learning provides great perspectives for people’s level of education.


        1. Alphanumeric outline

        Particular features: This outline format is a mixture of letters and numbers that follow this order:

  • Roman numerals
  • Capitalized letters
  • Arabic numerals
  • Lowercase letters

For even further subdivision, you can use Arabic numerals inside parentheses and then lowercase letters inside parentheses.

An ordinary job application outline sample:

The Job Application Process

  1. Introduction
  1. Find the desired company/employer.
    1. Surf the web to find out more about work conditions.
      1. Check the company’s website.
      2. Find the employers’ references/opinions about the work environment.
      1. Find a vacancy relevant to your professional background.
  1. Send an email with your CV to the targeted employer.
    1. Write a personal address in the email.
      1. Be positive and confident.
      2. Stay clear in stating what you want.
      1. Attach your CV.
      2. Attach recommendation letters (if available).
  1. Prepare for your interview and get the job.
    1. Wait for feedback from HR.
    1. Get ready for the interview.
    1. Review your CV.
    2. Think about possible interview questions and answers.
    1. Pass the interview.
    1. Become an outstanding employee!
  1. Conclusion


  1. Decimal outline

Particular features: This style of outline is very similar in format to the alphanumeric type. But it’s slightly more detailed in that the decimal notation system clearly shows how every level of the outline is related to the larger whole.

A basic essay outline sample:

Modern Tendency for Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Introduction
    1. Importance of health in modern world
      1. Increasing health care level
      2. Quitting bad habits and exercising more
    1. Recent research about healthy life tendency
      1. Past studies’ results
      2. Recent health care studies’ results
  1. Healthy lifestyle benefits
    1. More active lives around the world
      1. Expanding fitness services market
      2. Fewer health issues in sportsmen
    1. Fewer tobacco and alcohol addictions
      1. More reading about cigarettes and alcohol harm
      2. Fewer cases of lung and liver cancer
  1. Conclusion
    1. Obvious increase in popularity healthy lifestyle
    2. Future encouragement of healthy life among young people worldwide


  1. Compare and contrast essay outline

Particular features: This format is characterized by the comparison between several objects, issues, or events, as well as an assessment of their similarities and differences.

A compare and contract essay outline sample:

Compare and Contrast of Print Books and E-books

(block method)

  1. Introduction
    1. Four main differing factors: visual look, tactile feeling, durability, greenness
    2. Growing popularity of e-books
    1. Print books features
      1. Design (available in all sizes and shapes, appealing to people)
      2. Feeling (different weights, textures, and smells)
      3. Durability (may last for centuries)
      4. Greenness (paper-based, electricity-free, recyclable)
      1. E-books features
        1. Design (high-tech, thin)
        2. Feeling (plastic or metal, no “feel”)
        3. Durability (may break or get viruses)
        4. Greenness (paper-free, electricity-based, not recyclable)
        1. Conclusions
          1. Summarizing the similarities
          2. Summarizing the differences
          3. Concluding the importance of topic

          Compare and Contract of Print Books and E-books

          (point-by-point arrangement)

          1. Introduction
          1. Four main differing factors: visual look, tactile feeling, durability, greenness
          2. Growing popularity of e-books
          1. Design
            1. Print books (available in all sizes and shapes, appealing to people)
            2. E-books (high-tech, thin)
            1. Feeling
            1. Print books (different weights, textures, and smells)
            2. E-books (plastic or metal, have no “feel”)
            1. Durability
            1. Print books (may last for centuries)
            2. E-books (can break or get viruses)
            1. Greennes
            1. Print books (paper-based, electricity-free, recyclable)
            2. E-books (paper-free, electricity-based, not recyclable)
            1. Conclusion
            1. Summarizing the similarities
            2. Summarizing the differences
            3. Concluding the importance of topic


          Make your outline more effective

          Do you want to know how to write an outline that is sure to become the benchmark?

          1. Keep phrases and sentences structure in harmony.

          In order to reach consonance and harmony in your outline structure, you should think over the similarity of all constructions used (grammatically, stylistically, etc.). Keeping everything consistent will significantly improve the readability and visual perception of the content.

          For example:

          1. Choose an appropriate topic.
          2. Make a clear outline.
          3. Write an outstanding essay.
        1. Maintain the synergy between similar paragraphs.

        The level of importance of each heading should be similar, and the same coordination should be applied to subheadings.

        1. Perform in-depth research.
        2. Write a research paper.
          1. Provide your hypothesis justification.
          2. Write down relevant conclusions.
        1. Keep the subordination.

        Though it may seem obvious, remember to stick to the relevant paragraphs’ rankings. The most common order moves from the general (headings) to the specific (subheadings).

        1. Choose the desired library.
        2. Visit the library archives.
          1. Find the books for your essay writing.
          2. Make useful notes.


          Stay focused, yet flexible

          Even though there is a pretty strict outline format, it shouldn’t make you less flexible throughout the writing process. Start developing the outline before you are too deep in the topic so that it can take a different shape and change the direction in the process. Feel free to delete some sections and add new ones as you learn more about your topic.

          As you make major reorganizations to your paper, though, be sure to keep from losing your focus. Your outline should help you stay concentrated; when the writing deviates from the outline too much, your focus may be lost—giving you an unstructured array of information.

          What should you do if your paper has strayed from the outline?

          Recreate your outline based on what you’ve actually written in your paper. Check your paper carefully, and if it seems difficult to outline, that may be an indication that it’s too confusing or off topic. Go back and revise or update the document accordingly.

          By using the outline as your tool to structure your academic writing, it will become a good friend on the way to your aim. This way, your paper will stay organized and structured.

          Tip: Did you know that you can create outlines using Microsoft Word? All you have to do is:

  • Click on the Home tab.
  • Find the Paragraph settings below.
  • Choose your outline format.

Hopefully, this knowledge of outlining will help you boost your personal efficiency. And now you can confidently claim that you know how to write an outline!


Helpful links for better outline writing:

Would you like to write your essay fast? This essay outline sample handout in PDF [link] will help you.

Some good outline samples and examples can also be found around the web:

APA outline format examples

MLA research paper outline

Definition essay outline template

Good luck with your writing, and may your outlining be effective.

Quick Guide on How to Write an Impressive Essay on Dengue Fever


doctor with document file word dengue on mosquito modern medical

Dengue fever is a quite dangerous febrile disease that can even cause death. Nowadays, this disease can be found in the tropics and Africa. Do not think that it is only thick forests where dengue fever can be found. The urban areas of many developed countries like Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, and India are also vulnerable to this disease. Dengue fever is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which also transmits such diseases as Chikungunya and yellow fever.

So, you have to write an essay on dengue fever. What could the main purpose of such an essay be? Usually, the main goal of writing an essay on dengue fever to tell about the ways to prevent this disease and to introduce some new methods of treatment.


Here are some hints on writing essays on dengue fever.

  • Essays on dengue fever have to describe the symptoms of the disease first of all. Dengue fever is an infectious disease, and many people confuse it with malaria. Thus, the symptoms should definitely be presented in your essay on dengue fever. They are a severe headache, pain in the muscles and joints, and a rash that can be described as small red spots. Some patients experience gastritis, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  • In your essays on dengue fever, you should note that the diagnosis of the disease is made clinically in most cases. Thus, if a person has the above-described symptoms, he/she must go to the hospital immediately.
  • Tell about the methods of treatment in your essay on dengue fever. The treatment is mostly based on a supportive therapy. In cases when a patient is suspected to have melena, which is a sign of inner gastrointestinal bleeding, platelet transfusion may be necessary.
  • Your essay on dengue fever should describe the methods of disease prevention. Nowadays, the most reliable method is to control the mosquitoes that transmit the disease. Scientists are also trying to invent a vaccine against dengue fever, but the research is only in the experimental stage now.

So, these are the main points that necessarily should be introduced in essays on dengue fever.


Dengue fever: facts you should know before you start writing an essay

  1. Dengue fever is a potentially lethal disease that affects 50 million people a year. This disease can be found in sub-tropical and tropical regions around the world.
  2. The first registered epidemic of dengue fever happened in 1779-1780 across Asia, Africa, and North America.
  3. A global pandemic of dengue fever began in Southeast Asia after World War II.
  4. Most cases of dengue fever occur in urban areas.
  5. Infected mosquitoes pass on the dengue fever virus for the rest of their lives.
  6. Only female mosquitoes are carriers of dengue fever.
  7. There are four different strains of the virus that causes dengue fever.
  8. The Aedes mosquito that transmits dengue fever is most active in the day time, especially around dawn and dusk. However, you should remember that this mosquito can bite any time of day or night.
  9. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever.
  10. Patients who have dengue fever should never take aspirin because it can intensify the bleeding. Instead, they should take paracetamol to relieve pain.
  11. Between 2015 and 2016, the first dengue vaccine was licensed in several countries.
  12. In most cases, dengue fever symptoms include muscle pain, skin rash, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, and a disintegration of blood vessels, leading to heavy bleeding.

Keep these interesting facts in mind as you write your essay on dengue fever.


How to write a dengue fever essay

Learning to write good essays takes time and experience. If you have never written an English essay before, or if you just want to improve your essay writing skills, you should go through several steps in a dengue fever essay writing process.

To write a good essay on any topic you should:

  • Decide what kind of essay you will write
  • Brainstorm your essay topic
  • Do thorough research
  • Develop a strong thesis
  • Outline your essay
  • Write your essay
  • Edit your essay for content, organization, spelling, and grammar

Let’s break each of these steps down.


Types of essays

Your first step in writing a dengue fever essay is to decide what kind of essay to write.

There are five major types of essays:

  1. Narrative essays: Tell a story or impart information in an orderly manner.
  2. Descriptive essays: Focus on describing the details of what is going on.
  3. Persuasive essays: Convince your reader of some point of view.
  4. Comparative essays: Compare two or more things.
  5. Expository essays: Explain to your reader how to do some process.


Once you have decided what kind of essay you are going to write, you can structure your essay in the best possible way.


It’s a simple fact. You cannot write your essay unless you have a good idea of what to write about. During the brainstorming phase, think of as many ideas as you can, writing down anything that comes to mind. After you have a long list of ideas, choose the best or most interesting one.


Doing research is an important step if you want to write an interesting essay about dengue fever. Go to the library or find the necessary information on the internet.

Developing a Thesis

The thesis is the central idea of your essay. It should clearly outline the main point that you hope to express in your essay. Include your thesis at the end of your introductory paragraph.

Outlining your essay

Writing an outline can help ensure that your essay is logical and well organized. You should start by writing the thesis at the top and then writing a topic sentence for each paragraph. Fill in facts from your research under each paragraph. Feel free to move supporting facts around and change your outline until you have a clear and strong organization.


Writing your essay

Start writing from the outline itself. Develop your body paragraphs by giving plenty of detailed information and examples. Write the conclusion to provide reinforcement of your thesis.

Reviewing and editing your essay

Read your essay on dengue fever again to see if it makes sense. Revise it for clarity, consistency, and structure. Make sure everything you have written flows together. During this stage, also revise your essay for technical errors. Check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Congratulations! By following these easy steps, you have just written an excellent essay.

Use these tips to write a great essay about dengue fever that will impress your readers. No doubt, if you work hard, you will succeed in essay writing and get the good grades you deserve.
Essays are the most common academic paper, and although they may seem easy to write, they take a lot of time and practice. If you need writing help, our free tips will help you to get through any kind of essay. But if you feel that your writing skills are far from perfect and you need some professional writing help, you can order your perfect essay from our custom writing service.

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200 Powerful Words to Use Instead of “Good” [Infographic]



Do you find yourself using the word “good” to describe just about anything? Good weather, good movies, good music, good life, good this, good that…

Surely, it’s convenient and time-efficient to use one word over and over again, but does it really express the exact meaning you’d like to convey? We bet it doesn’t.

That’s why we’ve put together this handy infographic containing 200 different words for “good” to help you make your speech and writing more powerful and impactful.

Don’t wrack your brain looking for other words for “good”—just choose the one you like from our infographic!



The Advantages of a Research Proposal Sample


Business People Diverse Brainstorm Business Meeting Concept. Young designers working together on a creative project.

It may sound strange, but few students fully get the meaning and the significance of a research proposal. Actually, if you have a good research proposal, it means that you are going to carry out a good research. A bad and low-quality research proposal may be the reason your research will never start.

The main purpose of a research proposal is to convince the reader of the value of your project and your competence. You will have to prove that you have a plan for your work and that your project will be successful. Your reader has to be sure that it is not another useless piece of writing, but a profound work of research that will be extremely important for science.

We do not want to say that making a research proposal is easy. Most students face numerous problems with it. That is why the thing that will really help you is a research proposal sample.

So, how can you benefit from a research proposal sample?

  1. See the overall structure.
    A research proposal sample will show you the parts that should be included. What’s more, you will understand how each part must be organized and what information is necessary. Proper organization is necessary, and you can study it in this research proposal sample.
  2. Examine the most important parts.
    There are several parts in every research proposal that are of great significance. These are the literature review and Pay special attention to these parts when you are studying the research proposal sample you found.
  3. Avoid some common mistakes.
    A research proposal sample is the best way to find out the most common mistakes that are made in research proposals. Among these mistakes are not focusing on the main problem of the research, being unable to provide necessary arguments to support the project, not following the requirements of a particular format, and many others. No one wants to make these kinds of mistakes. That is why you should study the research proposal samples you found attentively.

We can enumerate many other advantages of a research proposal sample, but we do not think it is really necessary. If you have any difficulties with your research proposal, you have nothing to do but resort to the help of a research proposal sample.


How to write a research proposal

There is no fixed formula for writing an academic research proposal.

First, you should consult with your advisor on your research proposal length, layout, format, table of contents, and number of pages. Keep in mind that good construction and legibility of your research proposal is to your advantage.

The most important thing in writing a good academic research proposal is to outline the reasons you propose to do the research and what processes and procedures you will follow to complete the project.

Here are 10 important steps in writing a good academic research proposal:

  1. Determine a general topic.

The first step in writing a convincing academic research proposal is to identify a general study topic or subject area to investigate. Usually, this is the easiest step because your research proposal will be tied to the general theme of the course.

  1. Perform a literature review on the topic.

You should read as much literature on the general topic as possible. Make notes and summarize the purpose and findings of each study relevant to the topic of the eventual research proposal.

  1. Identify a gap in the literature.

The purpose of conducting a literature review is to find out what studies have already been done on the subject of your research proposal and then to identify any obvious gaps in the literature. Completing an in-depth literature review will open up new opportunities for you to add to the existing body of knowledge within the general subject area.

  1. Identify a problem and frame a purpose statement.

Identify a problem related to the gap in the literature and frame a purpose statement. You should explain why you are investigating this topic, what you propose to do, and why others should be interested in your research.


  1. Write an introduction.

The introduction to the proposal should include:

  • A problem statement
  • A brief summary of the literature
  • A concise description of the gap in the literature
  • A purpose statement
  1. Determine research hypotheses and/or research questions.

Next, you should craft carefully defined research hypotheses and/or research questions for your study. Research hypotheses determine what you are going to investigate and what you expect to find in your research study.

  1. Determine the method of investigation.

The methods section is a very important part of the research proposal. In your methods section, you should outline the procedures you will follow to complete the study you propose.

The methods section generally includes:

  • An explanation of the research design
  • Sample size and characteristics of the proposed sample
  • Data collection and analysis procedures
  1. Determine the research design.

Outline the research design of your academic research proposal. You should describe two or three possible alternatives for each part of the design.

  1. Determine the sample size and the characteristics of the sample.

In this section of your academic paper, you will describe the sample size of your study and the characteristics of the participants in the sample.

  1. Determine the data collection and analysis procedures.

In this section, describe how you are going to collect your data. Explain the scheme of analyzing the collected data and reporting the results.


Parts of the Research Proposal

Academic research proposals generally follow a similar research proposal format, but there are some variations. The following outline includes the primary components of a research proposal. Your research proposal will be a variation of the following basic structure.

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction (including Statement of Problem, Purpose of Research, and Significance of Research)
  5. Background (including Literature Survey)
  6. Description of Proposed Research (including Methods or Approach)
  7. Description of Relevant Institutional Resources
  8. List of References
  9. Personnel
  10. Budget

Make sure your research proposal structure suits the needs of your study.

Do your best to produce a professional looking proposal. Try to be interesting and informative, concise and precise.

Some people think that any literate person can write a good academic research proposal. But unfortunately, this is not true. Academic writing is a difficult skill to master. It requires a lot of practice and some dedication. A research paper is not the most difficult academic assignment, but it does take a lot of time!

A good research proposal sample will allow you to view the overall structure and the most important parts of an academic research proposal and help you avoid the most common mistakes. If you’re having difficulty writing a research proposal, or any other type of academic paper, check out the many academic writing tips available on our website, or order a custom academic paper.
You are certainly welcome to browse our writing tips—but if you’d still like some more help, you can buy an essay from us.

Custom-Writing.org is a one-of-a-kind custom writing service that provides timely help and assistance when students need it the most. If you’ve placed an order with us and purchased a custom written research paper using PayPal or any other payment method, then you’ve guaranteed yourself a quality paper—plus saved time, effort, and money.

A List of 22 Brilliant Research Proposal Topics to Investigate


Manager working on a project in open space office. Paperwork and

Do you have to write a research proposal and can’t choose one from the professor’s list? Probably, this article is what you need. Here you will find possible ideas for research proposal topics that may be used to create your own proposal project.


Writing a research proposal

First of all, let’s make clear what a research proposal is. A research proposal is a paper you write to show others that you have a project to investigate. You should mention why the topic you chose is worth attention, what steps will you take to explore the proposal topic, and what methods and tools will you use.

The purpose of proposal writing is to persuade others that your topic needs to be investigated. Your task is to write a well-structured, impressive text that includes all important elements so that everyone can understand the meaning of your project.

Your research project proposal will also help you develop your project carefully and fully. Of course, it’s important to choose a topic that you like to write about.


What is the correct project proposal format?

Before you start working on the proposal itself, it’s important to first understand the standard proposal writing format.

Every academic paper has defined rules to follow, so let’s take a look at the research proposal structure.

Typically, the very first element is a title.

  1. Title

At the beginning stage, you should choose an interesting topic to investigate.

In this article, you’ll find research proposal topics in many different areas. It’s always easier to choose one if you have a list of proposal topics to browse.

Once you’ve chosen your topic, try to make your title catchy and relevant.

It may sound unbelievable, but a carefully chosen title can do half the job of persuading of your audience.

  1. Abstract

Next, every research proposal needs an abstract. This part of your paper has a very limited word count, typically between 100 and 300 words.

Such a short word count means that you should take this stage even more seriously – it isn’t easy to convince your research committee in just a few lines!

What should you include in your research proposal abstract?

Explain the primary problem you want to explore and tell why it’s important.

What benefits can your investigation bring?

Think about this while choosing a topic and writing your abstract.

  1. Introduction

This is a standard part of every paper, but different documents include various elements in their introductory texts.

A research proposal introduction should contain the following three parts:

A) Research background

To understand the importance of your topic, the audience needs to know how far other researchers have gone.

Mention all of the current and important researchers of your topic, and describe their achievements.

It’s important for your issue to be relevant and important.

B) Research questions

To examine your topic thoroughly, you should answer a lot of questions.

While writing a research proposal introduction, it’s time to state the general questions about your topic.

By finding the appropriate research questions, you’ll convince the audience of the importance of your research. So look carefully!

C) Research approach

You should define the approach you’ll use to investigate your research questions.

You can choose an empirical approach based on experiments and practice, a theoretical approach based on theories and ideas, or some other kind of approach.


Remember that the audience wants to know whether you’re competent enough to explore the subject, so consider your approach carefully. Always explain why you’ve chosen the approach you have.

  1. Research methodology

When writing a proposal for a research paper, describe the methods you’re going to use to examine the topic.

A major part of any standard research project is an investigation of libraries’ and archives’ documentation related to the topic.

But you can also visit some workplace to find information about your topic, conduct an interview of a professional in your field, or distribute a survey to collect the data.

Your opportunities for research methods are limitless. The most important part here is to persuade your research committee that you have access to the sources you name in your methods section.

  1. Research results

You may be wondering how you can write the research proposal results when you haven’t actually conducted the research yet. Right?

Well, don’t worry too much—you’re not expected to draw final conclusions at this stage.

Instead, just try to analyze what research proposal results you’ll get after your project is done and how those results will impact your field or the world at large.

This is an important part of your paper because it explains to the research committee whether or not your results will be worth the effort.

Try to persuade the audience that you can get important results, but never promise too much.

  1. Research discussion

Research paper writing is one of the most difficult tasks you could ever be assigned. You may even need research writing help to get your A.

So it’s okay to face some problems with your writing, whether it’s trouble getting an interview from a foreign professor or having the funds to complete an expensive experiment.

Just don’t try to hide from the research committee the things you can’t do for your project.

Instead, discuss them with your committee so they can have the whole picture and give you helpful advice on your research.

Who knows—maybe one of them can introduce you to this foreign professor!

  1. Ethical considerations

If your research is conducted on people or animals, you should mention how you’re going to collect your data.

Make sure your research proposal methodology doesn’t conflict with ethical guidelines.

  1. References

No research paper can be written without reading and studying dozens of resources.

Remember to mention every article or website that will help you get your research paper done.

Remember to mention every article or website that will help you get your research paper done.

  1. Appendices

If you have any questionnaires for your research proposal or any other documents related to your investigation, include them all in the appendices.

Now that you know how to structure a research proposal, it’s time to begin the work.

What is the first thing to be done, then?

Right—you need to choose a topic!

Here’s a list of research proposal topics below so you can finally begin the process.

Just choose the field that you need to write a paper within.


Research proposal topics in political science:

  • Sarah Palin and her role in the RNC
  • Politics and its influence
  • Military policy of Georgia toward South Ossetia


Research proposal topics in history:

  • History and evolution of Buddhism in the world
  • Destiny of the Jewish people during World War II


Research proposal topic in English literature:

  • Analysis of Poe’s style in “The Raven”
  • Lost hope in Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms
  • Racial discrimination in Uncle Tom’s Cabin


Research proposal topics in business studies:

  • Advertising strategies and the importance of advertising for business
  • Strategies for running a business
  • Importance of business planning


Research proposal topics in education:

  • Innovative approaches to contacting problematic children
  • Aesthetic education as a basis for child development
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a testing system


Research proposal topics in chemistry:

  • Chemistry of LSD
  • Chemistry synaptic transmitters
  • Alchemy in relation to physics


Research proposal topics in psychology:

  • Jean Piaget’s contribution to psychology
  • Role of methodology in developmental research
  • Importance of being knowledgeable about cognitive psychology


Research proposal topics in philosophy:

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Ideas of philosophy and religion in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  • It seems like the research paper topic is not that big of a problem now, right?

If you still want to find some more topics, you are welcome to check science research proposal topics on our blog to make your academic writing life much easier.


Essay on Corruption: Quick and Easy Guide and Best Ideas


man hands money to another man. man sitting in the cafe gives money to another man

Corruption is a phenomenon which can occur in any country in the world.

No matter if the country is poor or prosperous, democratic or authoritarian, big or small – it will not avoid corruption.

The cost of corruption in the world is estimated at approximately 1 trillion dollars; meanwhile, about 1 billion people live in conditions of extreme poverty.


Essay on corruption: main types

Your corruption essays will have to discuss this problem and offer possible solutions to reduce it.

Do not be afraid to express your opinion on particular ways of fighting corruption.

Before you start writing your essay on corruption, you should understand that there are several types of corruption.

They include the following:


  1. Political corruption

This is the most common point that students discuss when writing an essay on a corruption topic.

Political corruption is an illegal act that occurs when some member of government uses his or her powers for personal purposes.

Whether you choose to write a general anti-corruption essay or prefer to narrow the topic down—to corruption in India, for example—you first need to gather a lot of information. Every idea you add into your writing should be supported with corruption quotes or statistics.

A corruption essay could cover many kinds of breaches of the law, each of which can become an attractive topic on corruption.

Wonder what these breaches are?

Continue reading to find out!

  1. Data corruption

This type of corruption appears when a person somehow damages computer data, either intentionally or unintentionally. It’s a serious topic in our modern world, and you can easily narrow it down for an effective essay.

For example, you can explain how a regular user can save computer data from corruption. Or you could discuss the consequences of data corruption.


The causes of corruption would also be a perfect topic for a speech. You can explain to the audience various tricks that people use to damage data and all the mistakes they can make while doing so.

  1. Linguistic corruption

If you’re learning a foreign language at university, you will probably have the chance to write on a topic like this.

Linguistic corruption refers to change within a language that leads to its degradation.

As a writer yourself, you should learn how to help language remain powerful and rich. In an essay on linguistic degradation, describe every tool you can use for fighting corruption of language. You can even develop some anti-corruption slogans, which would fit flawlessly into a persuasive essay.

You shouldn’t have any problems describing the phenomenon of linguistic corruption.

But if you have any questions, you can always write us. We can help you develop an essay on any topic in a short amount of time.

You can choose one of these types for your essay on corruption. However, essays on political corruption are the most frequently assigned tasks.

So let’s look at the main features of a political corruption essay.


Essay on corruption: the political type

If you decide to write an essay on political corruption, you should know its definition.

In a few words, political corruption refers to practices used by government officials to take advantage of their power for personal gain. In most countries, it is regarded to be illegal.

Yet, in your essay on corruption, you can write that in some countries this phenomenon is common and that the citizens, who have gotten accustomed to it, consider corruption to be the norm for government officials.


Essay on corruption: main forms

Now, here’s a list of common illegal acts – use any of them to make a corruption paragraph.

Corruption can take different forms, such as:

  • Bribery – the act of receiving money or other valuable things in exchange for using power or influence in an illegal way
  • Graft – the use of power or influence for personal purposes
  • Extortion – the use of threats or violence to get some benefit
  • Kickback – the act of paying commission to a bribe-taker for some service
  • Cronyism – the assignment of unqualified friends or relatives to positions
  • Embezzlement – theft of government’s money.

When writing an essay on corruption, you should carefully think about the effects of corruption on the country.

Corruption seriously undermines democracy and the good name of political institutions. The economic, political, and social effects of corruption are hard to estimate. But you should try to do it in your essays on corruption.

When discussing the effects of this problem in your corruption essay, do not forget to include statistics and other significant data.

Every corruption paragraph should include a thesis and several pieces of supporting evidence. To make them fit together, use analysis and critical thinking.

Political corruption is a severe problem that needs to be solved. Every year, many issues appear worldwide because of people who abuse their powers and devastate their countries.

Use interesting facts and compelling arguments to earn your audience’s attention while writing on a corruption topic.

But what if you need to write a short speech on corruption?

Let’s find out the key elements of this type of work.


How to write a speech on corruption

Corruption topics are not only common among essay writers—they’re also an important subject for speeches.

A speech on corruption can be persuasive but also contain many descriptive details.

Or you could write an anti-corruption speech to convince the audience not to support bribes or kickbacks.

Here are some helpful tips about making a speech for corruption:

  1. Use short sentences when speaking to the audience.

Political issues are often challenging to follow because they contain many terms, explanations, and dates.

As a speaker, your task is to make it easy for the audience to follow your main ideas—so use clear, short sentences.

  1. Explain every term you use in your speech.

Remember that politics can be difficult for many people to understand. If you want to persuade your audience, they first need to understand every word.

If your speech on corruption is just a list of terms that are difficult even to pronounce, why would people listen to it?

  1. Read your speech on corruption topic

Remember that you’ll need to present your speech in front of an audience, which means it should be captivating, easy to follow, and well structured.

Moreover, you should say what you have to say without mistakes or pauses.

Spend some time practicing by reading your speech aloud, and don’t forget that you may have a time limit for your presentation.


  1. Always write outlines for your speech on corruption topic.

While writing a speech, you have to focus on many different goals: format, content, language, style, and more.

It’s easy to miss something important and make a mess of your topic.

Do you know how to avoid this problem?

It’s easy: write outlines!

When you have written down which political issue follows which corruption paragraph, you won’t forget to mention anything. Every idea will find its natural place in the text.

  1. Support your thesis.

If you want to write the best speech on corruption, never forget to argue your ideas effectively.

Use newspaper articles, quotes on corruption, court orders, and interviews to support your point of view.

You won’t ever convince your audience by using only theory.

Corruption is a complex phenomenon. You will not be able to discuss all its aspects in your essay on corruption.

Thus, think carefully, choose the most important or interesting aspects, and discuss them in detail.

That’s it!

These invaluable tips will help you to get through any kind of essay.

You are welcome to use these ideas and writing tips whenever you need to write this type of academic paper.

Great Persuasive Essay on Divorce: Useful Tips to Succeed


Men and women are offended on brick wall background

What is the goal of writing persuasive essays? The goal is to persuade your reader that your position on a certain problem is true.

Therefore, writing a persuasive essay on divorce means that you should identify an individual problem related to divorce and provide as many facts to support your opinion and to persuade your reader.


Divorce essays are composed according to the standard structure of essays:

  1. Introduction

A divorce essay introduction isn’t anything extraordinary.

As always, you should give broad information about the topic and state the main problems you will discuss in your writing.

Make a general statement about the consequences of divorce or the common divorce effects on people. Then write your thesis statement on divorce. Clearly explain to the audience the topic you’re going to discuss, as well as your position on that topic.

That’s it! Now your divorce essay introduction is ready.

What’s next?

  1. Main Body

This section presents all of your ideas and arguments related to the topic of divorce.

Here you can write about the negative effects of divorce on children or the most common reasons people divorce. Don’t forget to use compelling arguments to support your ideas.

There are tons of surveys and statistics about divorce on the internet, so it won’t be too challenging to gather the information you need.

  1. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize every idea presented in your divorce essay. In this section, you can repeat your thesis statement on divorce and then list your concluding thoughts on this topic.

Make your sentences clear and easy to follow, not just in the conclusion but in the entire essay. Use interesting synonyms to improve your writing style. Such an approach will help you convince the readers and express your thoughts better.


Which academic essay format should you choose for a divorce topic?

Divorce is a sociological phenomenon. That’s why APA style is preferable for making essays on divorce.

All the rest depends on the sources that you will use for making your essay divorce. It also depends on the explanation you will provide to support your personal point of view on this problem.


College essay topics on divorce causes and effects

Let’s look closer at some topics that are used for divorce essays.

Relationship stages, tips for avoiding arguments, or ways to handle a breakup?

These are interesting topics, but they generally aren’t professional enough for an academic essay.

Instead, we’ve found some aspects to include in your divorce essay.

Divorce essays can cover the following issues:

  1. Generally known facts on divorces

When covering this issue in your persuasive essay on divorce, you will have to cover the issue completely.

Include the common marriage problems that psychologists all over the world study. Use their statistical data on divorces when crafting your argument.

Divorce is actually quite a broad topic, and you may want to narrow it down. With so much information available, you could write a research paper on divorce without any difficulty.

Divorce fact 1

  1. Statistical data on divorces

Good divorce essays should include enough statistical data. It will add more scientific value to your essay on divorce and reveal your research abilities.

Facts and figures present many interesting topics to comment on. That’s why they can actually be a good topic for your essay.

For example, you can do significant research concerning divorce causes and consequences. Draw a contrast between divorce in several countries, or examine the age and education of people who divorce more often.

  1. The reasons for divorces

What does an essay on divorce mean without discussion of its reasons?

So, find out different sociologists’ viewpoints on the reasons for divorces. Then underline the cause you consider to be the most truthful one.

You can also provide your own theory on the grounds for divorces in your persuasive essay on divorce. The key point is to prove the accuracy of your statement.

  1. The ways of divorce prevention

If there is a problem, there must be some solution. So, think of the possible ways to solve this problem.

Investigate divorce causes from a scientific point of view. Examine the primary studies on divorce that reveal why people actually break up. Also discuss the precautions that can help married couples avoid conflict.

Who knows? Maybe your essay will save someone’s relationship!

fact 2 divorce

  1. The effects of divorce on children

An impact of divorce on children essay is a perfect choice for your academic writing.

Parents sometimes forget that their divorce isn’t only about them. It’s also about their children.

A divorce causes psychological problems for children, which you can classify in your paper. Don’t forget to add some statistical data on divorce to support your arguments.

Every child reacts differently on his or her parents’ breakup. It’s a rare case when consequences of divorce are positive for children, making the effects of divorce on children an urgent topic to discuss.

  1. Positive effects of divorce

Sometimes divorce isn’t a catastrophe but rather the only way to heal wounds and begin a new life.

Oftentimes, people don’t recognize that they need to change their lives for the better. This situation is especially related to abusive marriages or those with regular cheating.

In these cases, the positive effects of divorce may seem easy to understand. However, psychologists have to make great efforts to persuade people to end their relationships. Write a paper making this same argument.
By the way, you can use the information provided in your persuasive essay on divorce for writing a love essay.


Types of divorce essay for college or university

A persuasive essay on divorce isn’t the only kind of paper to write. Here are a few more types of essays you can consider:

  1. Divorce cause and effects essay

Whether it concerns old parents or a young couple, divorce typically has the same causes and effects. You can often see them clearly, even in books or movies.

List the primary causes of divorces and the effects that follow.

  1. Divorce argumentative essay

When it comes to divorce, there are many disputable topics—for example, the reasons people divorce or the impact of divorce on children.

It’s easy to find support and statistics for both topics. Don’t forget to incorporate quotes and figures to convince your readers.

  1. A short essay about family

If your assignment is to write a family essay, you can choose from a wide range of topics. For this purpose, a marriage essay or a divorce essay would be perfect.

In a short essay about family, it isn’t easy to cover many topics. So choose only one.

  1. For and against divorce essay

As you know, both the negative and positive effects of divorce are disputable, making them an appealing topic to discuss. There are a lot of recent studies and relevant statistical data on divorce to help you with writing such an essay.

This topic would also be great for a speech on divorce.

Each of these types of essay can be great for academic writing. Consider these tips and pieces of advice to choose your essay type and write your own excellent paper on divorce. You can also find more useful information on the Custom Writing blog!

Essays are the most common academic paper that might seem easy to write. Our free essay tips will help you to get through any kind of essay.

Still, if you are stuck on writing, you can always ask us for help! Whether you need a persuasive essay on divorce or any other paper, we are here and ready to assist.

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10 Tips for Public Speaking: Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety



Even those people who are communicative and talkative often feel nervous while standing on the stage.

If you’ve ever experienced such symptoms as sweating, dry mouth or increased heartbeat, these tips for public speaking will make you more confident.

Here are some tips for how to speak in public which will tell you how to overcome public speaking fear and won’t let it mess up your speech.


1. Share insightful information

It’s difficult for a public speaker to feel confident while talking about a topic far from their interests.

Find several appropriate arguments to support your ideas, add new appealing ideas, and your fear of speaking will bother you less.

If you make an informal speech, it’s appropriate to use humor to warm up the audience. Or provide some story from your past to make people laugh or sympathize.


2. Rehearse your public speech many times

Have you heard that “practice makes perfect”?

The best way to be confident on the stage is to be sure you can make a speech. How can you be sure? Try it at home!

To become a good speaker, you can apply a lot of public speaking techniques standing on the stage. Or you can practice your presentation until you’re satisfied with your speech.

Try to record yourself with the help of voice recording apps to find your weak sides and flaws, so that you can work on them and improve.


3. Find friends among the audience.

There are many ways to improve public speaking, and one of them is to speak to familiar people.

Just do as every effective public speaker does – know your audience.

It isn’t difficult to greet the first people who arrive and even spend some time to talk with them. For example, you can ask about your microphone’s loudness or presentation visibility.

It’s an important step in conquering public speaking fear, so try it yourself.


4. Feel comfortable on the stage

It’s important to know the place where you’re going to be a public speaker. Firstly, try to arrive earlier to explore the territory.

There are few tips for public speaking anxiety to help if you put yourself in an embarrassing situation. So try to notice how to change slides on the screen and use the microphone.


5. Avoid panic

Almost all effective speaking techniques include relaxing. The less you let yourself become nervous, the more confident and calm you become.

To speak in public easily, use some basic relaxation techniques like counting or breathing slowly.

If you feel anxious, just turn it into the energy for your presentation.


6. Observe your public speech

We often don’t pay attention to the words we pronounce, and the postures and facial expressions we make – but this is the wrong strategy.

Improve your public speaking by observing your oral presentation skills, then combine it with your practice at home.


7. Be optimistic

People don’t want to listen to a public speaker just to tell him or her some rude words. Yes, public speaking success depends on the audience – but remember, they don’t want you to fail.

Better speaking skills are easier to achieve when you think positively about the people who listen to you.


8. Don’t tell them about your anxiety

Remember – in an auditorium, it’s only you who notices public speaking anxiety. Your listeners can’t understand how you feel most of the time.

So, don’t reveal your public speaking fear to them. Try to overcome it instead. If you control it, it’ll disappear.


9. Don’t focus on your public speaking fear.

Of course, speaking in public can be one of your greatest fears – but thinking about it all the time will ruin your presentation!


10. Learn by your experience

Remember – no one will overcome your public speaking fear instead of you. You should exercise a lot and gain new experience.

The art of public speaking is possible for everyone to master.

Moreover, the more you speak, the more confident you become!

These are effective and powerful tips for public speaking. Whether you learn to make presentations or want to practice speaking in public, you can have a fear of speaking. It interferes with your goals and makes the information you want to share unnoticeable.

Try our speech tips to improve your public speaking, and you’ll become much more confident!

Results of Essay Writing Contest by Custom-Writing.org


And the winner is...

Essay Writing Contest by Custom-Writing.org has come to an end.

During that exciting period, numerous students from all over the world voiced their opinions on topics concerning students’ writing skills, decreasing amount of homework, and requirements of academic writing.

It was our first contest here at Custom-Writing.org, and we should admit that we were surprised to get so many brilliant essays!

For our team, it was an unforgettable experience, and we give many thanks to all participants for sharing their writing talent with us.

Surprisingly, we found out that it was tremendously hard to choose only three best writers. Luckily, our blog readers helped us by picking out their favorite works in online voting.

Why do you think it is important for students to improve their essay skills by Sushant S (3)

So, based on the results of online voting and the grades from our expert writers and editors, we are glad to announce winners of Winter 2016 Essay Writing Contest:

1st place goes to Emily Smith and her wonderful essay “The Importance of Improving Essay Writing for Students”

2nd place goes to Sushant Shrestha and his brilliant piece “Why do you think it is important for students to improve their essay writing skills?”

3rd place goes to Sanjeev Musuvathy the author of “How the Reduction of Homework Cultivates a Better Learning Experience”


Winners will get personal emails containing further instructions on how to claim their award.

Below you are welcome to find and enjoy winning pieces published in their original form.

1st place Emily Smith

Writing is everywhere. From jobs, to school, to just a simple note to a friend. Regardless, writing is always around and, therefore, always will be. Therefore, it is imperative for students to have excellent writing skills. It is important for students to improve upon their essay writing skills, because being a superb writer can help with academics and advance job performance.

Having the ability to write well is valuable for academics. Knowing the information and vocabulary will only be halfway sufficient. But, through the capability of conveying the ideas and material by using essays and stories fulfills the other half. For many tests there are sections solely dedicated to testing the students’ ability to write and synthesize. Furthermore, sometimes the facts are not as important as how they are composed. In addition, before students even have the ability to get into college, they must answer a writing prompt to send. Students are being scrutinized over their story nonetheless, but also their knowledge about writing skills, and their performance of such. Therefore, before students even have the chance to present themselves and make the argument on why they should be accepted, the students will be accepted or rejected based upon their essay. Their writing is their first impression, and first impressions are everything. In other words, “Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged—in college, in the workplace, and in the community,” (Nowacek). Plus, once the writing skills are acquired, the students’ grades will improved, which overall will improve their future chances of getting a job.

Improving one’s essay writing skills can advance one’s job performance. Resume, transcript, recommendations, and interviews can land a job, but in order to keep and excel at it, one’s performance is often watched and judged. If writing is in the job description and the employee is briefing at a high school level, he or she could be fired for not succeeding at the level the employer expected. “Any time a profession requires written communication, writing skills become important,” (O’Farrell). Regardless of the field, having the necessary skills to articulate a specific point and message adds more power to the argument that is being addressed. In addition, in certain fields, such as law and medicine, writing is essential to complete the field requirements. For example, what is written by the lawyers determines if their customer is guilty or innocent. Likewise, in the field of medicine, documenting the patient’s records must be meticulously precise. Therefore, having the ability to write well is important for prevailing in the work force.

It is important for students to improve upon their essay writing skills, because being a superb writer can help with academics and advance job performance. Writings have lasting impressions when applying to college and numerous tests solely account for the students’ ability to write and synthesize points. In addition, writing in used regularly in the workforce, regardless of the job or field. Such writing skills are required when articulating a point to strengthen an argument and get a certain point across, More specifically, writing is imperative in fields, such as law and medicine. If their writing and documenting is at a high school level, then there is a high possibility their job is at risk. Therefore, improvement upon writing is critical for academics and job performance.

2nd place Sushant Shrestha

Learning to write good essays not only enhances our linguistic competence, but it also helps us in becoming academically proficient, and if we take this job seriously, then believe me, it will even have profound effect on our inner dimensions of life. We will become a better person, a more rational thinker and at the end of the day, we even will start discovering ourselves.

Writing an essay is like speaking to our inner self and is one of the best ways for self-reflection. Penning down our emotions and thoughts in the form of a beautifully written essay enables us to pour our heart out and once we do it, our mind will become calm and more or less, it will help enhance our concentration. In no time, we will start feeling better and this will even assist us in bolstering our self-esteem. The habit of brainstorming helps us to purify our thoughts and the final step in essay writing, what we call proofreading inspires us even in our daily lives to work on our shortcomings.

As students, we have a host of a things to share and there are a lot of issues we need to deal with, which might be disturbing.  Writing essays can be an effective way to manage our stress levels and it might even be helpful in finding constructive solutions to our problems. Embracing writing also frees students from the cage of solitude, one of the leading causes of depression among youths and teenagers.

A good essay is never complete without critical analysis and deep understanding, so in the process of improving their essay-writing skills, students knowingly and unknowingly develop rationality, innovativeness and critical thinking which in the long run, prepares them diligently in facing the challenges of life ahead.

Moreover, encouraging students to write essays is amongst the most effective ways to foster creativity, which the modern world regards as an integral ingredient for success. Good essay writing is never possible without avid reading and reading has always been a doorway to new ideas and visions.

Students are the change makers of tomorrow and with a little bit of spark, they can ingenuously transform this world. And why I believe that essay writing can help bring this spark is because when students learn to write better essays, their level of confidence goes up significantly. It provides them with encouragement to give their writings a platform, which makes voices against prejudices and oppressions even more stronger.

From academic point of view, good essays are really helpful when it comes to increasing our score and for those students who aspire to get into prestigious universities, exceling in writing is a must. Wherever we go, we need to write good essays and if we can do it well, a myriad of opportunities will be waiting for us. A host of scholarships will be just a step away and a lot of employers will be there to reward our skill.

Some people do present orthodox views that essay writing is only confined to language and literature but in reality, it benefits us enormously in almost all types of subjects. Research papers in science, articles in economics, all require extensive writing and the most wonderful thing is that essay writing helps in fostering analytical skills which makes it easier for us even in tacking questions of the so-called hard subjects like mathematics and physics.

Essay writing, I believe is a life skill that every student must learn whole heartedly in order to grow intellectually and   to add something more to his/her personal as well as professional life. So, let’s not let this opportunity slip from our hands, let’s cherish our lives by learning to express ourselves even better. Starting writing, start changing!

3rd place Sanjeev Musuvathy

For the typical American student, school feels like a traumatizing nightmare that one will never wake up from. Thus, many students are looking towards the examples of Korea and Finland, two countries that spend fewer than three hours on homework a week, yet still excel in academics, as an education model that could help relieve their pain by reducing homework (Teng 14). With many policymakers such as François Holland actively considering such a shift in education policy, it becomes imperative to understand how effective reducing homework can be for students. The discussion will deal with first, the psychological benefits, and second, the added intellectual exploration benefits.

Sleep is a rare commodity for many students as a result of excessive homework, with the majority of students not getting enough sleep. In fact, on school nights, more than half of all students sleep fewer than eight hours a night, far less than the recommended amount of nine hours (Ponte 12). Lack of sleep not only decimates an individual’s ability to pay attention in class and think creatively, but it ruins learning as a whole. By staying up the extra hour in order to get that last vocab word memorized, hours of productive learning and creativity are lost. Homework is also one of the most direct contributors to stress, which not only ruins an individual’s ability to focus in class and pay attention, but also degrades a student’s mental and physical health. In fact, in 2013 Stanford University reported that 56 percent of students reported excessive homework as their primary stressor, alongside physical health detriments, and ostracization from society (Levy 16). These symptoms of instability from homework not only directly trade off with an individual’s focus and learning, but they also help cultivate a stigma of hatred towards homework, something that not only destroys the value of said homework, but also can hamper passion for learning. Top researchers found that more positive attitudes towards homework were linked directly to higher achievement and learning in that specific area (Chang et al,.14). Thus, by reducing a currently excessive amount of homework, individuals will feel like their homework is less of a chore and more of a tool to excel in academics. Busy work could be substituted for more thought provoking and abstract assignments with actual benefits.

Ironically, homework has been touted as a great time management teacher, except if you have lots of homework, there aren’t very many outside things to manage. Reducing a student’s homework load could be an effective step in allowing students to spend more of their time in extracurricular projects, which not only allows students to follow their passions, but also allows for more in-depth learning to occur. Extracurricular activities like Debate and Science fairs are phenomenal when it comes to learning about real world policymaking and many different science fields, but with mass amounts of homework, students have far less time to dedicate to such extracurricular activities, thoroughly harming the breadth of education that could be gained from activities such as these (Strauss 14). A massive amount of homework also destroys passion driven research. Instead of having the extra hour to study something you are greatly interested in, such as international relations or doing a world-changing science experiment, individuals are sucked into doing more homework. In fact, the five-hour rule, a process of constant learning used by Bill Gates and Benjamin Franklin, exemplifies the benefits of passion driven research, as devoting an hour a day to a topic you are passionate about enables students to become outstandingly more productive, creative, and capable of learning.

When returning to how beneficial a reduction of homework can be for students, there is a clear academic consensus on two areas, the incredible psychological benefits, and the ability for students to explore their passions. So, to policymakers like François Holland, for the sake of students everywhere, reduce homework and create a more educated population.

100 Self-Help & Study Skills for Students with ADD


100 Self-Help & Study Skills for Students with ADD

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are becoming more and more common in the modern age. Students complain about struggling to pay attention, which affects their studying.

But don’t you worry!

We’ve decided to compile a list of 100 tips on how students with ADD can develop proper study skills. This article can give you an idea of how to handle this condition properly and provide you with helpful ADHD strategies. Keep on reading if you want to know how to manage your time and schedule, take notes, and remember material efficiently. This article will also tell you about study strategies for ADHD students, study techniques, and skills you may find useful. You’ll get a number of study tips that actually work.

Scheduling & time management

Scheduling & time management

  1. Watch the time.

You can use whatever you want: a desk clock, wall clock or wristwatch. When starting a task, say the time out loud, or make a note of it (write it down, for instance). This will help you to stay on track.

  1. Set the limits.

To discipline yourself even more, use a timer. You can set an individual alarm for each task or set multiple timers to go off after a certain time has passed. It will be easier to tell how much time you spend.

  1. Allow extra time.

Start a habit of giving yourself an extra 10 minutes for every half an hour you think you’ll spend on completing a task. You’ll have a more flexible schedule in case you’ve estimated the time poorly.

  1. Set your plans earlier.

It’s the same thing as with the previous tip. If you need to be somewhere at a certain time, make an appointment for 10–15 minutes earlier. You can also make a reminder to know exactly when to leave.

  1. Use a planner.

This should go without saying, but this is a vital tip. You can write down all your plans and appointments using any device you want, or even go old-school and use a separate notebook or organizer.

What’s the main purpose?

To keep everything in order and not forget a thing. This is one of the most vital ADHD strategies.

  1. Choose the right time.

All people are different and it’s impossible to say what time is the best for everyone to study. You need to choose the part of the day when you’re the most active to study. This will maximize its efficiency.

  1. Don’t cram your schedule.

While some feel more motivated having a busy schedule, assigning too many tasks for the day often just adds unnecessary pressure. If you feel stressed out, free up your schedule a bit.

Set your priorities

  1. Set your priorities.

When you have many tasks to do during the day, it’s important to keep this thought in your head. Tell yourself that there’s work to do instead of just dozing off and procrastinating. You’ll only lose time, without getting things done.

  1. Have something to waste.

In this case, it’s time. Leave a place in your schedule just to let off some steam and do nothing. After that, you’ll be back free of stress and refilled with energy.

  1. Have a consistent sleep schedule.

Studying can alter your sleep schedule greatly. So, you have to make sure you go to bed at the same time each night and get enough sleep. If done right, it will have a positive effect on your productivity.

  1. Your mood matters.

When making a schedule, make sure that you’re in a good mood and thinking positively. If you’re forcing yourself to make a schedule, the chances are that you’ll have a hard time following it, too. Developing proper study techniques is important, but they also don’t have to make things harder for you.

  1. Have multiple schedules.

Making schedules requires patience. And if there’s something wrong and you fail to follow the plan, it can lead to discouragement and abandoning the whole idea of scheduling. This is why it’s important to make schedules for various terms. We’ll talk about them below.

  1. Have a long-term schedule.

This one includes only regular and fixed tasks. It won’t change much with time and acts as a base for building shorter term schedules.

  1. Have a weekly schedule.

This schedule will include all the important events waiting for you during the week. It can also contain the amount of work you need to do. Changing each week, this schedule is the best to build on weekends.

Have a daily schedule

  1. Have a daily schedule.

This one will contain the specific tasks to be completed throughout the day. After something is done, you can cross it out.

Here’s the main idea:

Daily scheduling not only keeps you organized, but also prevents you from giving up the idea of making schedules in the first place.

  1. Double the time.

While everyone’s schedule is unique, there’s a guideline that works for most students. Plan 2 hours of studying for each hour of classes. This includes all the study-related tasks.

  1. Make a habit.

Try studying at the same time each day. After some time, this will become a habit, which will make your studying more systematic and active. It will also be easier to follow the schedule.

  1. Include weekends in your schedule.

No, nobody tells you to study on weekends. What you can do, though, is to schedule an hour to review all the material you’ve learned during the week.

  1. Trade the time.

No one can predict the future, and an unscheduled event will happen occasionally. Instead of giving up the time that you planned to spend on a task, just trade it with a later time, so that you can still complete the task. It won’t be a problem if you save up time as mentioned in the 9th tip.

  1. Set the milestones.

Decide what steps you’ll need to complete a certain task. Milestones will help you to estimate your time better and focus on smaller, more manageable chunks of work instead of one huge task.

See the deadline

  1. See the deadline…

Write down the deadline for a certain task. Put it somewhere so you can always see it. This will act as a reminder not to waste your time and stay focused.

  1. …not only for yourself.

Let’s say you need help. But you also know that you can’t waste any time, because a long wait for a reply can make you lose focus. To avoid that, ask the people who help you to come up with a reply by a certain time or day.

  1. Make a commitment.

When you set the time for your studying, stay committed to it. Remind yourself that if you finish your tasks on time, you’ll be free to do whatever else you want. Don’t try to find compromises. Otherwise, you’ll just end up spending even more time.

  1. Don’t delay.

Start each task as soon as possible – preferably as soon as you get it. There are enough things you can do “to prepare yourself”. And by doing them, you end up spending more time on a task. So, no “sharpening pencils” – just get to work.

  1. Know exactly what you’ll do.

When starting a task, go through all the steps you’ll complete in your head. Stick to that plan.


Even if there’s a distraction, you’ll be able to deal with it and resume your work quickly because you know exactly what to do next.

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Note-taking & remembering material

Note-taking & remembering material

  1. Do a bedtime review.

If you need to remember important material, do a quick review of it for 10–15 minutes before going to sleep. Sure, you’ll still need to study it beforehand, but reviewing what you’ve just learned will help to memorize it easier.

  1. Review more.

Apart from having bedtime review sessions, you can also check back on your notes right after the class. It will help you to remember the important information with ease.

  1. Be ready to take notes.

Always have a notebook by your side, or any device where you can keep notes. You never know when a great thought or idea will hit you, so it’s better to be prepared.

  1. Copy the notes.

There’s a trick to memorize your notes easier. Just write them down again. It will act as good revision for newly learned material.

  1. Make association chains.

If you’re struggling to remember certain information, keep drawings in your notes that you can associate with a concept you’re trying to memorize.

  1. Use acronyms.

In order to remember a list, use the first letters of all the items and put them together. You can play around with the order of the items for the resulting word to make more sense. Or make up a sentence using words that begin with the same letter as the items you’re trying to remember.

  1. Talk to yourself.

When studying alone, you can repeat some of the key thoughts aloud after reading them. This will help you to memorize the material easier.

Interpret it

  1. Interpret it.

You don’t have to note everything that’s been said word for word. If it’s possible, write the main ideas down in your own words so it’s easier for you to understand. Proper note-taking and remembering are among the most important study skills for ADD students. So, it’s better not to neglect them.

  1. Take notes more often.

If you don’t feel like taking enough notes, there’s a little trick you can use.

Divide your page into several sections (let’s say, 5). And try to fill those sections after a certain period of time (you’re free to decide how often).

  1. Edit your notes right away.

Don’t wait until you get back home. Highlight and mark the key thoughts and ideas, before it’s too late and you’ve forgotten about it. It will be easier to use such notes later.

  1. Make indicators.

You need to be able to quickly tell which part of your notes is important (e.g., use a highlighter), which part is confusing and caused you to have questions (e.g., mark it with a question mark), and which part you need to add more information to (e.g., mark it with an asterisk). Come up with a code system to easily point out such parts.

  1. Use alternatives.

In order to get the most information from the lecture, ask for a printed summary. With it, you’ll be sure that you didn’t miss anything.

  1. Try exchanging notes.

This will not only give you extra snippets of information, but it will also give you some hints on what you can improve in your own note-taking. It’s even better if you exchange them with other college students with ADD. In this case, they’ll benefit from it too.

  1. Make it diverse.

In order to memorize the material better and concentrate more, avoid studying similar subjects one after another. It will only bring confusion and prevent you from remembering properly.

Sticky notes

  1. Sticky notes.

Make use of sticky notes when reading and trying to remember the important information. Write the key points down on a note, so it’s easier to revise everything later.

  1. Organize space in your notebook properly.

It’s better to use a larger notebook, but at the same time, it has to be as comfortable as possible for you. Use only a part of the page and leave free space so that you can keep keywords, comments or ideas there.

  1. Separate the thoughts.

Leave blank spaces between the key points. It will be easier to spot the end of one thought and the beginning of the other. Also, you’ll be able to add extra information if necessary.

  1. See the points.

Most of the lectures consist of a few main points and a couple of additional ones. Everything else is mostly explanatory material. You need to spot those points.

The deal is simple:

You’ll see the main points if you listen carefully instead of trying to write down every word.

  1. Keep your notes understandable.

It’s necessary to make note-taking as effective as possible. But at the same time, you don’t want to cross the line where you won’t understand what’s written in your notebook. Watch the neatness of your notes, and make sure to use the same abbreviations and signs to avoid confusion.

  1. Copy the board.

In contrast to tip 43, it’s better to copy everything that’s written on the board. It usually contains essential information and clues that you can use when preparing for exams.

Understand what you’re trying to learn

  1. Understand what you’re trying to learn.

Understanding is the key to proper learning. Don’t try to just mindlessly memorize the information. Instead, spend a few minutes to comprehend it. You’ll see that it’s easier to remember it that way.

  1. See the difference.

This one is opposite to the previous tip. Along with understanding, you have to spot the parts you need to memorize verbatim and indicate them. They can be dates, rules, definitions or even passages of texts.

  1. Decide what to learn first.

When you know you have to remember a lot of material, start with the material you need to keep in your mind the longest.

  1. Review as soon as possible.

In order for it to be a review of written material, not a relearning, you need to do it within the first 24 hours. The sooner you’ll do it,  the clearer understanding of the material you’ll have.

  1. Explain your notes.

For a better understanding of the main ideas and contents of your notes, you can list the main keywords. To make sure that you’ve done it right and know what you’re talking about, try describing the main point to someone without actually referring to your notes.

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Study tips for ADD students

Study tips for ADD students

  1. Divide your study time into parts.

Studying for a couple of hours straight is hard, even for students without ADD. That’s why it’s vital to have breaks every so often.

How do you do this the right way?

To prevent procrastination, set an alarm reminding you to go back to work.

  1. List the tasks.

Digesting well-organized information more easily is in our nature. So, put all your tasks and assignments on a list. It will help you to manage them efficiently and to have everything in order.

  1. Get rid of distracting thoughts.

Having random thoughts popping into our heads is a sort of defensive mechanism when dealing with boring tasks. If you’re struggling to focus on studying, write down everything that distracts you on a piece of paper, then put it away until you finish studying.

  1. Test yourself.

Even if you think you’ve memorized the new material, testing your knowledge isn’t a bad idea. It usually turns out that you need a little more time to actually remember the information.

  1. Make it graphic.

Draw mind maps in order to put the ideas on paper and show the relations between them. This tip will be especially useful if you struggle with listing out thoughts.

  1. Break down assignments.

As with dividing up your total studying time, you can also divide up huge tasks into smaller pieces. They won’t seem that hard and will be easier to manage. As a result, you’ll get a more stable workflow.

Reward yourself

  1. Reward yourself.

You can set up a system with rewards and achievements for finishing certain tasks. It will serve as a motivation boost that will help you to keep going.

  1. Don’t overestimate.

This doesn’t mean that you need to have lower expectations of your performance. But they at least need to be closer to reality. Putting more pressure on yourself with a huge amount of challenging tasks is very likely to end up with lots of stress.

  1. Decrease the level of distraction.

Some say that listening to music while studying makes the process more pleasant; however, it can distract you quite a lot. In order for music to interfere less with your studying, listen to instrumental or orchestral music, or any other music without lyrics.

  1. Involve active reading.

This is one of the study techniques that help you to comprehend the material easier.

Here’s how:

Skim the text before reading it in full to see what’s coming up. Make questions based on chapter titles and answer them while reading. Notice the main points in the text, review them and take notes.

  1. Think about studying with a partner.

Some people get more distracted by others during the studying process, while others feel that working together with someone makes it more exciting and helps to stay focused. Decide which option works for you to improve the process.

  1. Change the location.

If you feel less productive at home, try other places that have fewer distractions. It can be an empty classroom, library or any other place that will help you to stay on track.

Ask for help

  1. Ask for help.

It sure is good to be able to study productively on your own. But if something is unclear or confusing, it’s fine to ask your teacher or tutor for help. Don’t be afraid to ask. Organize a meeting where you’ll get all the answers to your questions. This is one of the obvious ADHD study tips. Still, many students ignore it.

  1. Use color-coding.

You can apply it to almost anything. Color-code your notes, files, texts, schedules, etc. This will involve visual memory.

Want to know what’s even better?

Color-coding will help improve your overall performance, as you’ll be able to keep track of things more efficiently.

  1. Face the challenges.

This one helps deal with ADHD in college. While it’s great to aim for the stars, you also need to be aware that accidents happen. So, give your inner perfectionist a break. Even if something doesn’t work, you can always try again later.

  1. Involve multitasking.

If it keeps you going, you can easily do two things at once. It can prevent you from getting bored and losing productivity.

  1. Make soft transitions.

After finishing one task, don’t start doing another one right away. Take a short break to be able to gather all your thoughts and set goals for the next task.

  1. Stay away from work… for some time, at least.

It sure is great to have a part-time job and have some extra money. But studying still needs to be your number one priority. The lack of focus won’t get you anywhere.

  1. Make the most of available resources.

Learning centers, libraries, and tutoring services are there to help you out if you’re experiencing difficulties. So, don’t ever hesitate to use this help.

  1. Don’t leave it for later.

If you know you need help and there’s nothing you can do on your own, ask for it right away. Deal with problems when they appear.

You know why?

If you set them aside until the end of the semester, it will require much more effort to make things better.

Stay in touch with your parents

  1. Stay in touch with your parents.

There’s no support as good as the support you get from your parents. A short chat with them can easily lower the level of stress and prevent you from breaking down.

  1. Prepare your computer.

Apart from installing the software you need for keeping notes and saving files, get rid of all the junk and create the necessary folders. And most importantly, remove all the distracting bookmarks from your browser. You know you’re going to use the Internet a lot, so make sure that nothing is in the way.

  1. Make your smartphone unreachable.

If your smartphone keeps distracting you and you spend hours on random apps, make it hard to reach. Plug it in and leave it somewhere in the distance, so you have to put in effort to get to it.

  1. Keep it simple.

As crazy as it may sound, don’t try to make everything complicated if things are going “too well”. It only means that you’re doing everything right.

  1. Exercise.

Exercise boosts your brain activity. Next time you decide to take a break between studying subjects, take a walk instead of just sitting around.

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Study skills & ADD strategies

Study skills & ADD strategies

  1. Know yourself.

You need to know what you’re good and bad at. This will help you to take the right path and do things that bring you enjoyment instead of stress and frustration.

  1. Start earlier.

If you’re just about to start your studying and there’s an opportunity to take summer classes, take it. It will give you a taste of what studying is really like and make the transition easier.

  1. Begin with the hardest…

Naturally, we start to lose attention and power during long hours of work or studying. That’s why you should start with the tasks you don’t like. If the tasks get easier and more enjoyable, it will help you to stay focused.

  1. …or vice versa.

You can begin with easier tasks too. You won’t get distracted from doing your least favorite tasks if you start with appealing ones. And they will help you to get into a rhythm that will keep you going until the very end.

  1. SQ3R.

Does it make any sense? It sure will now. SQ3R stands for this: survey, question, read, recite, review. It’s a reading comprehension method that makes digesting material more effective.

  1. Mix it up.

When planning your classes and courses, make the harder ones interchange with easier ones. Also, make it different for each day. For instance, have one day with a heavy workload and the next one with a lighter workload.

  1. Keep it regular.

You need to study regularly. Keep in mind that once you lose the pace, it will be difficult to get back on track.

Involve audio

  1. Involve audio.

Audiotaping the lectures can help if you struggle to keep up with writing everything down. And listening to those lectures again will help you to revise the material and remember it better. This is one of the ADHD college tips that is definitely worth trying.

  1. Stay offline.

If you have a choice between online courses and actual classes, the latter is better. It’s easier to lose focus with online courses, while classes will provide you with more structured materials and studying processes.

  1. Join forces.

It’s always great to have people who share the same interests around. Clubs make it possible for you to find such people. Join a club and you’ll always have someone to talk to and to ask for help if you need it.

  1. Get fun out of the way.

It may sound crazy at first.

But, surprisingly, this ADHD strategy actually works. If you rush your studying in order to get as quickly as possible to the part when you’re having fun, allow yourself to have fun first. Set the timer for about an hour. Then, after you’ve had your fun, do what you have to do with a clear mind.

  1. Let procrastination in… for a little while.

This goes together with the multitasking we talked about earlier, as well as with the previous tip. If you don’t have a deadline, and you get a random urge to clean up your room, let it happen and then go back to studying. You’ll spend less time on doing both tasks than on doing the two of them separately.

  1. Set specific goals.

Studying “just because you have to” will never work. You need to set specific goals for yourself. Make ones that are short-term, and complete them to reach a long-term goal. Think of something you want to achieve and you’ll get there eventually. This is one of the ADHD study skills worth developing.

Concentrate the right way

  1. Concentrate the right way.

Have a symbol that you’ll associate with studying. It can be whatever you want. Put it in sight before starting to work. It will help you to concentrate, as well as start a routine that will get you going.

  1. Avoid wrong associations.

If you’ve noticed that your thoughts start wandering, stop working for a while. You don’t want your study items to be associated with daydreaming. After a short break, it’ll be easier to get back on track.

  1. Read with pauses.

If you have a hard time concentrating on reading, try stopping for 10 seconds after each finished page. Even though it will increase your total studying time, you’ll be able to digest the information better.

  1. Set unfinished business aside.

Not studying, though. If you have any unfinished tasks, don’t start them just before you’re about to study. You’ll avoid wasting your time and won’t have a habit of starting things at the last second.

  1. Free your mind.

Don’t let the thoughts of what you need to do later prevent you from completing current tasks. Instead, put them on paper. As a result, you’re free of distractions, and there’s a reminder of what else awaits you that you can deal with later.

Stay relaxed

  1. Stay relaxed.

Studying while you’re stressed will only make things worse. You don’t need to think of studying as something worrying and unpleasant. Use methods of relaxation that work the best for you, so that you can start studying in a good mood.

  1. Don’t be afraid to overlearn.

Don’t deprive yourself of extra studying time just because someone says it’s “too much”. If you need one more hour to learn certain material properly, take it.

  1. Be aware of your learning style.

Your learning style can be kinesthetic (the most common among ADHD learning styles), auditory or visual.

Now, here’s what you should do:

Find the studying approach that suits you the most. And if it doesn’t bring the desired results, move on to the next one. If you work with a tutor, let them know about your learning style, so they’ll have a better idea of how to help you study more efficiently.

  1. Create a study guide… and go beyond it.

Making your own study guide helps to outline the most important information and makes your studying more structured. You’ll also be able to find additional materials in case there’s something missing or unclear.

  1. Take quizzes.

We’ve already talked about making tests for yourself to make sure you’ve memorized everything.

But there’s one more test taking strategy for ADHD students that you should try.

Take different types of tests and quizzes. This way, you’ll not only be familiar with the material itself, but also with tasks you’ll have to complete on a real test.

  1. Begin from the end.

Before starting a certain task, first, go through questions and summaries. This will give you a clearer understanding of the main idea and what this topic is all about.

  1. Question everything.

There’s no such thing as too many study tips for ADHD college students.

Apart from reading the questions before learning the topic, come up with your own questions too. Make them based on titles and subheadings. You can also come up with questions while reading. It helps to understand the text and get the most out of it.

If you’re interested in finding out more about ADD and ways to cope with it, check out this Attention Deficit Disorder Handbook.

Results won’t come in a single day and great study skills still require a certain amount of work. In order to improve your performance and make the most of these ADHD strategies, you need time and dedication. Blindly following these study tips and study techniques isn’t enough. You need to be ready for changes and be determined to get better at what you do. In the end, you’ll see that these strategies for ADHD students do work. Aim for success and you’ll reach it without a doubt.

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Bloom’s Taxonomy: 85 Apps to Improve Your Studying



Bloom’s taxonomy has proven to be a highly efficient educational system that helps to set and reach learning objectives. Not only teachers, but also students find a great use for it.

But how do you make it even more effective?

Use apps! Modern technology gives us plenty of opportunities, so why not take advantage of it?

We’ve selected 85 apps that can help you reach your learning objectives. All the apps are divided into categories that match each of the Bloom’s taxonomy levels, so that you know when to use them. There’s also a short description of each app to help you better understand what it’s all about. The apps’ names are clickable so you can go to the developer’s site (or an app store in some cases) right away and start using it immediately.

So, without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Level App Description Platform
Desktop Android iOS
Creating Animoto Create and edit short video clips using your pictures, apply styles and themes, and add music. + + +
Creative Book Builder A tool that helps to generate ebooks. You can use prepared materials or create your book from scratch. + + +
Canva This app allows you to design and edit graphics and photos. You can add elements (stickers, text, frames, etc.) and work with templates. + +
audioBoom This app allows you to record, edit, and upload audio, as well as listen to podcasts made by others. + +
Animation Desk You can draw cartoons, create sketches, and create animations with this app. + + +
Fotobabble Make photos and add audio to them. You can share them on social media (Twitter, Facebook) or via email. + +
PodOmatic You can create, share, and listen to podcasts with the help of this app. + + +
Audio Memos This app allows you to record your voice, create memos, and share them with others. + +
Celtx You can create and organize various projects. Write video scripts, audio plays, stage plays, screenplays, and more. + + +
Google Drive Work on projects and documents in collaboration with other students. Leave comments and track changes. + + +
Co:Writer This app allows you to create written works and use topical dictionaries and word predictability. + +
Soundation Studio You can create and edit songs with the help of this tool, import and export files, and publish your creations online. +
Puppet Pals This app allows you to create animated puppet shows in real time. +
Weebly With this tool, you can easily create a store, blog, or a website. + + +
Autodesk SketchBook This is a drawing app where you can create sketches and paintings. It has an engine that delivers natural-looking colors and textures. + + +
Adobe Spark Post This tool will help you with creating imagery adjusted for any social media site. With ease. + +
Evaluating COLOURlovers You can create custom color palettes for your projects and make descriptions for them. + +
Desmos A graphing calculator that helps to build functions and shows the effects of certain coefficients on your graphs. + + +
Edmodo This app helps to set up groups, where you can share tasks and files, and evaluate the group’s performance. + + +
Educreations A whiteboard, where you can cooperate, share, and evaluate ideas. + +
FluidMath This is a graphing calculator that also recognizes handwriting. +
GeoGebra Apart from having functions of a graphing calculator, this tool can also help to plot data, discover theorems and apply algebra transformations. + + +
Roambi This app allows you to create charts, reports, and dashboards, as well as gather analytics and visualize your data. + + +
Socrative This tool helps students to share their understanding of a certain topic through completing polls, quizzes, exit tickets, etc. For teachers, this tool shows how well students perform. + + +
Wunderlist This app allows you to create lists and to-do’s in order to better evaluate the tasks and workload. + + +
A Web Whiteboard A simple web-based whiteboard for quick sharing and discussing ideas in groups. +
Padlet An online board where you can cooperate, share files, and evaluate the tasks. + + +
Analyzing Wufoo This is a tool for building forms. It will ease up on the information analyzing. +
ThingLink This tool will help you to create guides, as well as build lessons and customized curriculums using interactive images. + + +
Google sheets Allows you to create spreadsheets and analyze data together with other members of your group. + + +
SimpleMind With the help of this app, you can create and synchronize mind maps, and access them from any device. + + +
Airtable An app that allows you to create databases, idea collections, and checklists. You can also manage the interactions between contacts. + + +
Exitticket This app acts as a system for gathering student responses through various assessments. +
InstaGrok You can create, customize, and share interactive maps on certain topics. This tool will help you to research and analyze data more efficiently. + + +
Storify This app is great for summarizing, taking notes and gathering comments on certain topics from social media. +
Tagboard Allows you to collect hashtags from social media and websites. You can then put them on a bulletin board for further analysis. +
Vernier Graphical Analysis This tool will help you to collect data and view it in any suitable form. You can also generate reports and export your data. + +
DataAnalysis A useful app for conducting quick analysis for any sort of data. +
Applying Adobe Spark Page This app lets you collect pictures and any other content from the web to form a visual story that you can share with everyone. + +
Google Docs This is a text processor that allows groups of people to work together on the same project in real time. + + +
Doceri This app allows you to study concepts and embody the ideas on a virtual whiteboard. The whole process can be recorded and shared later. + +
PIXLR A photo editor that allows you to apply changes to pictures you’ve made. From adjusting the colors to completely transforming the whole image. + + +
MindMash This is an app where you can gather your ideas. You can work with text and images, and manipulate them in any way you want. This app will also find great use in brainstorming and taking notes. +
Google Earth A great app for applying and discovering new knowledge about our planet. It works well both for self-education and for working on specific projects. + + +
Explain Everything This app provides students with a new way to share their knowledge and experience with other students. + + +
Geoboard This is the app that allows students to create geometric attributes and identify their features, identify relations between them, and make connections. + +
Haiku Deck An app that provides you with an easy way to make presentations and slideshows on any topic. + +
PicCollage This app allows you to create collages, with a wide variety of backgrounds to choose from and with many editing options. + + +
Fractions Allows students to work with fractions in the form of a circle, bar, or chart. + +
ShowMe This app allows you to create tutorials with explanations recorded from the whiteboard and added voiceover. +
Stoodle A whiteboard for quick sharing of thoughts and ideas with a big group of people. +
BeFunky A photo editor with a wide range of editing tools. + + +
Understan- ding Confer This app makes the process of collecting and using data simpler. It helps you take notes, translate them into insights, and see the individual progress. + +
Annotate An app that helps you to take screenshots and add various types of annotations to them. Then, the image can be shared through social media or via email. +
VoiceThread This cloud-based app helps to create, share, and comment on content. It’s also possible to integrate this app into a Learning Management System for better results. + + +
Feedly This app will help you to organize a newsfeed that will satisfy all of your needs. + + +
HanDBase Database Manager A database manager that allows you to filter and sort your data, make fast searches, create reports and share their results. + +
Nimbus Clipper This app will help you to gather the information from the Internet by saving the whole pages or their fragments. + +
Diigo Diigo makes it possible to save entire web pages and synchronize everything you’ve saved across all your devices. It also has an annotations feature, readability mode, and PDF reader. + + +
Phonto With this app, you’ll be able to add text to photos. You can make explanations, annotations, or even motivational pictures with it. + +
Trello You can work on any task, list, or project with this app. It will present your work in the form of a storyboard with steps you need to complete. + + +
TodaysMeet Gives you a virtual room where you can have conversations and discussions about running projects with your team members. +
Screencast-O-Matic This app captures everything that happens on your screen and records your voice. You can then share this material for everyone else to see. +
Raptivity Provides a set of tools that can create various tasks and interactions for each of Bloom’s taxonomy levels. +
QuizStar A tool that allows you to create a variety of quizzes. It will help you to test the knowledge and understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses (or your own). +
QuickKey This app helps you to grade different types of paper assessments. It provides data about performance and gives you an idea of what route in studying should be taken next. + + +
Nearpod Makes it possible to present information on individual screens, ask questions, and receive answers in real time. + + +
GoSoapBox This tool provides a back channel for discussions and explanations, and gives you the ability to run polls. It can also act as a place for sharing ideas. +
Remembe- ring Quill This app gives you the opportunity to learn English grammar through a set of various activities. For instance, proofreading texts or stories, combining sentences, and practicing new structures. + + +
Quizlet This app helps to improve the preparation for tests, or students’ performance in general. It helps to create flashcards, tests, and quizzes to help you digest new material and check your knowledge. + + +
Schoology This app helps you to organize groups for students or colleagues where you can share files, test your performance and discuss topics or tasks. + + +
Symbaloo EDU This can act as storage for educational materials and resources. This kind of storage improves the accessibility of information and makes the collaboration smoother. + + +
Pocket This app allows you to save any materials from the Internet in one place. + + +
Flubaroo This is the app that will make grading of assignments easier. +
PlayPosit This tool simplifies the learning process by allowing you to create educational videos with ease. + +
List! This app helps to manage lists efficiently in order to not forget anything and make the most of your notes. +
Doodle An app that helps you to schedule events and send invites. With this app, it won’t be any trouble to gather a group of people to discuss an important question. + + +
eduClipper This app allows you to collect and share the educational content you find on the web. +
WolframAlpha This app uses special algorithms and methods to deliver knowledge and give answers to your questions. You can get exactly what you were looking for without having to blindly search for it on the web. + + +
SplenDO This is a list management app that will help you with your task management and maintaining multiple lists. It will prevent you from forgetting anything. +
Lensoo Create This app provides a great way to share knowledge or receive much-needed pieces of information through the virtual whiteboard. + +
MindMeister This is a tool that allows you to create mind maps. It will help you to make your ideas visual and share them with everyone. + + +
Evernote This app allows you to take notes and synchronize them across your devices. Great for keeping fresh ideas or capturing important information from the web or anywhere else. + + +
Wordle This is a tool for creating so-called “word clouds”. If you use a piece of text, it will create it based on the most frequently used words. This tool will help you to highlight main ideas and thoughts. +
Popplet This app allows you to gather and organize your ideas for more efficient use. Create connections between them, synchronize, and share the results of your work. + +

And there you have it.

It won’t be a surprise if you’re already familiar with some of the apps listed in this chart. If a certain app is in a specific category, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use it to complete other tasks or for different purposes. It’s only a matter of your imagination and creativity. So feel free to experiment. You’ll notice that there are a lot more ways to use most of the listed apps, and that it’s possible to adjust their usage for other levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Did we miss something? Feel free to tell us about your favorite apps for studying in the comments.

Bloom’s Taxonomy—How to Make Your Studying Perfect?



Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of hierarchical models that classify educational learning objectives. It divides them into levels that differ in their specificity and complexity.

a brief history

A brief history

Bloom taxonomy got its name from Benjamin Bloom. He was the head of the educators’ committee that devised the taxonomy. Bloom was also an editor of Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, a standard text that was published after a series of conferences between 1949 and 1953. The purpose of those conferences was to improve the way educators communicate regarding the design of curricula and examinations.

There were 2 volumes of taxonomy. The first volume was released in 1956 and it was titled Handbook I: Cognitive. The second volume, titled Handbook II: Affective, was published in 1964.

The whole taxonomy consists of 3 domains: cognitive, affective, and sensory (also known as the psychomotor domain). The cognitive domain attracts the most attention from educators. The main focus is to use it as a core to structure curriculum learning activities, objectives, and assessments.

In 2001, a revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy’s cognitive domain was published. It was Lorin Anderson, a former student of Benjamin Bloom, who led an assembly in the 1990s. The aim was to update the taxonomy and make it more relevant for teachers and students in the 21st century.

Bloom’s taxonomy chart

Bloom’s taxonomy chart

In the chart below, you can see the cognitive domain of Bloom’s revised taxonomy in its entirety. It consists of 2 main dimensions: cognitive processes dimension (levels of the taxonomy) and knowledge dimension (you can find explanations for each type of knowledge after the chart). In the chart, there’s also a description for each level, verbs that represent a certain level in the knowledge dimension, and examples of how a particular level can be implemented in real life.

blooms table

Dimensions of Bloom’s taxonomy

Dimensions of Bloom’s taxonomy

Originally, this taxonomy consisted of one dimension only (levels, or cognitive processes). Bloom’s revised taxonomy brought in the knowledge dimension that shows the kind of knowledge to be learned.

  • Factual knowledge. These are the basic elements. Every student should know them in order to be properly acquainted with a certain discipline. And to solve any problems it might have. Factual knowledge includes knowledge of terminology, specific elements, and details (technical vocabularies, major resources, symbols, etc.).
  • Conceptual knowledge. Conceptual knowledge represents the understanding of relations between the basic elements inside a bigger structure. And how these relations enable the elements to function as a whole. This set includes knowledge of models, structures and theories, generalizations, principles, categories, and classifications (historical periods, theorems, laws, etc.).
  • Procedural knowledge. This is the knowledge of certain processes and steps to do certain things and complete specific tasks. It also involves methods of inquiry and criteria for using skills, methods, and techniques. This category includes knowledge of when to use certain procedures, knowledge of methods and techniques specifically for the subject, and knowledge of algorithms and skills common for the subject (painting, number division, techniques of interviewing, methods of scientific experiments, etc.).
  • Metacognitive knowledge. This is the general knowledge of cognition. It also involves the awareness and knowledge of your own cognition. Knowledge that belongs to metacognitive knowledge includes strategic knowledge, cognitive tasks (including conditional and contextual knowledge), and self-knowledge (outlining to capture the structure of a subject, knowledge of test types, awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses).

The use of Bloom’s taxonomy

The use of Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy provides a systematic classification of the learning and thinking process. Its framework is straightforward and easy to understand. When used right, Bloom’s taxonomy not only acts as a great tool for measuring thinking, but it also fits the needs of modern educators and provides an alignment between educational standards, objectives, activities, goals, and products. This alignment makes it easier for teachers to decide how to use the time in class effectively.

If we’re talking about students, Bloom’s taxonomy also comes in handy. It can help to develop a more systematic approach to studying. This approach, in turn, will bring positive results much quicker, because there will be specific objectives to work towards and a straight route to reach them.

Here’s an example of how you can use Bloom’s taxonomy in a complex, using all of its levels. We’ll use the tale “The Three Little Pigs” as the subject.

  • Remembering. Describe the place where the pigs lived.
  • Understanding. Summarize the story of the three little pigs.
  • Applying. Build a theory of why only the third pig decided to build a brick house.
  • Analyze. Outline the actions of the pigs. And decide how you would act in the same events.
  • Evaluating. Assess what would happen if the three little pigs acted differently.
  • Creating. Write a poem, song, or skit to describe the whole story in a new form.

It’s possible to apply Bloom’s taxonomy to a much wider variety of scenarios and situations. Apart from studying, it finds use in numerous types of training and preparation, including medical training.

Bloom’s taxonomy provides a well-organized framework that every teacher, tutor, and trainer needs to provide an efficient learning process. Students can also use it to improve their performance greatly. If that’s what you need, then it’s worth giving this system a shot.

Left and Right Brain—The Surprising Truth [INFOGRAPHIC]



left brain right brain

Neuroscientists and psychologists all around the world have put great effort into investigating the functions and differences of the left and right brain.

The existence of differences between left brain and right brain have been proven by many studies. Especially valuable are the observations that have been made on brain injuries.

In this article, you will learn everything about the left brain vs. right brain, including their functions and characteristics.



Right brain and left brain functions

Based on dozens of surveys, scientists have made a list of features that are typical for each of the two hemispheres.

To show you these left and right brain traits, we’ve developed a detailed infographic that you can find at the bottom of this page. It will also tell you about some of the best right brain and left brain exercises.

First, let’s list some everyday skills and connect them to the hemispheres responsible for them:

Left brain: Right brain:
Logic Emotions
Reasoning Intuition
Writing Music
Calculation Art
Criticism Creativity
Language Imagination

However, in everyday life, we use both hemispheres equally.

How do we know?

Neuroscientists have been studying brain injuries for many years. We know that if the left hemisphere is damaged, it leads to problems with speaking, understanding words, and maintaining coordination. When the right hemisphere of the brain is damaged, the patient has difficulties with visual perception, impulsiveness, and slow learning.

Want to know even more?

Take a look at these descriptions of your brain hemispheres’ functions.


What does the left side of the brain control?

This question continues to interest hundreds of scientists, and there are still not enough pieces of evidence to determine the exact functions of this side of the brain.

But the facts we know are still interesting!

Using the left side of the brain, we are able to accomplish hundreds of operations. First of all, we should mention various language skills like forming words, understanding phrases, and constructing sentences.

Almost every action connected with language—both spoken and written—is a function of the left side of the brain. For example, writing is a typical left brain trait.

Did you know that the left brain controls the right side of the body?

It’s true! And even left-handed people have been proven to use the left hemisphere when they write.

When discussing the left brain vs. right brain, it’s important to talk about logic and analytical thinking.

Analytical thinking is a mental process that starts when you investigate some problem by breaking it down into smaller issues. By doing so, you start to develop solutions not by means of intuition but by  formulating criticism, gathering and evaluating information, and taking a logical approach.

Typical left brain questions are:

How can I solve this problem? What evidence can be used? How should I break down this complex issue into manageable pieces?

Want to know more?

Plus, when you make any calculation, even the easiest ones, you are relying on your analytical left brain. Every math skill—whether it’s addition, subtraction, or division—depends on the left brain’s work.

Try to remember how old your best friend is. Did you get it right? Congratulations, you’re a great friend! But even more—you’ve just activated your left brain thinking process.

When you retrieve facts, statistics, or other information from memory, it’s the left side of brain that’s working.

So let’s sum things up. The left hemisphere is the math side of the brain. It is responsible for calculations, logic, reasoning, puzzle solving, spoken language, writing, and criticism.

But what about the other side?

Read on to find out who’s the winner in the right vs. left brain game!


What does the right side of the brain control?

Right brain activities are diverse and just as significant for everyday living as those we mentioned in the previous section.

One of the most important right brain functions is visualization. People whose right side of the brain is damaged often have trouble evaluating the distance between objects—some seem to be far away when they’re actually near and vice versa.

This is how much our vision of reality relies on the right hemisphere. With its help, we can understand what we see—including every object, its traits, and distance from it to any other object in the room.

Without the hard work of the right side of your brain, you couldn’t even tell your mom from your best friend.


Because face recognition capability also lies in the right brain.

If you’re looking for creativity, the left brain isn’t the right choice—it’s the right brain that will be there to help. Your right brain controls creativity and imagination, including any task that is deeply connected with visual perception. Whenever you make up stories or imagine new characters to draw, the right side of the brain starts to work.

You may be thinking—that’s all? Can the creative side of your brain do math or anything?

Actually, it can!


Though calculations aren’t a regular activity of this hemisphere, it does make great estimations and comparisons. But it’s up to you to improve these skills.

When it comes to language, the right and left brain make an excellent pair. While most of our written language functions depend on the left side of the brain, the right hemisphere makes our spoken language so informative and beautiful.

Interested in knowing why?

Here’s the answer: the right hemisphere helps us recognize intonation, tone, and pitch. It also helps us understand metaphors and idioms. That’s why people with a damaged right side of brain have difficulty understanding figures of speech.

But now let’s talk about intuition—it’s also a part of right brain processing. But do you know what exactly intuition is?

Intuition is the ability to make decisions instinctively without reasoning or thinking. It may seem like a useless skill for a logical person, but think how much you have to use intuition on an everyday basis.

Every time you need to make a rapid decision or get used to new circumstances, it’s intuition that helps. It’s the right brain hemisphere’s responsibility to not leave you numb in an unexpected situation but to make decisions and help you adapt to new circumstances.

So, what are the best words to describe the right brain? Artistic, creative, emotional, and holistic.

Now everything is clear, right? Each hemisphere has its own set of important responsibilities.

But one question still hasn’t been answered:


Which hemisphere is more important: left brain VS right brain

You probably clicked on this article to find out more about brain dominance theory.

It’s a very a popular thought today—that the differences between right and left brain are so essential that you have one dominant brain that influences your personality.

In reality, though, this is an incorrect belief.

You can’t say that one side is more important than the other. The characteristics and activities of both the left and right brain are essential to human life. Any disorder in either the right or left hemisphere leads to significant trouble with coordination, thinking, or socializing.

That shows us that every function of each side of the brain is unique and valuable.

Both hemispheres work equally—even when you’re accomplishing a typical left brain function, you’re using your right hemisphere simultaneously and vice versa.


What about the right brain vs. left brain quiz?

You’ve probably heard about left brained vs. right brained people—this is a popular theory that allows you to determine your type of thinking. It is said that someone with a dominant left side of the brain has better analytical, logical, and problem-solving skills than creative, artistic, and emotional right-brained people.

Have you ever asked, “What side of your brain do you use?” Well, there are lots of left brain vs. right brain tests—by taking them, you can easily find out whether you’re a logical or artistic person. Just answer some simple questions like: “Do you easily remember names?” or “Do you often make impulsive decisions?” Then the quiz will tell you which side of your brain you rely on most.

Sounds like a lot of fun, right? Take the test with all your friends and then argue about left vs right brain to try and uncover which one is the best.

But is this just a myth or a stereotype? Can you be left and right brained?

Brain dominance theory is absorbing and enjoyable. And it also allows people to think about stereotypes and labels.

In reality, though, psychology is a more complicated subject.

What does it really mean to be left brain dominant or right brain dominant?

According to popular tests, a right-brained person is an emotional and artistic individual who is great at playing music and visualizing things.

A left brain person, on the other hand, is a logical thinker who makes precise calculations, always wins arguments with strong evidence, and has strong talents in criticism.

The truth is that there are very few people who have the traits of only one of these descriptions. More often, we combine both of them.

Just think—is there a typical “left brain” artist among your friends? Or have you ever met a musician with great analytical skills?

There is no doubt—everyone has specific talents.

But they definitely don’t come from some fundamental aspect of our personalities.

It’s always up to you to decide whether to improve your analytical thinking or learn how to play the guitar—so don’t put yourself into a box!


Right brain and left brain exercises

Look at this picture and name the colors. Try to answer as quickly as possible!


Was it difficult?

It probably was—and we can explain why.

This picture shows how the left and right brain can sometimes come into conflict.

Your right brain hemisphere tries to call out the color, while your left side of brain is focused on the words’ meanings.

If you practice a little, this funny task will become much easier.

Actually, practice makes perfect for every skill!

That’s why we have collected some useful right brain and left brain exercises.

You will definitely find them beneficial, so try some of them right now:


Tips to improve the skills that your left brain controls:

  1. Do puzzles and crosswords.

These are hobbies that your math brain side adores. It is a scientific fact that when we’re working on a solution, electrical and chemical impulses go from neuron to neuron in your left side of the brain.

So, download a word search game on your smartphone or buy a crossword!

Sudoku, puzzles, and math games will keep your left brain hemisphere fit.

  1. Start writing.

Writing has always been considered a beneficial activity for speech, logic, and your brain.

When you write, you activate many left brain processes. In fact, spelling itself is a typical function of the left brain hemisphere.

Moreover, many types of writing include various logical tasks. For example, when you’re working on an essay, you have to develop a clear structure, prove your point of view, evaluate information, and choose evidence.

Careful planning starts the left thinking process.

Next time you get an assignment, you’ll realize that academic writing can be a very useful activity for your mind.

  1. Change your routine.

Taking a logical approach to your routine is a great way to turn boring everyday tasks into a puzzle.

Don’t use the same tools over and over again.

For example, to create an engaging task for your left side of brain, develop a new way to get home from work. Or think about how to change the way you accomplish a normal task.


  1. Code a web page.

Coding is an analytical task that requires a lot of logical thinking. When we talk about left brain activities, programming apps and coding websites should come to mind.

If you’re far from programming, start by learning HTML, JavaScript, and CSS—these activities aren’t difficult but are still useful.

Moreover, developing websites is an advantageous skill in modern life.

  1. Make calculations.

There are many situations in life when you need to use numbers and make calculations—in a supermarket, at work, when cooking, and many more.

Next time you need to add or multiply something, don’t turn on a calculator.

Instead, make all the calculations in your mind. This will train your left brain hemisphere and improve your math skills.

  1. Use Twitter.

Twitter is an interesting way to present information concisely. The point is to express each thought in 140 characters or less.

Moreover, this is the perfect chance to train your left side of brain every day—just spend less than five minutes on each tweet!


Tips to improve the skills that your right brain controls:

  1. Learn a new dance.

The right side of brain likes new exercises. Dances, fitness training, or yoga stimulate this hemisphere.

Learn some new dancing moves or yoga poses.

This will activate your right side of the brain and make you healthier.

Plus, these activities are a great stress reliever.

  1. Listen to audiobooks or meditation programs.

Visualization makes great training for the right brain.

For example, when you listen to audiobooks, you imagine characters, backgrounds, and scenes.

Meditation also makes us visualize what we hear.

Imagination is a significant part of our lives that can help with both left and right brain learning.


  1. Play music or sing.

Music awareness is one of the right brain functions.

To stimulate the auditory cortex, learn to sing or play a musical instrument.

If you already play an instrument, try to find a new musical hobby like developing electronic tracks or finding a new genre to listen to.

  1. Paint or draw.

Have you ever wanted to create a painting? Or maybe you’ve thought of an interesting plot for a comic strip?

Even when you doodle, the right brain process is activated.

Take a masterclass to express your ideas and get a boost to your creativity.

  1. Find a creative hobby.

Don’t like to play music or paint? No problem!

There are a lot of creative hobbies, and everyone can find an inspiring and relaxing activity to improve their creative side of the brain.

Knitting, wood-carving, crocheting, sewing, making pottery—any of these hobbies can help you develop your right brain. And they are pleasant to spend your evenings on!

  1. Use the non-dominant side of your body.

Left and right brain games are interesting and don’t demand a lot of time.

But there’s a trick to boosting your right brain hemisphere whenever you want—just use the non-dominant side of your body.

Brush your teeth, cook dinner, and lock the door in the morning using your non-dominant hand.

Now you know what the primary right and left brain functions are and how to improve the skills that are connected with each of your brain hemispheres.

To sum things up, look at this infographic on the topic of “Right Brain VS Left Brain”!

Note Taking Methods for Effective Learning: 40 Best Templates



Every student is constantly looking for tried and true methods, tools, and techniques to make their study process more effective.

And note taking on lectures and textbooks is a skill that no student can live without.


Note taking is a convenient way to record any material for future review. It makes it easy to refresh the information in your memory as soon as you look at your notes. It also helps you find out the origin of facts and ideas, as well as your thoughts about them.

Effective note taking will let you:

  • Discover and record the main ideas of the covered material
  • Focus on the relevant data
  • Memorize information faster

The note taking techniques listed in this article can be used for any discipline, depending on the type of information that you need to remember. Some of the methods offer a multi-purpose design that is effective for a wide variety of classes.

Plus, all of these notes organizers are broken down into groups for your convenience. You are free to download any of these templates and use them for your classes.


Prepare for reading

Before you start reading and analyzing any given text, make sure you’re ready. These two note taking methods will guide you through questions and directions to help you get acquainted with a new textbook or book before you actually start reading it. They will save you a considerable amount of time and effort.

  1. Textbook Feature Analysis

This is a template with guidelines to explore a textbook.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to make an overall evaluation of a textbook before they actually start studying it.

Who knows?

Maybe you’ll discover that you don’t even need to really study it at all!

Download a free template for this method

  1. Pre-Reading Notes

This sheet is an effective tool to reinforce your note taking skills. Just scan your book, and answer the questions listed in the right-hand field.

Perfect choice for:

Students who have no time to carefully read a chapter, book, or article but still want to get an A+ on their reading assignment.

Download a free template for this method

Read and analyze

Read and analyze

Reading literature like novels or plays involves a different approach compared to studying a textbook. In most cases, the meaning of the author’s words is implied, so you have to dive deep into the world of figurative language to finally get to the essence of the words. This section offers note taking methods to help you understand what the author means and learn how to discuss it.

Even better:

You can also use some of these techniques to explore certain scientific processes, study historical events, or examine other disciplines more effectively.

  1. Process Notes

This one-page chart will help you study the stages of different processes.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to analyze some process but still want to have fun while studying. This tool can be somewhat entertaining when it comes to visualizing key moments or stages.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Reciprocal Notes

Use this note recording method to determine the important events and details of the material you’re studying.

Perfect choice for:

Students asked to dive deep into the details of a plot/social phenomena/artistic work/etc.

Knock your professor’s socks off with your competence: read far below surface level with the help of a few simple questions.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Response to Literature

With the help of the stems in this template, you’ll easily assess the material you’ve gotten acquainted with.

Perfect choice for:

Students who have to express their feelings and attitudes about the literature they’re reading.

Download a free template for this method

  1. SQ3R Notes

This name of this effective reading strategy template stands for its five consecutive steps: Survey. Question. Read. Recite. Review.

Perfect choice for:

Students who are asked to go the extra mile when reading a given selection. Following this method is almost a guarantee of getting the highest grade.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Q Notes

This tool combines the features of SQ3R with the Cornell note taking method. Are you ready to quiz yourself by folding over a sheet of paper and answering your own questions?

Perfect choice for:

Those who need to make notes to prepare for exams on reading.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Inference Notes

With the target illustration in this template, you might think you’re at a shooting range.


Just incorporate six different facts or examples with their explanations in the target’s outer ring.

Perfect choice for:

Students who have to analyze anyone or anything in any subject. This template works great if you need to come up with your own inferences about a certain fictional character.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Think Aloud

We are always thinking while we read, but oftentimes our thinking is not as focused as it should be. Thinking aloud is a strategy to build your comprehension while reading and improve your analytical and speaking skills.

Perfect choice for:

  • Readers who tend to think about anything except reading while reading.
  • Anyone looking for helpful phrases and sentence stems to develop their thinking aloud skills.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Interactive Notes

These Before/During/After notes will accompany you throughout the entire reading process. You should answer the questions in the columns and add brief details, associations, or comments.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need:

  • Written notes to instantly recall and discuss the topic they covered.
  • Useful prompts for further writing about the piece they’ve read.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Summary Notes

This note taking template will smoothly lead you to write a great summary of a chapter, book, or article that you have to speak or write about.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to present a compelling summary that deserves a high grade.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Persuasion Notes

Are you struggling to find and organize facts to persuade someone to take your position?

Then why not use a ready-made note taking template in PDF?

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to write a persuasive essay or simply justify their position about something.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Judge’s Notes

This effective note taking strategy prepares you to write a paper in which you state your opinion backed up by solid evidence. With this template, you’ll have a real chance of persuading your opponents.

Perfect choice for:

Students who want to feel what it’s like to bring in a fair verdict supported by strong evidence.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Reporter’s Notes

This note taking template allows you to act like a reporter and deeply analyze any material using just seven simple questions as your tool.

Perfect choice for:

Those who need to get to the heart of any matter/issue/problem.

Download a free template for this method

  1. KWHL Chart

Despite its strange name, this chart can come in handy. Students should use this tool before, during, and after learning a new topic in any class.

Perfect choice for:

Students who are facing a serious academic struggle. With just four questions, you’ll quickly and effectively address your research problem, no matter how difficult or unusual it is.

Download a free template for this method

Compare, contrast, and evaluate

Compare, contrast, and evaluate

As students, you frequently get assignments to:

  • Compare and contrast certain things, ideas, features, etc.
  • Identify different degrees or categories of things.

These activities are very useful as they develop your critical and analytical thinking and encourage you to get a deeper understanding of the topic.

The templates in this section will facilitate this process for you.

  1. Think in Threes Triangle

You’re probably used to comparing and contrasting two objects.

But what about going beyond “yes” and “no” or “good” and “bad”?

Perfect choice for:

Students who have to compare three objects or ideas.

Download a free template for this method

  1. T-Chart Notes

You can use this two-column organizer for various assignments and purposes.

Perfect choice for:

Students who have to:

  • Compare and contrast anything (e.g. novels, characters, historical events).
  • Create a list of causes and effects.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Spreadsheet Notes

You can use this generic spreadsheet for almost any subject. This method helps you recognize and embrace many features at once.

Perfect choice for:

Students assigned to compare:

  • Novels, events, characters, projects, etc.
  • Different features of a certain object/concept.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Venn Diagram Notes

A Venn diagram is used to help you compare and contrast different things.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to find shared and distinct features of ideas, books, facts, characters, events, etc.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Continuum

This note taking method in PDF will help you evaluate and organize what you read, write, hear, or watch on a continuum.

Perfect choice for:

Students looking for an easy method to determine different degrees or categories for the given concepts.

Download a free template for this method

Create maps, charts, and outlines

Create maps, charts, and outlines

Organizing the material you’re learning into maps or charts, as well as outlining it, helps you quickly grasp and review all the necessary facts.

This way you can:

  • Arrange your information logically.
  • Show relationships.
  • Stay consistent.

Feel free to download any of the free note taking templates offered in this section!

  1. Cornell Notes

The Cornell method of note taking is a traditional and widely used system to record, review, and retain any material. You can use Cornell notes to write in your notebook, on a sheet of paper, on a wall, on your hand, or on the printed template that you can download here.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to:

  • Organize their notes logically.
  • Learn new topics quickly and with ease.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Webpage Notes

A blank webpage template works great as a visual organizer for some classes. Look at our imaginary home page for an American History site, and then use the blank template below.

Perfect choice for:

Students who perceive information more easily with notes that look like their favorite webpage layout.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Outline Notes

The simple outlining system of note taking is a well-organized strategy if you do it right. You don’t need to edit it too much, and you can add as many ideas as necessary.

Perfect choice for:

Students who not only need to record content but also see relationships between points.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Sentence Note Taking

This one’s easy! All you have to do is to put every new fact or idea on a separate line in sentence form. No need to draw anything or to think too hard during the note taking process. Use your textbook to make notes or print out our helpful template.

Perfect choice for:

Students looking for a super-easy note taking method.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Cluster Notes (Mind-Mapping)

This multi-purpose note taking method can be used for lectures in any discipline. All you have to do is to create different shapes and insert the relevant data inside them.

Perfect choice for:

Anyone who is looking for:

  • A method to organize ideas in the early stages of reading, writing, or thinking.
  • A simple strategy to easily perceive and memorize the recorded notes.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Sequence Flow Map

Fill in the ovals with the necessary information and discuss your notes in your conclusions.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need a convenient tool to show events or stages in chronological order.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Charting Method

The charting method works great if you need to divide your notes into categories, like:

  • Dates
  • Features
  • Similarities
  • Events

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to:

  • Take lecture notes in a clear format.
  • Process and learn a huge amount of information.

Download a free template for this method

Analyze plot, events, and characters

Analyze plot, events, and characters

In this category, you’ll find distinct note taking templates to analyze the exposition, setting, or characters of any story you have to read. These tools will help you find meaning even in minor details that you may not have noticed while reading.

Develop your creative and analytical thinking skills with these templates!

  1. Plot Diagram

Keep forgetting the key stages of the plot? You don’t need to reread your story or book a thousand times—just use this diagram!

Perfect choice for:

Students who don’t want to read and reread a 700-page book just for one class.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Event Spider

As soon as you look at the important events and details of a story listed in this template, you’ll recall all the key moments from the chapter or book you’ve read.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to prepare for a test on reading. Even students with arachnophobia can use this spider’s sheet without fear.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Character Map

The many literary techniques of characterization can be difficult to master. But not with this template for your character assessment!

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to provide more detail about a certain character than just, “She is a super cute and sweet girl (and that’s all I remember about her).”

Download a free template for this method

  1. Episodic Notes

You can use this note making method for a wide array of tasks in which you need to visualize and explain the stages of a process.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to illustrate scenes or stages from a text or topic they’re reading/studying. (Hopefully, you can draw a dog that doesn’t look like a dinosaur.)

Download a free template for this method

  1. Target Notes

This style of note taking is a very popular and useful tool when you have to evaluate someone or something by explaining why, when, and to what extent they are important.

Perfect choice for:

Students who have to discuss the level of importance of some concept, idea, character, object, etc.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Timeline Notes

This multi-use tool can serve different purposes:

  • Conducting scientific experiments
  • Studying history
  • Reading
  • Doing other activities

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to:

  • Show the sequence of events/stages
  • Determine the relationships between them
  • Improve their reading, thinking, and writing skills

Download a free template for this method

Organize ideas into hierarchy

Organize ideas into a hierarchy

If you need to show the hierarchy of certain things or ideas, it’s very easy to do with the help of pyramids. Look at these two templates we’ve prepared for you and use them to organize your material logically or to narrow down your topic.

  1. Hierarchical Notes

It’s as simple as ABC: put the most solid, significant, and basic aspects or ideas at the bottom and then go up the pyramid by adding less and less important things.

Perfect choice for:

Students assigned to arrange ideas into a hierarchy.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Inverted Pyramid

The Inverted Pyramid is the exact opposite of the Hierarchical Notes listed just above. You can use this strategy to narrow down your topic.

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to narrow down their topic. For example, the general topic of “Jargon” can be narrowed down to “Is ‘Huh’ a Universal Word?

Download a free template for this method

Print out, cut, and fill in

Print out, cut, and fill in

Custom-Writing is here to save your time and effort by offering you templates that you can print out, cut, and use for your studies right away.

  1. Critical Reading Bookmarks

This template is great to use as a bookmark while reading. Refer to the template to:

  • Make notes about characters
  • Answer the given questions for critical analysis

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to analyze a selection they’re reading. This sheet will make sure you keep your notes on hand while reading.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Vocabulary Squares

Print and cut out these vocabulary squares to easily analyze new words and quickly memorize them.

Perfect choice for:

Anyone who needs to enrich their vocabulary with new words and phrases. One vocabulary square is worth a thousand words!

Download a free template for this method

  1. Idea Cards

There are endless purposes that you can use these Idea Cards for:

  • To fill in the names of characters/events
  • To discuss important points about them
  • To organize them into clusters
  • To show their relationships or causes and effects

Perfect choice for:

Students who need to unscramble a multitude of messy thoughts.

Download a free template for this method

Discuss in groups

Discuss in groups

“Truth is sprouted in discussion,” right?

We all know that properly structured teamwork is sure to:

  • Reinforce skills relevant to both individual and group work.
  • Develop skills arising from collaborative efforts.
  • Improve your analytical, speaking, and persuasive abilities.

So why not make the best of it?

  1. Roundtable Notes

Write a topic or main idea in the middle circle and add four approaches or supporting details around it.

Perfect choice for:

Effective group discussion in which everyone expresses opinions on a certain topic.

Download a free template for this method

  1. Lit Circle Notes

This note taking template is a mix of cooperative studying, independent reading, and in-group discussion.

Perfect choice for:

Students who want to play an in-group learning game to discuss literature. Just select your role and play!

Download a free template for this method
No matter what subject you are studying, these templates will save you a considerable amount of time both in the classroom and at home. So don’t just take notes and then rewrite them later—do it right the first time!

Some of the materials in this article were created based on Jim Burke’s templates.

Awesome! 75+ History Websites for a Perfect Research



So, you’ve started your historical topic research.

What’s one of the most important stages of this process?

Right, finding competent resources. It may seem easy at first, but in reality, it’s a bit different. Finding great history websites is very time-consuming, to say the least.

Can you imagine how long it will take to get the exact information you’re looking for among the hundreds of sites available out there?

You’ve made the right choice to come here. We did the most boring and time-consuming part for you. We’ve selected some of the most informative history websites for students and divided them into categories. So it’s even easier for you to find what you need.

With our selection of websites, it won’t be a problem to find information on any historical topic.

Just take a look at what’s inside:

Let’s not waste any more of your time and get right into the list.

World History Websites

World History Websites

Websites in this category cover a wide range of topics: all regarding world history in general.

Ancient History


BBC – Ancient History

The BBC site contains a selection of resources and materials useful for any history student. They include Galleries, exhibitions, an ancient history timeline, history trails, information about historical figures, and much more.

Discovering Ancient Egypt

This site focuses more on a specific topic. And that topic is Ancient Egypt. With daily updates, this website is filled with information about hieroglyphs, Egyptian architecture, kings and queens of Ancient Egypt, numbers and Egyptian math, ancient history facts and more.

Perseus Project

This website will serve as an outstanding place for finding primary and secondary sources on various historical topics. Discover information on Ancient Greek history, archaeology and art, the Greco-Roman world, and Ancient Olympics just to name a few.

Online Gallery – Virtual Books (aka Turning the Pages)

This fascinating site really stands out among the other ancient history websites. It allows you to literally turn the pages of numerous manuscripts, books, and other historical works.

Kaminski Handwriting Collection

The name of this site speaks for itself. This is a collection of handwriting. It contains manuscripts, documents, and other works. This is a terrific site for finding primary and secondary sources of any kind.

Medieval History


Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet

This site is dedicated to studies of the Middle Ages with a focus on the Eastern Roman Empire. It has a wide selection of academic and teaching resources. Both students and lecturers will find them useful.

The Labyrinth

This site grants access to various resources in medieval studies. It covers a broad range of topics, including architecture, art, armor, nations, a Middle Ages timeline and much more. You’re very likely to find answers to any questions regarding medieval history here.


This site will provide you with quite a selection of materials about medieval history. It’s hard to tell what topics this site doesn’t cover. Visit it and see for yourself.


This is a blog that’s oriented on medieval history. It includes general information, news, videos, and articles. All about medieval times, including Middle Ages facts.

Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts

This site contains about 11,000 manuscripts from medieval times. All of them are searchable, and the site is available in multiple languages.

Modern History


Academy of Achievement

This site tells the stories of people who gained great achievements throughout the modern history timeline. It covers various fields including sports, art, science, and more. It also includes video and audio clips. It will help you find out more about iconic personalities through the stories of their success.

Historical Atlas of the 20th Century

Gives detailed information about the lives of people during the entire 20th century. Apart from that, the site also contains useful links, FAQs and an assortment of essays. It will surely be a valuable source of data for any modern history research.

The 20th Century — a World History

This is a very detailed site that tells about all of the key events of world history in the 20th century. It has easy to navigate indexation that makes this site user-friendly. It also provides a list of recommended readings.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook

The title is pretty self-explanatory. This is a collection of public domain historical texts that anyone can use for educational purposes. Materials presented here cover various aspects of the world’s modern history, making this site worth checking out.

History of Countries

History of Countries

History websites listed below are dedicated to highlighting the key events in the history of individual countries.

American History


U.S. History

This is a website that describes the history of the United States of America from Pre-Columbian times to the modern age. It has all the materials divided into categories, so it’s easy to navigate the site.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

This useful website will provide you with in-depth information about the events that happened in every era of American history. It also gives access to primary sources and has quite a collection of videos and audios.

The National Museum of American History

This site will help anyone interested in studying American history. Collections and exhibitions present on this site cover every aspect of people’s lives in America throughout its history. So, you should definitely take a look.

United States History

Here’s what differentiates this site from other American history websites. Apart from having all the historical facts described and sorted in chronological order, this site also offers information tables, maps, quizzes, and a glossary. Not only can you learn something new about American history, but you also have a chance to check your knowledge right away.

Teaching American History

This website will be equally useful for both teachers and students. It contains numerous exhibits, historical documents, and other resources. This site will make research on any topic regarding American history easier.

African History


South African History Online

This site will provide you with detailed and in-depth information on African history. Whatever it is that interests you about Africa – this website is one of the first places you should visit.

Southern African Historical Society

This isn’t only an informative online historical journal about Africa. This site also acts as a network to unite historians and allow them to communicate.

Wonders of the African World

This site is run by Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. He shares his vision of Africa through his travel diary, the depiction of architectural wonders, and interpreting the historical events. You should definitely visit this site if you’re in search of a fresh and unbiased look at African history.

African Voices

This website is more like a never-ending exhibition. Apart from materials that you’d expect to get from a history website, African Voices also highlights the issues of working, wealth, living conditions, and other everyday aspects of life in Africa.

Indian History



This site will tell you about the Indus culture and the Indus Valley. It’s filled with images, photos, slideshows, and articles to describe the culture and its heritage in great details. It also includes videos, books, and articles.

History of India

This website has all it takes to become a go-to place if you research the ancient history of India. All the materials on this site are divided into sections for better navigation. Sections include religion, chronological events, education, references, geography, and other historical topics.

India History

Apart from telling about events of Indian history, this site also provides evidence of those events happening. It provides an incredibly informative spreadsheet that anyone can use as a reference during research.


This history website focuses on and describes every stage of Indian history. It will also tell you about the army, culture, and everyday life aspects in India. The site highlights the milestones of Indian history, so you know what events had the most impact.

Russian History

The Face of Russia

The face of Russia is a series of historical documentaries by PBS. The site itself contains a timeline of Russian history, maps, biographies, indexes, program summaries, and references.

Alexander Palace Time Machine

Even though this site focuses on the last Russian tsar and the Romanov family, it also offers in-depth info about Russian history in general. It contains archives, documents, travel guides, biographies, books, links to sites and blogs, and more. It will satisfy all your researching needs.

Soviet History Archive

This is a part of the Marxist Internet Archive. It tells about the development of Russia during the 20th century. It describes the main historical events along with detailed info about culture and society of the USSR.

Seventeen Moments in Soviet History

This website is a multimedia archive for all those interested in Russian history during the Soviet era. It provides materials on history, economics, politics, culture, and society.

European History


European History Online

This academic website contains articles on European history. It covers the period from the 15th century up to the 21st century. All the articles are separated into thematic threads, and the site includes a European history timeline.

My House of European History

This site contains articles and stories about European history written by regular users. It provides different points of view on various events in the history of Europe. The stories are complete with pictures, recordings, videos, and documents. They also have geographical locations. It’s easy to collect and share those stories, so this site is a real goldmine for any researcher.

AP European History

The site includes numerous educational materials on European history. It also has presentations, texts, videos, and assignments. This website can help researchers or those who just want to learn new material about European history.

EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History

This site as a great place to find historical materials and sources about various events and periods in any European country. The documents you can find here are transcribed or translated. There are also video and audio files, maps, and photos to complete your research.

Canadian History


Canada’s History

This history website includes articles, books, magazines, podcasts, videos, and much more about Canada. It also grants access to online forums, webinars, archives, and galleries.

Historica Canada

This site tells everything about the history and citizenship of Canada. Not only does it tell about the events of the past, but this site’s staff also engages with people so they can tell stories and share their unique experiences.

Canada History

Another history website that provides interesting in-depth and well-classified information about Canadian history. It includes articles on historical events, politics, locations, and culture. The site also contains timelines, maps, videos, and a variety of historical documents.

The Canadian Encyclopedia

This is a detailed and well-organized encyclopedia that will tell you about all aspects of Canadian history. It also gives access to interactive resources such as various collections, exhibitions, and timelines.

Australian History


Guide to Australia

This site is a go-to place for everyone who wants to know more about Australia. And we’re not talking only about history. It will also tell you about state flags and emblems, geography, culture, science, and much more.

Australian History Research

The site will tell you about all the happenings that took place in Australian history. It also provides different types of publications and additional resources to help with researching a specific topic.

Royal Australian Historical Society

This is a site about Australia’s oldest historical organization. It was founded back in 1901, in Sydney. And to this day, its aim stays the same – to promote Australian history studies.

Australian History Mysteries

An Australian history website designed for primary and secondary schools. It provides you with historical information, case studies, videos, interactive activities, and print content.

British History



This site will tell you everything about people, times, events, and places in British history. It has all the materials categorized, so it’s easy to find a specific topic that you’re interested in.

The National Archives

This website is designed to help students with researching historical topics. It doesn’t only share historical and educational materials about British history. It also has research guides and other recommendations to help make your work more efficient.

The British Empire

This British history website contains timelines, photos, battle descriptions, maps, and much more regarding British history in general, and the British Empire in particular. It shares a personal view of the events, which makes this site different from other academic resources.

British History Online

This site serves as a source of primary and secondary materials for British and Irish history. Its main focus is on the time period from 1300 to 1800.

Topical History Websites

Topical History Websites

This category contains websites on specific historical topics.

World War 1


International Encyclopedia of the First World War

This site contains in-depth information and a variety of materials about World War I. It includes videos, imagery, and audio. It also has downloadable content and a list of links to other sites dedicated to this event.

A Multimedia History of World War One

This website covers every aspect of World War One history. From chronological events to personalities and weaponry used. It also contains source documents, maps, propaganda posters, and vintage photos and videos.

The Great War

Another site that shares the historical materials about key World War I dates. What makes it different, though, is that it shows what’s now situated at the locations where battlefields used to be.


A history website for student and researchers that delivers a variety of award-winning materials about World War I, including books and magazines. Apart from that, it has links to other sites and articles that cover the topic of World War I.

World War 2


World War 2

This site provides detailed information on a wide selection of topics regarding the Second World War. Categories include a timeline, facts, figures, and statistics just to name a few. There’s much more to this site, so you should definitely visit it.

Recollections of WWII

This site provides oral history collections and contains stories of those who lived through World War II. It has interviews with people who were directly affected by the war. There are also video interviews, transcripts, and audios available on this site.


Apart from describing key moments of the World War Two timeline, this site also provides visual materials, testimonies, and interviews with experts in this historical field. It also has a selection of links to other resources dedicated to this topic.

World War II Today

This website provides in-depth information about all the events of World War II, in chronological order. Content is divided into categories by year. It also contains new research and findings, as well as a selection of external links and diaries.

Art History


The Art History Archive

This site serves as a valuable source of information about specific artists, art groups, and artistic movements. It mentions even the smallest art movements along the art history timeline to ensure that it will satisfy the needs of any visitor to the site.

Art History Resources

This site is basically a collection of links to various art topics. But the amount and level of organization of those links are what makes it worthwhile to visit the site. It’s a valuable source for any art history study.

Trivium Art History

This colorful resource can be equally useful for both students and educators. It not only contains historical facts about art movements but also provides high-resolution images and other materials, including writings and biographies of artists from various art history periods.

Web Gallery of Art

This site acts as a searchable database for anyone interested in art history. Apart from historical materials, this site includes guided tours, an extensive database, and a wide list of sources.

Women in History


Women in World History

This site contains a wide variety of educational materials and resources about women’s history on a global scale. It includes organized lessons, thematic units, biographies, background essays, reviews, and Q&As.

National Women’s History Museum

This website researches, collects, and showcases the contributions of women to all the spheres of our life in world history context. It includes online exhibits and a wide selection of educational materials and resources.

Women’s History Network

This is the site of a national association and charity. It promotes women’s history and encourages those interested in it. It shares publications, holds conferences, and has blog articles posted regularly.

National Women’s History Project

This history website dedicated to women in history has a wide selection of historical materials and other resources (such as quizzes, resource links, and commemorations).

History of Slavery


Slavery in South Africa

This site focuses on enslaved society that existed in Africa. It provides extensive historical information, as well as additional resources. Those include primary documents, bibliography, personal stories, and a selection of links.

Harvard and Slavery

This website contains the results of students’ research on the topic of Harvard University’s involvement in slavery. It covers the time period throughout Harvard’s existence, starting with its founding in 1636.

The Abolition Project – Slavery

This is a section of The Abolition Project website telling about slavery. It covers a number of historical aspects of this topic and contains imagery, maps, a timeline, and articles.

Slavery in the North

This site provides a detailed look at the issue of slavery in North America. As well as covering the general data, it also tells about the issue in particular regions, making this site a valuable source for everyone researching this topic.

Military History


War History Online

This site tells about the history and evolution of warfare in all of its aspects. It contains videos, pictures, and articles on a wide variety of topics.

Military History Online

As the name of this site suggests, it tells about military history. This website covers the period from ancient times up to modern days, making it a great resource for all those interested in this topic.

Military History Encyclopedia

This site covers all the aspects of military history. It contains over 5,500 articles, more than 1,000 book reviews, as well as pictures, maps, and documents. It also includes coverage of the infamous world conflicts.

Military History Monthly

Apart from covering events in military history, this site also provides new research and articles on this topic. It reveals new details about certain events and shares findings that were unknown before.

History of Religion


Religion Facts

This site contains facts and historical information on all the major world religions. It also includes charts, a glossary, and descriptions of religious symbols.

Religion in American History

This site is exactly what its name portrays. It covers all the aspects of religion in American history from the point of view of writers and scholars who contribute to the website.

BBC – History

This is a section of the BBC website telling about world religions, specifically their appearance and development throughout the history of humankind.

History of Science


History of Science Society

The site is dedicated to understanding science, its interaction with society, and studying its history. The Society holds meetings and events and also shares articles, publications, and other educational materials through its site.

Department of the History of Science (Harvard University)

The site is aimed at examining the history and development of science, its impact on human lives, and discussing the latest developments. It provides a wide list of resources that contains a large number of historical and educational materials.

Museum of the History of Science

This site includes a number of online exhibits that depict the history and development of various sciences. It also offers lectures and tours, all of which are available online and in podcast form.

The British Society for the History of Science

The Society is devoted to studying the history of science, technology, and medicine. It provides publications and other educational materials, holds conferences, and promotes the understanding of science in general.


We do hope that our list of history websites will help you out.

Finding top history websites is an essential part of writing any type of paper or researching any topic. A list like this makes a strong base for starting your research. In turn, this strong base will give you extra confidence in your work.

As a result, you’ll write a flawless paper, without having to worry whether or not the sources you’ve used were good enough.

Even if some of the websites listed here don’t deliver exactly what you’d expect, they have their own list of sources, too. So, it’s still worth looking through this list and visiting the sites.

Term Paper Writing: 5 Must-Know Strategies



It’s no secret that writing a term paper can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you’re encountering this task for the first time.

But the challenge of term paper writing is easy to overcome. You just have to follow a specific plan, and you’ll end up with a paper that will earn you a good grade.

So what is this plan?

Well, it just so happens that you’re about to find out from this helpful term paper guide! Keep on reading, and you’ll learn about the importance of a term paper and what it takes to make one flawless. We’ll lead you through the stages of writing a term paper, so when the time comes for you to write one, you’ll know exactly what to do.

What is a term paper

What is a term paper?

Let’s make the definition clear before jumping into the writing process.

A term paper is a type of a research paper that students usually write at the end of a semester. It typically describes a certain concept or event or argues a point. It discusses a topic in great detail, reflecting the student’s knowledge of the course or the topic in general.

But why is term paper writing important?

The thing is this: Writing a term paper requires quite a bit of effort. In order to make it good, you need to conduct solid research, sort all the information you’ve gathered to keep only the most important pieces, and then put it all together. Plus, your writing needs to be clear, easy to understand, and comprehensive.

It may sound difficult, but term paper writing is important because it expands your knowledge of a certain topic or sphere. It also improves your writing and analytical skills. Yes, all the research and preparation may be quite difficult. But as a result, you’ll develop skills that will certainly help you in your future career. Sounds good, right?

So now it’s time to talk about how to write a term paper.

But before we dive right in, check out the links below for some more information on the different types of term papers and the importance of term paper writing:

How to write a term paper

How to write a term paper

When well organized, the process of writing a term paper can be smooth and painless.

Before starting it all, you need to think about who is going to read your paper because they’ll be the ones receiving your message, considering your thoughts and arguments, and evaluating your work.

When writing a term paper, you need to complete a certain number of steps:

  • Compile all important materials—paying special attention to those that are hard to find but valuable for your topic—and make a clear and digestible presentation.
  • Include a diversity of sources and information and show how the components of your paper relate to each other.
  • Structure your materials properly in order to make sure readers don’t get lost and can understand what you’re talking about.
  • Make critical analyses of arguments. You need to demonstrate all the evidence and explain why those arguments are valid. Also, make sure to point out all potential flaws.
  • Make sure that the arguments you discuss are as clear as possible. Do the same with the pieces of evidence that support them. Simplify material that would take too much time to discuss fully.
  • Show the relationship between your subject and other fields or disciplines. Also, describe possible ways to develop your topic further or to use your findings for further research.
  • Get rid of all unnecessary and irrelevant information. Your term paper needs to be clear and to the point.

Now that you know about the objectives you’ll need to complete for your term paper to be perfect, let’s get down to business and go through each stage of writing a term paper.

And while you’re here, check out the following links for more suggestions on how to write a term paper:


1. Preparing

Sure thing, everyone has their own way of getting ready to write a paper. So there’s no “ultimate ritual” that’ll fit everyone.

However, there are some common mistakes that many students make, which then have a bad effect on their term paper. So it’s better to address them right away, before it’s too late.

The trickiest mistake is always thinking that you have enough time and putting off your paper until the last minute. This procrastination results in a poorly written term paper, with a lack of preparation and proper editing and with lots of mistakes. So make sure to build a plan—and stick to it!—from the very beginning. Make use of reminders so you won’t get lost in a world of procrastination and waste all your time.

And one more thing.

Always clarify the instructions before you start. Doing things wrong is almost as bad as doing them at the last minute. If you have doubts about whether you’ve understood everything correctly, go ahead and ask for some extra explanation. It’s a much better solution that won’t hurt you. After all, you don’t want to keep guessing until it’s time to turn your work in, only to realize that you did the complete opposite of what the instructions asked for!

Check out the following links to learn what else you can do when preparing to write a term paper:

Selecting a topic

2. Selecting a topic

The next thing you have to do is decide what you’re going to write about. This decision requires quite a bit of thinking, so it’s better not to rush it.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that the topic fits the instructions and the assignment you’ve received. Apart from that, it’s best to pick a topic that you’re actually interested in. The reason for this is that you need to make the research and writing process as enjoyable as possible. And having an interesting topic is the first step in that direction.

When selecting a topic, you should also think about the term paper’s required length. If your topic is too broad or massive, it’ll be impossible to cover well, so it’s better to narrow it down or choose something else. You need to show the full depth of your topic in your term paper. If you try to fit an overly broad subject into a term paper format, you’ll end up with shallow writing—which definitely won’t get you that A.

When picking a topic, also make sure that you have enough resources available. If the topic is too hard to research or if the required resources are too difficult to access, you might get into trouble. Check all possible sources of information at your disposal, and take this knowledge into account when deciding what to write about.

Before moving on to the next step, check out the following links to help you select your term paper’s topic:


3. Researching

This is where the serious work begins. Research is one of the most vital parts of writing a term paper (and writing any paper in general, actually). It’s important to conduct it properly and find the best sources possible.


Because poor research won’t give you enough resources to work with. Or it’ll give you resources of low quality, which will result in writing that lacks depth, originality, and valuable findings.

To avoid these problems, start off your research by looking through secondary sources (like encyclopedias). Their reference lists will lead you to some reliable primary sources, and they’ll provide you with enough background information on your topic.

Note all the materials you’re going to use in your work. This will save you some serious time in the future when it comes to citing and referencing your resources.

Other sources you need to consider using in your research are journal articles, newspapers and magazines, government publications, and books you may have found from examining secondary sources. And don’t forget about posts and articles on the Internet!

Of course, the best way to select specific sources depends on what your topic is.

Follow the links below to find out more about researching for a term paper or any paper in general:

Organizing your work

4. Organizing your work

After gathering all the required information, it’s time to put everything in order.

Without a specific outline to follow, writing a term paper can turn into chaos. On the other hand, a clear outline will help you understand what you’ve already done and what’s coming up next. It will help you stick to your writing plan and not waste any time trying to figure out what exactly you have to do.

Taking the time to write a term paper outline is important because it allows you to see the structure of your paper and decide whether it’s suitable and fulfills its objectives.

Any outline for term paper can be roughly divided into 3 parts:

  • Introduction. This section tells your reader what your paper is about. You let them know right away what your objectives are and how you’re going to achieve them. You need to make your readers understand the structure of your work, so they know what’s waiting for them.
  • Main body. This is the core of your work. Make sure to organize it logically in order not to confuse your reader. Especially if the topic is difficult or your paper is quite lengthy, it’s a good idea to divide your writing into smaller sections with subheadings. These will not only make your term paper more visually appealing but easier to understand as well.
  • Conclusion. Here, you sum up your whole work. You also should emphasize your main thoughts and ideas and refer back to the evidence that supports your findings.

Knowing how to write a research paper outline can save you a great deal of time in the future.

To learn more about organizing your work effectively, follow the links below:

Writing a term paper

5. Writing a term paper

By this stage, you’ve done all the preparations for writing a term paper.

Even though the writing is the most important part of the whole work, there’s not much to say about it apart from some general tips and recommendations. The reason is that there are many, many different requirements for term papers regarding writing style, length, language, and so on. The diversity of instructions out there makes it impossible to come up with specific advice that will be equally useful for everyone.

For instance, college term papers often greatly differ from other school papers or even other examples of a term paper.

Nevertheless, here are some things to consider when writing your term paper:

  • Start with a first draft—but just because it’s a draft doesn’t mean it should be careless. Make the draft as if you were writing a clean copy of your paper. When you have the full work in front of you, you’ll be able to spot imperfections and get rid of them more easily. It’s better to solve issues beforehand than to hand in your paper and get a low grade.
  • Structure your sentences properly. Make sure to have as few long and complicated sentences as possible.
  • As with sentences, your paragraphs also shouldn’t be too long. They need to contain only relevant and important information and to stay on point.
  • Take care to write smooth transitions between paragraphs. You need to create an uninterrupted flow, so those reading your work have the best experience possible. Use words and phrases like however, also, as a result, nevertheless, still, etc.
  • Run your text through a number of checks. If you’re typing your paper on the computer, you probably already have spellchecker active. Still, be sure to carefully read what you write, paying attention to grammar as well as spelling.
  • Avoid misused pronouns. This is a common problem that can greatly damage your writing. Remember just one thing: A pronoun should refer to the last noun and be of the correct gender and person.
  • Along with spelling and grammar, keep an eye on punctuation. The proper use of punctuation goes along with any required writing style.

If you want to get even more suggestions on term paper writing, check out the following links:

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