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Money, Money, Money – Top Five Tips For Managing Your Student Finances Effectively


Student finances Student life is notoriously tough when it comes to money. In between tuition fees, pub crawls, managing rent and bills, and limited opportunities for learning, those of us who aren’t rolling in vast amounts of trust-fund wealth feel the pinch hard. Even in our parents era, university was a time of financial hardship – and they got grants where we have tuition fees! Over the years, more than a few students have been forced to pack up their studies and head home due to a lack of money. However, you don’t have to be among them. If you’re savvy with what you have, then you don’t have to end up as too much of a have-not. Here are five basic tips to making your money stretch.

1 – Budget, budget, budget

It’s boring, yes, and it’s the tip everyone gives you – but that doesn’t make it any less valid. A budget doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to work out an entire spreadsheet and set up a full accounting system. You simply have to work out how much money you have coming in each month, and how much you have going out on non-negotiable essentials like rent, bills, tuition fees and so on. Whatever is left over is yours to do as you wish with – but it’s worth remembering that you need things like food and bedding to survive effectively. That’s why it’s a good idea to break your budget down, apportioning a certain amount per week to areas of your life like food and travel. Budgeting as a student can be very sobering, as it often brings home just how little you may have. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Too many students bury their heads in the sand when it comes to their finances, blow the entire budget in a few nights, and then find themselves in serious trouble until the next bit of income comes in. Having an awareness of the real state of your finances will ensure that, however sparsely you live, your financial situation is always manageable.

2 – Spend wisely

You can make your budget stretch a lot further by cutting out unnecessary expenditure on expensive brands. If you’re used to luxury products in your parents’ house, it can be a wrench going for the economy option when you do your supermarket shop. However, if you fork out for expensive products when there are more economical options available, you’re setting yourself up for a fall. Remember, this kind of income hopefully won’t last forever; you just have to stick it out for a few years until you start earning a bit more. But if you’ve blown your credit rating and accumulated debt simply because you’d rather have the salon-brand shampoo, you’ve acquired years’ worth of struggle to restore your credit score and rebuild your income – for effectively nothing.

3 – Give up non-essentials

There’s plenty that you don’t actually need to personally own while you’re a student. Things like cars, televisions, gym subscriptions, and even textbooks are things that you can actually live quite happily as a student without owning. Prioritize those things you need over those things that you want, and you’d be surprised at how much money you can save. You can go for a run to keep fit, textbooks can be borrowed from the library, and many universities are small enough to walk around easily. If they’re not, forking out for a bus ticket every now and again is cheaper than owning a car. As for a television – leave them for the richer kids (and then invite yourself round with a few beers to catch your favourite show)

4 – Choose the right bank account

You can make your loan go a lot further by choosing to place it in instant access savings account. That way, it should earn you interest which – in a period of your life when every little counts – is not to be sniffed at. You’ll also be less tempted to break in to it if you don’t combine it with the funds in your current account. When choosing your current account, don’t necessarily go for the option that the bank sells as its ‘student’ account. Instead, look carefully at the benefits and drawbacks of all accounts to which you are eligible. Pay particular attention to things like overdraft fees and interest rates – many students end up living on their overdrafts, and you really don’t want to end up paying more than you absolutely have to for the privilege. Some banks offer interest-free overdrafts for a certain period of time. This is a very good option, as it is to be hoped that you will be earning before you incur any charges on your overdraft. Having said this, however…

5 – Be wary of credit

Credit is not free money. While it’s great to have access to funds that you haven’t actually earned, you must always remember that it comes with a price tag. Credit cards and other kinds of unsecured loans find it very easy to make an awful lot of money off students, so you’ll find yourself bombarded with offers of credit from every direction. Don’t take the bait. The reason that credit companies are so eager to sign up students is that they are aware that students, with their general lack of disposable income, are more likely than most to rack up huge credit card bills, which means an awful lot of profitable interest for the companies. Payday loans are particularly noted for this – taking advantage of people’s financial desperation to milk them for every penny they’re ultimately worth. It’s delayed gratification, of course, but the companies can wait…If you don’t have enough money to live off your income in the first place, then you definitely don’t have enough money to add credit interest payments to your burden of outgoings. There are many people out there who are still struggling to pay off credit accumulated during their student years – it’s become a real blight on their lives. Don’t fall into that trap. Get a credit card if you must – but save it for emergencies!

Written by Gemma Brotherton, professional freelance writer.

Is There Life After College Graduation? Graduates Say ‘Yes’


College Graduation College graduation has been your ultimate goal for several years. After you receive your diploma you may expect fanfare and a red carpet to your bright future. The real life scenario is somewhat different. Along with your diploma you get new challenges – finding a job and sitting at a desk for 9 hours to make your living.

However, it doesn’t mean you need to be scared. Here’s what successful college graduates recommend for effective transition to adult life.

Ultimate Solutions after College Graduation

Even though college life may seem tough, it’s just a good preparation for the after-graduation. Here’s the most common advice from recent graduates:

  • Network – it’ll help you get a job way easier.
  • Exercise before or after sitting at a desk all day (to stay healthy and sane).
  • Continue saving money to pay off your college debt faster.
  • Relax after work, avoid thinking of your work 24/7.
  • Get a hobby that requires networking or exercising.

Proven Practical Hints for College Graduates

And some more practical hints most graduates wish someone had given them before their college graduation:

  1. Show up on time. Being late is absolutely inadmissible in adult life.
  2. Try to be nice to people. Even etiquette norms can help you.
  3. Use your sense of humor only when it’s absolutely appropriate – better if in an informal atmosphere.
  4. Be a knowledge sponge. Don’t assume that what you’ve learnt in college will be enough till the end of your life.
  5. Make friends. It can be a bit more difficult than when you live in a dorm. Search in the right places – at a gym, volunteer organizations, hobby clubs.

As you can see, there’s life after college graduation. And it’s up to you to make your transition from college to real life smoother. Good luck and see you!

Top 10 Easiest and Hardest College Majors in the Country


Hardest College Majors Choosing a major is a challenge to students. If you’re reading this, you probably take it seriously. It’s great that you understand all the consequences of this decision. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve compiled the following list of top 10 easiest and hardest college majors throughout the country.

Easiest College Majors Students Dream Of

Of course, an easy major doesn’t guarantee a successful employment. At least, you may enjoy your college years much better having minimum hours of assigned reading per week.

  1. Communications, Journalism and Advertizing. The good news is that this category is free of brain-crunching lab work and mathematics. Isn’t it what you’ve been looking for?
  2. Social Sciences. This group includes some calculations, requiring some Math and Statistics, but not as much as Chemistry or Engineering students have to go through. The only disadvantage is that you’ll have lots of writing assignments.
  3. Business Administration and Marketing. The fun part of these majors is that students often have to write proposals for their own startups and every day see how the theoretical principles they learn are used in practice.
  4. Education. Learning how to teach can be not very exciting, but it doesn’t require too much calculations. By the way, spending time in the classroom, teaching students, you’ll have less time left for assigned reading.
  5. English. Spending four years studying a language you’ve been speaking your entire life (or at leas a half of it if you’re an ESL student) is the laziest choice ever.

Hardest College Majors for the Brave

And the most difficult degrees that will require most effort, dedication and time are the following:

  1. Engineering. This one is an absolute leader in the dropout rates. In some courses, it reaches 60%. Chemistry, Calculus, Statistics and Physics you’ll have to study if you choose this hardest college major will leave you happy with a ‘C’. ‘As’ are rare and accidental when it comes to Engineering students.
  2. Physical sciences. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology fall into this category. You’ll need photographical memory to remember the numerous Latin words and their meanings.
  3. Computer Sciences. Of course, it will absolutely pay off after you finally get your diploma. Your task is simply to stay alive and sane spending the vast majority of your awake time studying.
  4. Health Professions. Nursing students confess that at least 80% of their classes are challenging. No time to relax. But at least we can feel safe. Medical students’ missed classes are too costly for their future patients.
  5. Mathematics. While a lot of students are looking for majors which do not require calculations, this one consists mainly of calculations which can make brains boil.

At the same time, the hardest college majors can be the first to pay off. So, weigh up all the pros and cons and make your choice. Or, have you already chosen?

10 Practical Hints on How to Write a College Resume


How to Write a College Resume Writing a resume is a real challenge to students. You may think that you have nothing substantial to include in it. However, resume is the case when writing skills mean everything. Here’s how to write a college resume with style and actually succeed.

Hint #1: Have a Positive Attitude

Just like in any other spheres of life, resume writing requires a positive attitude. Avoid thinking that your experience is not enough. Apply for entry level jobs and keep searching if it doesn’t work well from the first attempt. And you will succeed. Promise.

Hint #2: Start from Identifying Information

A perfect start for a perfect resume doesn’t need to be creative. At the very beginning, include the identifying information, including your name, date of birth, address, phone number and email.

Hint #3: Include Major Elements

If you have no idea how to write a college resume, simply include the following sections:

  • Important stats: GPA, SAT, ACT etc.
  • Education: high schools and college attended.
  • School activities: clubs, extracurricular and any class activities you may want to write about.
  • Community activities: any leadership roles or social projects you took part in.
  • Work experience (if any): part-time jobs, internships or volunteer jobs.
  • Any other experiences you want to mention.
  • References if any (it’s better to have them – ask your former teachers or employers).

Hint #4: Don’t Be Creative

Creativity is not necessary when it comes to writing a college resume. Avoid experiments with fonts or margins. Don’t even try to be funny. Remember that you resume is a document.

Hint #5: Try to Stand Out from the Crowd

The honest answer to the question how to write a college resume that rocks is to stand out from the crowd of other applicants. Always ask yourself what makes you different from the rest of applicants. There’s something that makes you special. Don’t hesitate to mention it.

Hint #6: Add a Photo

Including a picture of you is not a must, but it’s highly recommended. It’s always a dilemma whether to include a picture of a grumpy you from some document or a happy picture from a party, cutting you friends out. The answer is neither. The studies have revealed that the best option is a photo of a young smiling and enthusiastic professional. Dress appropriately. Train your smiling muscles and ask someone to take a picture. No, attaching a selfie is a bad idea.

Hint #7: Make It Easy to Scan

Remember that recruiters are very busy folks. Respect their time. Properly format your resume and start from the most recent jobs, putting all of your positions in a reverse chronological order.

Hint #8: Make It Easy to Find

Along with sending your resume to potential employers, you may want to spend time on online marketing. Join the professional online communities. Be sure to create a profile on LinkedIn.

Hint #9: Upgrade It Often

It’s enough to write one good resume in a lifetime and then simply upgrade it or slightly change when it’s necessary.

Hint #10: Check Resumes of Competitors

The resumes of your competitors can be a source of inspiration for you. If you’re wondering how to write a college resume that’s good enough, simply see what other graduates write and make your resume better. It’s possible that you forgot to mention some important experiences or qualities which deserve to be included.

Good luck with your resume writing! Don’t hesitate to share this page with your friends who are probably racking their brains on how to write a college resume too.

10 Free Christmas Apps You Can’t Go Without This Year


Christmas Apps Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, dear readers, guests and anyone who came across this page by chance!

Here are a stocking full of gifts from us. We’ve collected a bundle of free Christmas apps especially for you.

5 Great Christmas Apps for iPad/ iPhone

Here’s what you can get from iTunes for free to make this holidays season more exciting:

  1. Santa Cam. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/santa-spy-cam/id708883529?mt=8 With this app you can easily prove your roomie that Santa did come to your dorm. Make a video with Santa or elves in your room. Make sure you have your cam prepared to make photos of his/her face while they watch the movie.
  2. Naughty or Nice Scan. https://itunes.apple.com/US/app/id406423598?mt=8 Checking if you’re on Santa’s good or naughty list is fun. The app will use your fingerprints to tell everything about you. You’ll never be bored during family dinners with this Christmas app.
  3. Martha Stewart CraftStudio. https://itunes.apple.com/US/app/id524409493?mt=8 Custom made e-cards have good chances to impress your friends and family.
  4. Appy Christmas. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/appy-christmas/id478582052?mt=8 Would you like to talk to Santa? This app is your chance. Of course, you shouldn’t expect to hear anything but your own words repeated in a silly and comical way. But it’s worth it and the app is free, after all.
  5. Christmas. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/christmas/id478435187?mt=8 This one is an all-in-one app, combining Christmas themed wallpapers, jigsaw puzzles, ringtones and emoticons.

5 Amazing Christmas Apps for Android

If you prefer Android, the following bundle of free Christmas apps is for you:

  1. Christmas facts. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.retro.christmas.facts If you really want to avoid those awkward questions like ‘How is it going in college?’ or “Are you dating someone?”, there’s nothing like this app for you. Simply bombard relatives with some random quirky facts and they’ll forget those awful questions they’ve prepared for you.
  2. Christmas Photo Frames. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vicman.photolab.newyearapp Just in case you haven’t made some Christmas themed photos yet, check this app.
  3. Gift Wrapping Ideas. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wallpapers.gift.wrapping.creative.diy.ideas More than 100 creative gift wrapping ideas.
  4. Talking Santa. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outfit7.talkingsantafree It can be really entertaining to hear Santa repeat what you say in his comic Ho-ho-ho style.
  5. Red Stamp. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redstamp.android Create custom e-cards or paper cards using the numerous templates and adding your own text.

As you can see, there are free Christmas apps to all tastes. Choose yours!

Obama Student Loan Forgiveness: 5 Facts You Need to Know


Obama Student Loan Forgiveness You may say it’s unfair, but your college loan repayment will be with you long after your forget almost everything your learnt in college. Fortunately, there is the state program, known as Obama Student Loan Forgiveness, which is meant to make monthly payments lower and your life easier.

Main Benefits of Obama Student Loan Forgiveness

  1. The Program limits the borrower’s monthly payments to only 10% of monthly discretionary income (the income that is above the poverty line for your family size).
  2. After the 20 years of monthly payments, your debt is forgiven.
  3. If you choose a career in public service, your debt is forgiven in 10 years.
  4. Even if someone suffers certain setbacks, such as a serious illness or unemployment, the government promises to help them repaying their loans too.
  5. Another important point is interest forgiveness. If you are eligible for the student debt relief, your payments won’t depend on your loan balance or interest rate.

5 Facts about Obama Student Loan Forgiveness

Here are 5 curious facts you need to know about this program:

  1. More than one million students will be eligible for it. Be sure to check your eligibility.
  2. You can choose between 5 different repayment plans:
    • Standard repayment – you will have to pay a fixed amount of money, depending on your loan and interest rate, every month till the loan is repaid.
    • Graduated repayment is similar to the previous option, but the payments will gradually increase every two years.
    • Pay as you earn (PAYE) – you pay only 10% of your discretionary income, which means that in some months your payments can be as low as $0.
    • Income Contingent – the monthly payment depends on a borrower’s income, family size, interest rate and the amount of borrowed money. The payment can be as low as $0.
    • Income Based (IBR) – the monthly payments depend only on a borrower’s income and family size, while interest rate and loan balance are ignored.
  3. The executive action will take effect in December 2015.
  4. 37 million of Americans are now carrying some kind of college debt.
  5. The student loan forgiveness also means making a single payment instead of several payments to different lenders.

Of course, this post gives only a basic idea of what Obama student loan forgiveness is all about, and you can earn more about it on this official website http://www.studentdebtrelief.us/

News for Students: The Popular Turbo Mode Is Here Again!


Here comes amazing news for students. The popular turbo mode is here again!

Turbo Mode

Now you can receive your orders way faster. All you need to do to activate this feature for your profile is to place an order within the next couple of weeks. And amazing things will happen. The turbo mode will automatically apply to your profile and your orders will be placed the first in the line, before the orders of other users who do not have this mode.

Here are the main advantages:
  • You can receive your papers way before the deadline.
  • The turbo mode is free.
  • It is automatically applied to your profile.

*Turbo feature grants you the right to receive your papers before the deadline. This right is not guaranteed and is based on the specifications of the order and the available workload of the assigned writer. They may choose to deliver the paper sooner, but are not required to do so. You cannot specifically request the writer or the staff to deliver your paper sooner, as this is not part of the initial requirements and agreement when you place the order.

Enjoy tight deadlines absolutely free! It’s time to take advantages of your personal profile!

10 Worst Valentine’s Day Gifts You Should Avoid


Valentines Day Gifts Rather often the choice of Valentine’s Day gifts becomes a real dilemma. February 14th can put a lot of pressure on you. By the way, did you know that the statistics of breakups is higher on V-Days than on any other day of the year? Sometimes your gift can speak louder than words and other actions.

That’s why you’d better avoid the following worst present ideas (if you don’t want your sweetheart to become your soon-to-be ex):

10 Worst Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas of All Times

  1. Scale or gym membership. Despite your best intentions, reminding of any weight imperfections won’t help you create romantic atmosphere.
  2. A pan or a cook book. Even if you badly want your significant other to learn to cook, Valentine’s Day is not the best time to make hints.
  3. Books (unless your sweetheart is fond of reading). Be sure to give something that will please your significant other, not collect dust.
  4. A game console. This one can be a perfect way to end your relationship. Spending Valentine’s Day playing a video game is the least romantic idea that could cross your mind.
  5. Heart-shaped pizza. Some of you may exclaim ‘why’? Believe me: eating your feelings is not romantic at all.
  6. Money. After spending hours or even days trying to choose a gift, you may decide to give your sweetheart money and let him/her choose something nice. Avoid this trap. You can’t buy love, and making the price you’re going to pay obvious can ruin it all.
  7. An unsigned card or any classic supermarket gift. Any impersonalized gifts can be a quick way to soon-to-be breakups. Be sure that your lover doesn’t get suspicious that it’s the Valentine card you received last year from your ex.
  8. A dinner in a fast food restaurant. Of course, Valentine’s Day is not about money. However, it should be all about romance and special atmosphere, which is impossible in Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  9. Facebook Valentine’s Day gift. While it can be sweet on any other day of the year, it’s awful for a V-Day. Shut down all of your devices and go celebrate it in real world.
  10. Nothing. People like to say they don’t care about Valentine’s day. It’s not true. Nobody wants to feel forgotten by a person they’re with on this day.

Have you ever received a Valentine’s Day gift that was a complete failure? How did you react?

How to Write Transition Sentences to Make Your Essay Flow


Transition Sentences Transition sentences are like bridges between the different parts of your essay. These elements help readers understand your logic. To improve your writing style and make your essay flow, simply insert the links between the different arguments.

Functions of Transition Sentences

How do you know where a transition is absolutely necessary? If you’re not sure, here’s where transitions are usually placed:

  • at the end of paragraphs;
  • at the beginning of new paragraphs;
  • before making conclusions;
  • before introducing examples;
  • when pointing out at contrasts etc.

Examples of Transitional Words and Phrases

Transition sentences usually contain transitional words or phrases, having different meanings. Here’s what you can accomplish by including these components:

# Meaning Examples
1 Addition Also, as well as, furthermore, in addition, moreover.
2 Contrast and comparison On the contrary, on the other hand, similarly, however, still.
3 Time Meanwhile, so far, afterwards, simultaneously, immediately.
4 Exemplification For example, for instance, as an illustration, to illustrate, to demonstrate.
5 Clarification In other words, that is to say, to clarify, to explain, to rephrase it.
6 Cause Because, for that reason, for, since, on account of.
7 Effect Consequently, accordingly, as a result, hence, therefore.
8 Summary In sum, in brief, in short, to sum up, to summarize.

Sample Transition Sentences

And of course, to make it clearer, here go a couple of examples:

  1. Addition: Moreover, optimism improves an individual’s self-esteem, making relationships with others more trustful and supportive.
  2. Contrast: Still, the role of social media sites in the process of socialization deserves serious consideration.
  3. Exemplification: For instance, the Eiffel Tower clearly shows how an architectural construction can become a national symbol.
  4. Effect. As a result, early childhood experiences have long-term effects on an individual’s behavioral choices.

Top 10 Most Beautiful College Libraries in the World


If you’re like most modern students, you’re probably not a big fan of your college library. If someone looks for you, the library would be the last place they’ll think of. However, not all reading halls are the same. Only take a look at the following libraries where you may want to live.

  1. Coimbra General Library, University of Coimbra, Portugal. The library has been in operation since 1537 (!) and it is still open for students every day. Housing around 200. 000 books, it’s worth visiting simply because of its magnificent beauty.
    Coimbra General Library
  2. University of Salamanca Library, Spain, has been known since the thirteenth century. It’s hard to imagine that some books can’t be found here. It looks like a collection of the world’s wisdom of all times.
    University of Salamanca Library
  3. Trinity College Library, Dublin, boasts of ancient manuscripts, latest resources and of course its magnificent interior.
    Trinity College Library
  4. Philological Library of Free University, Berlin, is made in the form of a human brain. Students studying in it probably feel like they’re on board a space ship.
    Philological Library of Free University
  5. The Harper Library, Chicago, with its open-seating plan is ideally suited for collaborative work.
    The Harper Library
  6. Queen’s College Library, Oxford, fully corresponds to the name of the institution. The magnificent book shelves and gorgeous ceilings could really belong to the royal family.
    Queens College Library
  7. La Sorbonne Library, Paris, contains both printed and online documents. Looking more like an art gallery, this library probably makes students of the institution feel special and the chosen ones.
    La Sorbonne Library
  8. Cordington Library, Oxford, with gothic statues along its rows attracts scholars from around the world. About a third of its documents have been printed before 1800. And lucky students of the University of Oxford can do their homework here too (after registration).
    Cordington Library
  9. Paul Barret Library, Rhodes, looks like an ancient castle, but it’s also equipped wit wired and wireless technologies. Here students can make themselves comfortable, sitting in soft armchairs and looking through the ceiling high windows.
    Paul Barret Library
  10. Heidelberg, Baden Württemberg, with its outstanding exterior is great as not only background for selfies, but also a place to study. Valuable collections of books and periodicals and unique atmosphere explain the popularity of this college library among all categories of students.

Do you still think that electronic databases will soon replace traditional college libraries?

Here’s how to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper


How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

Conclusion is the final obligatory paragraph of any project. It doesn’t include any new information, but it is very important for the logical completeness of the paper. Conclusions for different assignment types differ. Here’s how to write a conclusion for a research paper.

Questions a Good Conclusion Covers

A good research paper conclusion

  • repeats your topic;
  • reminds why your research is important;
  • echoes your thesis statement and hypothesis;
  • briefly summarizes key findings;
  • explains how these findings can be used;
  • offers options for further research.

Here are guiding questions which will help you draft an effective research paper conclusion without the unnecessary elbow grease:

  1. What did your thesis statement say?
    E.g. A healthy diet is an important lifestyle choice that is essential for an individual’s career success. By saying ‘no’ to junk food, a person boosts a will power and makes an important investment in personal development.
  2. What were your main research questions?
    E.g. The current study has revealed a direct link between healthy lifestyles of top managers and their professional achievements.
  3. What did you find out?
    E.g. Most successful businessmen confess that a conscious choice of healthy eating gives them extra energy and inspiration.
  4. Who and how can use your findings?
    E.g. These findings can be helpful for anyone who is interested in career, professional development and personal wellbeing.
  5. Is there room for further research?
    Further research of the effects of healthy eating on academic performance of college students can have valuable implications for educational sphere, whereas the principles of healthy diets can be made a part of curriculum.

Main Elements of a Research Paper Conclusion

A good conclusion goes beyond mere summary of what has been said in the previous chapters. Without adding any new information, it should help readers see the main findings from a fresh perspective. It’s easier to write a good conclusion if you use this formula:

Formula for write a good conclusion

Another good example of a research paper conclusion:

The legendary Beatles, the British pop music sensation, have had an immense influence on popular culture and rock music of the second half of the twentieth century. The talents of songwriters, personal charisma of the band and original love lyrics were recognized by most of their fans as the main reasons behind the phenomenon of Beatle-mania. Despite the attempts of their followers to copy their style, the success of the Beatles remained inimitable. Therefore, the analysis of the main reasons behind the band popularity can be of cultural and historical but not practical value. Further research of their contemporary followers could shed more light on the band’s influence on modern culture.

Useful Phrases for Your Research Paper Conclusion

To combine the different parts of your research paper conclusion into a whole and to make them flow, you may need some of the following words and phrases:

Words and phrases for research paper conclusion

*Kindly note that the well-known ‘in conclusion’ and ‘to sum it all up’ are not on this list of recommended vocabulary.
E.g. Cartoons characters might have significant effects on children’s psychological development, which is later displayed in their behavioral patterns. At a stage when children’s minds are developing and quickly absorbing the information they receive, parents need to be careful and selective about what they expose their kids to. From the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that children who spend a substantial amount of time watching TV often fantasize about the lives the characters are living. Children who view shows in which violence seems realistic and remains unpunished are more likely to imitate it in their lives. The results should be applicable to education of would-be and today’s parents. Further research on possible positive effects of positive characters is desirable for receiving deeper insight into the mechanisms through which cartoons characters are influencing children’s development and psychology.

What if you told you

How NOT to Write a Research Paper Conclusion

You can easily avoid major time wastes, if you stay away from the following common errors:

  1. Twist ending. Avoid surprising readers in the introduction part. Avoid including any new information and/or changing your mind as to the main question. Your conclusion should be predictable and logical.
  2. Obvious remarks. ‘In conclusion’, ‘to sum it up’ or ‘in summary’ are just meaningless phrases. Readers can see how much of the text is left and these too obvious phrases can irritate them.
  3. Mere summary. A brief summary is just one step in how to write a research paper conclusion, but it’s not all you need.
  4. Apologizing. Trying not to make your conclusion too categorical, you may want to add something like ‘but I’m not an expert’ or ‘In my humble opinion’. Don’t hesitate that your research deserves attention and be sure to show it in the conclusion. There’s a special section for discussing some possible limitations of your study, but it goes before conclusion.

That was a comprehensive guide on how to write a conclusion for a research paper. Do you have any questions left? Feel free to comment below.

5 Scientifically Proven Facts about College Admission Essays


Admission Essays Your college admission essay is one of the most important papers in your life. Your education, profession and career can depend on it. That’s why doing your best to polish your application essay makes a lot of sense.

5 Important Science-Backed Facts You Need to Know

Here are some scientifically proven facts, based on Psychology studies and admission officers’ words, which can help you choose the right strategy for your admission essays:

  1. The best topic for your college admission essay is you. The majority of admission officers note that the applicants’ attempts to choose an interesting and exotic topic don’t work. In 70% of cases, memoir and autobiographical stories are the best topics for application papers.
  2. The ‘why us’ part of college essay boosts your chances for success. It clearly demonstrates that you did your homework. Even if you’re going to send the same letter to several institutions, try to make this paragraph special for each of them.
  3. Humor is sometimes recommended, but in most cases it has the reverse effects. It’s very hard to predict the reaction of the admission committee though some applicants try to include funny parts into their papers.
  4. Too much editing does more harm than good. Most admission officers confess that sincerity becomes too rare in college admission essays. After several stages of editing and proofreading, applicants’ voices can hardly be heard in their papers.
  5. Simpler is better. Trying to make their papers more sophisticated, students often go too far. Too long sentences and words have nothing to do with language skills. The best way to show your competence is to use clear logic and vivid examples to let readers follow your train of thought.

Curious Facts about College Admissions

Some more interesting info about college admissions just to give you some food for thought:

  • Some colleges are more selective than others. E.g. The Curtis Institute of Music accepted only 2.94% of applicants in 2015, while even Harvard accepted 5.9% of applicants in 2016.
  • Alaska Bible College is the smallest college in the country with only 38 students.
  • Boston is a unique city with more than 50 colleges within 50 square miles.
  • Business was the most popular major with both men and women in 2013.

Good luck with your college admission essay. We’re crossing our fingers for you.

4 Principles of Emotional Intelligence for Success in College


Success in College If you want to know one most important ingredient of success in college, it’s emotional intelligence. It’s a set of qualities which keep you motivated, goal-oriented, help you build healthy relationships with others and make the process of studying less stressful.

Be Realistic about Yourself

Realistic self-confidence is the key to success in college. Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses and acting from competence is the most effective studying strategy. Be reasonable when you evaluate your skills.

Wrong: I am the best of the best.

Right: I am good at business writing, but public speaking is my weak point.

Control Your Emotions

If you can stay calm under pressure and never panic, accept our heartiest congratulations. It means that you’re on your way to success in college. It’s amazing that you understand that any negative feeling requires proper reality check. Whenever you are angry with someone, you simply let them know what is wrong and what the solution can be. You can stay motivated and keep moving towards your goals no matter how distant they can be.

Empathize with Others

Understanding how others feel is a rare and valuable skill. If you can do it, your success in college is guaranteed. You won’t have any significant trouble sharing a dorm room with someone. You will easily build contacts with classmates and professors.

Connect with Others

Building positive relations with others is extremely important. If you use every opportunity to meet new people and get to know them better, your emotional intelligence is well developed. If you don’t see any problem in asking for help or approaching someone you see for the first time, you’re doing it right.

If you have difficulties with any of the above mentioned points, the following exercises can help you:

  • write numbered lists of your strengths and weaknesses;
  • analyze the real causes of your emotions and control your responses;
  • imagine you can read people’s thoughts;
  • leave your comfort zone – approach new people.

Your emotional intelligence is an important ingredient of your success. Develop your skills and never regret time and energy spent on this aspect of your competence.

5 Latest Inventions for Students: College Packing List


latest inventions Sorry for this unpleasant reminder, but the back to school season is already on its way. It means that you should enjoy the remaining summer days to the fullest and start packing things for college. Here are some latest inventions for you not to get bored. Here’s what you may need this year in college:

Latest Inventions Making Students’ Lives Easier

Some of these are life changing, while others are just for fun:

  1. A one minute phone charger. If you’re like most other students, you never have time. You don’t have time even to charge your phone. The latest invention from StoreDot FlashBattery will save precious hours of your life. Have you dreamt of charging your phone in just one minute? Now it’s possible.
  2. A drone for selfie. If you haven’t bought a stick for selfie yet, it’s ok. The stick will be a thing of the past soon. Drones will make photos of you, capturing the best moments of your life.
  3. 3 D Microwave. Cooking is one of the best uses for 3 D printers. When you live in a dorm, Ramen and sandwiches can become your favorite dishes. However, this invention can add new dishes to your menu. All you need to do is to mix up sugar, flour and other ingredients and select the dish you want.
  4. A universal tape dispenser. Do you usually use your teeth to rip off a piece of tape dispenser? With this world’s best tape dispenser, this problem will be a thing of the past.
  5. Lock mug. If you live in a dorm and hate it when someone takes your things, this mug is for you. Simply lock it and it will prevent anyone from using it.

If you like this post, you’re welcome to check out one of our last year posts on 10 unbelievable inventions made by students like you.

40 Not So Obvious Tips for Saving Money in College


Tips for Saving Money College life can be your first steps to successful budgeting. Instead of making your college debt worse day after day, master the basics of effective personal finance management. The following tips for saving money cover all spheres of college life.

Simple Tips for Saving Money in College That Work

  1. Enjoy students’ discounts.
  2. Hunt for students’ discounts on sites like studentbeans.com
  3. Avoid spending more only to enjoy students’ discounts.
  4. Travel wisely, share rides via services like BlaBlaCar.
  5. Buy used textbooks.
  6. Sell used textbooks.
  7. Check if you can borrow required textbooks from the library.
  8. Find digital copies or scans of your readings and print out certain pages if necessary.
  9. Plan your meals ahead and budget properly.
  10. Cook it up.
  11. Use free college amenities – gym membership, on-campus entertainment etc.
  12. Rent instead of buying whenever it’s possible (vacuum, hot pot etc.).
  13. Use summertime to the maximum – take summer classes or internships.
  14. Get a job.
  15. Visit a career center to get a paid internship.
  16. Use credit cards in emergency cases only.
  17. Pay credit card bills on time.
  18. Be sure to apply for scholarships and grants.
  19. Search for alternative money resources, such as aid and awards.
  20. Keep tracking your bank account.

Tips for Saving Money in College from Graduates

Most graduates confess that they would rather have known the following tips when in college:

  1. Make a weekly food budget and stick to it.
  2. Use a campus meal plan if possible.
  3. Avoid the unnecessary restaurant spending.
  4. Avoid or at least minimize alcoholic drinks in bars.
  5. Eliminate daily coffee drinks, snacks and treats – their low prices are deceptive.
  6. Avoid impulse purchases.
  7. Avoid buying things that you don’t absolutely need.
  8. Shop for food smart.
  9. Cooperate with roommates to cook together if possible.
  10. Take advantage of coupons.
  11. Check sales in local supermarkets.
  12. Buy more shampoo, toothpaste (any other essential product) than you usually would when it’s on sale.
  13. Get a job where you can get some free food (in a restaurant or a local bar).
  14. Use your creativity to decorate your dorm room instead of buying too expensive decorations.
  15. Think of getting a job at your college – they will usually pay more than minimum wages.
  16. Be sure to ask if they have a student discount when you use a service. There’s nothing embarrassing about it.
  17. Get organized – save receipts.
  18. Consider free options for your leisure time. A picnic in a park can be even better than a dinner in a restaurant.
  19. Choose the right cell phone plan.
  20. Seek for college experiences, not things.

Follow at least some of the above discussed tips for saving money and you will see what happens. You will get rid of debts and debt related headaches. Personal finance can be easy if you take it seriously.

20 Best Jobs for College Students You Could Dream Of


Jobs for College Students When you’re in college, your finances are never enough for fulfilling your wishes. Instead of using credit cards, try to improve the situation by getting a job. Just don’t limit yourself to a position of a waiter or a babysitter. After all, there are all those amazing jobs for college students you shouldn’t overlook.

10 Jobs for Progressive Students

  1. Massage therapist makes about 20$ per hour. Though this professional requires professional training, this basic investment is 100% worth it. The flexible schedule and decent pay are the obvious advantages you will enjoy.
  2. Manicure specialist will always have lots of work opportunities. Of course, it requires certain training and serious attitude. Remember that manicure can have serious health consequences for your client and take care of the tools you use.
  3. Office clerk will show you what office work really looks like. You may find something in your professional field.
  4. Merchandiser is not a very creative job. However, this job can offer a flexible schedule and even career growth.
  5. Customer service rep for a work at home company can be a perfect job for a student.
  6. Delivery driver is great if you know the surroundings or if you’re ready to use the map a lot.
  7. Stylist doesn’t require much qualification. In most cases, your good taste and personal experience would be enough.
  8. Designer may need only some basic knowledge of Photoshop. You can always find some gigs at platforms like fiverr.com, for instance.
  9. Social media marketer is for you if you spend quite a lot time online. The good news is that now it’s called social media marketing. You can get paid for posting funny images and adding friends from a target audience.
  10. Freelance writer needs only a computer and some free time. After all the writing tasks you’ve done in college, you are a rel guru in writing. Don’t even doubt it.

10 Traditional Jobs for College Students

However, if you haven’t found anything appropriate in the previous section, there are these good old job opportunities used by students since ancient times:

  1. Babysitter
  2. Dog walker
  3. Cleaning specialist
  4. Shop assistant
  5. Academic tutor
  6. Waiter
  7. Librarian
  8. Editor of a college newspaper
  9. DJ
  10. Radio DJ

There is a wide range of jobs for college students, and it’s up to you to choose the best one matching your needs and preferences. Or, you can try a few of them to make a choice.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Questions, Topics and Ideas


To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was one of the most popular and influential books of the previous century. According to some studies, its influence on the readers was second only to that of the Bible. When you need to write a To Kill a Mockingbird essay, you have lots of fascinating topics and questions at your disposal:

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Topics

  1. The role of symbols in the novel.
  2. The evidence of racial differentiation.
  3. The childish language used by the narrator and its effects.
  4. The discrimination of women in Maycomb.
  5. Gender roles stereotypes and boyish Scout.
  6. Superstitions and traditions vs common sense.
  7. ‘Differentness’ and public opinion.
  8. The important lessons taught by Atticus Finch.
  9. The parenting style used by Atticus.
  10. The hypocrisy of society.

To Kill a Mockingbird essay Questions

  1. Which characters can be associated with a mockingbird?
  2. Why does the author choose Scout as an innocent narrator?
  3. Is the elementary schoolhouse a reflection of a small southern town?
  4. How does the time and place of setting influence the events?
  5. Are the African American characters idealized? If yes, for what purpose?
  6. Why is the most of the novel taken by conversation?
  7. How does the syntax used by the author affect the readers?
  8. How does Lee make the tone of the novel comic? What are the funniest moments?
  9. Why is Scout less prejudiced than most other characters?
  10. Why does Boo leave gifts for kids? Why does his brother object to his leaving things for children?

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Ideas

  1. Imagine that Scout’s mother is still alive. How might the main characters be different then?
  2. What are the similarities and differences in relationships between Scout and Jem and relationships between Atticus and Aunt Alexandra?
  3. Does the adult Jean Louise add something from her grown up perspective to the story when speaking about the events from her childhood?
  4. Does Harper Lee manage to effectively integrate the voice of the adult Scout with her childish perspective?
  5. The scene of the trial as the mechanism used by the author for emphasizing the racism of the society.
  6. In what ways do Jem and Scout change in the course of the novel?
  7. The institute of family in the novel with the examples of different families.
  8. Which characters can be good role models and why?
  9. At what point does Atticus recognize that the legal system is fallible and what are the consequences?
  10. Why do kids first regard their father as weak but later view him as a hero? When and how does this change occur?

Would you like to share your own ideas for a To Kill a Mockingbird essay? You’re welcome to leave a comment below.

20 Best Places to Find Free EBooks for College and Fun


free ebooks So, we live in a post-textbook era. You may still be hunting for cheap textbook deals or joining textbook exchange communities. However, it’s way easier to find what you need in one of the following free e-books libraries and search engines:

Free EBooks Libraries

  1. Textbook Revolution is a student-run site storing a variety of free study materials on different subjects.
  2. Affordable Learning Solutions enables free online access to e-textbooks. Importantly, on this site you can search by not only keywords, but also ISBN. Of course, sometimes you’ll find just related materials, not the book you’re searched for, but it will make your life easier as well.
  3. EBooks Directory stores more than 6,000 titles of textbooks, documents and lecture notes. You can browse hundreds of different categories to find what you need.
  4. Many Books has indexed more than 29,000 of free e-textbooks.
  5. Open Library is a well-known part of the Internet Archive. We’re mentioning it here just in case you’re not using it yet.
  6. 100 Free Classic Books list compiled by the University of Adelaide in Australia can be priceless.
  7. Bookboon is now the fastest growing directory of free e-textbooks.
  8. Textbookgo is another valuable collection of free online textbooks.
  9. 200 Free Textbooks is a meta collection by Open Culture that can really come in handy.
  10. Open Textbook Library is a network of colleges and universities sharing some of their course materials for free.

Free EBooks Search Engines

If you can’t find something, try the following search engines which search through a number of online libraries.

  1. Freebook-s is an engine that helps you find free resources on the web by scanning numerous libraries and directories.
  2. Sciyo is a hub for scholars who want to publish and share their works, connecting to peers. All the materials can be downloaded for free.
  3. Librarian Chick list of e-books resources looks substantial.
  4. Digital Book Index has more than 90, 000 free online texts. Isn’t it what you wanted?

Free E-Books for Pleasure

If you’re a real book worm, you’ll probably like the following collections of free books:

  1. Loyal Books will help you find both classical and modern books.
  2. Project Gutenberg is a popular resource with a lot of books to all tastes.
  3. Rare Book Room is the place to go if you want some quality read.

Free Audio E-Books

If you prefer audio books, the following links are for you:

  1. Lit2Go is a wonderful collection of free audio e-books you can download and listen on the go.
  2. LibriVox offers a wide range of free public audiobooks.
  3. Learn out loud offers a collection of free audio and video study materials. Here you can also find plenty of free audio books to listen to before bedtime.

Our Client’s Success Story: Meet Steve Gaffigan (Self-Employed)


Success Story We’re always happy to know of our client’s success. It’s like seeing your old friend receiving an Oscar and saying, ‘I told you this guy would be a success.’

Steve was just an ordinary student. He never had enough time and patience to do all those boring tasks. He was our regular customer. However, he invested all his time and energy into his major – Information Technology.

Since his second year in college, Steve took a paid internship at Microsoft. It was not an easy period in his life. He had no time for anything. Sleeping or cooking a dinner was a luxury. It was then that we helped him a lot with the worst papers in all those theoretical classes, including Philosophy and Logic.

He always said that he was not going to spend the years of his life working 9 hours a day in office. And his effort paid off. The invaluable experience of his student internship boosted his professional skills. He mastered time management and exercised his will power. It was a great contribution to his future.

When Steve received a diploma, he had more than 4 years of work experience in an international company, while most of his classmates only started hunting for entry level jobs.

Recently Steve started his own online project and by now he has hired 8 subordinates who help him with his rapidly growing firm.

Steve confesses that his progress would be impossible without professional writing services from Custom-Writing.org. Without our support, he would have to do all the homework by himself, going crazy or ruining his health or dropping out from college, not getting degree and necessary knowledge in his major.

We’re certain that we will hear of his future success again soon.

P.S. Steve gave his consent to disclose his personal info (we never ever break our confidentiality rule, no matter how much time has passed since your last order). The next success story can be yours.

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Get Motivated to Do Homework


Get motivated to do homework One of the hardest parts of your homework is to actually start it. The attempts to get inspired or simply get into the right mood may take hours. To avoid the worst time thieves and get motivated to do homework right now, consider the following proven methods.

Think of Something Even Worse than Homework

What if you could stop looking for excuses not to do homework, and use homework as an excuse for not doing something else? For example, do you hate cleaning your room? Then, make your homework an excuse for not tidying your room right now.

Divide It into Smaller Parts

If the task seems too complicated, simply divide it into smaller chunks. Then start doing them one by one. Avoid making undeserved and inappropriate breaks. Whenever it’s possible, keep doing your homework until you’re done.

Make a Plan of Work and Rewards

One more way to get motivated to do homework is to bribe yourself. Think of something you would enjoy after your homework is done. It can be watching the next part of your favorite series. Or, eating an ice-cream. Or, going out tonight. The main criterion is that you need to really desire the reward.

Imagine the Worst Consequences

If everything else fails, fear yourself. Imagine the worst consequences ever. What will happen if you don’t do this task? Exaggerate it as much as possible. Imagine not simply receiving a bad grade, but also failing a course, dropping out from college and working as an employee at a cleaning company. Then imagine your college crush entering a WC and running into you as you have just finished the cleaning… So, do you still need some more motivation to do homework?

Focus on the Benefits

Going into another extreme, imagine how extremely important and helpful this task can be. Imagine yourself receiving a salary raise only because you did this task.

How do you usually get inspired and motivated to do your homework? Would you share your personal secret with us?

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