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Cheating on Tests: Emergency Situation vs. Some Ethical Concerns


Cheating on Tests Everybody does this. Even the most hardcore nerds cheat – it’s just that they think it’s a shameful thing to confess in. And, since tests are the sad yet undeniable fact of our imperfect universe, our experts can and will give you a helping hand and tell you a secret or two about cheating on tests.

Cheating on Tests: Remembering Every Possible Idea. Strategy #1

The first and the most obvious way is to write a good “pony” is to write the answers to all the questions in advance and use them on the exam. There’s like a bazillion of ways to record a list of dates/words/formulas and use them during your test. Check these simple tips:

  • Write the answers to all the exam questions on separate sheets;
  • Forget about calligraphy – write the way you would during an exam;
  • Number the sheets according to the number of the exam questions.

When the right moment comes, just switch your blank sheet with the corresponding pony. Ta-da!

Cheating on Tests: Make Key Notes. Formulas, Definitions, Dates

Dates and formulas have a very specific peculiarity – they seem incredibly simple, yet they slip your radar right when you need them. That’s why another ways to cheat on a test so that no one would notice is to have a list of details that can help you the rest of the information.

  • Write on anything that won’t draw people’s attention (e.g. an eraser);
  • Use a very sharp pencil to write the data down;
  • Put the notes in the smallest font you can see.

A bonus advice: Take one of those gigantic Chupa-Chups and scotch the cribs on it. The teacher won’t notice anything – and, just in case, you can always pretend to actually eating it :)

Cheating on Tests: A Book is Fine, Too. Fascinating Recklessness

For those who have no fear and no time to put the notes together, here is the most reckless way to cheat your way to a better grade.

  • Put a book on your knees to hide it under the table;
  • If you’re wearing bulky clothes, use them to hide the book.

Cheating on Tests: Something to Remember about Ethical Concerns

Finally, read a few words about morals. Cheating on a test is not the ultimate solution for the testing anxiety thing. You should not use cheating every time you have a test – otherwise, you won’t be able to control your knowledge and will rely on these tips about how to cheat on a test. So remember that a real secret agent uses his/her skills only in the cases of real emergency!

Do My Homework: Gin Heard My Wish and Got Back to the Bottle


Whenever you’re uncertain about your plans for the evening, you’re probably forgetting something. Your homework.

In some sense, homework is like an overly attached girlfriend (boyfriend). It’s annoying and always pursuing you, demanding your time and attention, interfering with all of your plans and standing between you and your friends.

“How am I supposed to do my homework when a day and a night have only 24 hours?” However, modern studies reveal that the things are not that bad.

Do My Homework: Stats and Figures

Do you want a short story that will amuse and confuse you at the same time? Anyway, here it goes:


– decline in average time college students spend on homework, compared to 1960s;


– amount of ‘A’ grades now

compared to


– amount of ‘A’ grades in 1940s (this phenomenon is usually referred to as ‘grades inflation‘)


– of employed college graduates in 2013 feel overeducated – their jobs do not require a 4-year degree.

Therefore, modern students study less to get better grades than their peers in the last century and finally get a job that’s not worth all the effort.

Do My Homework: 4 Full-Proof Tips

So, modern students spend much less time on their homework. However, it’s not because they are lazier. It’s because they are more efficient than their peers several decades ago.

Here are some tips for those who ask “How on earth can I do all my homework?”:

  1. Use technologies. Writing manuscripts can sound romantic, but it’s also awfully inefficient. Use spell checkers, citation tools, dictionaries, whatever. Remember that all is fair in love, war and homework.
  2. Manage your time. Try to make realistic plans. Nobody can write an essay in 20 minutes. If you don’t start early, at least allot enough time to study.
  3. Reward yourself. Promise yourself to do something pleasant after you complete some parts of your tasks – eat an apple, watch a short Youtube video, chat with a friend. Just make sure that a reward doesn’t become a new distraction.
  4. Make breaks. Breaks are for rewards (mentioned above). Even more reasons for making breaks are stretching and giving your eyes some rest.

Homework – ruining students’ social lives since times immemorial. How much time do you usually spend on homework?

How to Write a Research Paper that Earns High Grades


Whenever you have to write a research paper, you are pressed for time. No matter if you start early or procrastinate too long, you never have enough time. That’s why you should take the most out of your time.

How to Choose a Topic

The first stumbling block which can easily ruin it all is the choice of a topic. Your topic should be somewhere at the intersection of several parameters:

How to Write a Research Paper

Be sure to make it interesting not to fall asleep in the middle of it. Make it practical to show everyone why they should care. Choose something researchable to be able to find the necessary information.

How to Do a Research for an Academic Project

The next step in research paper writing is investigation. You will boost your effectiveness and successfully write a research paper if you use the following steps:

  • Check your course readings to clarify your teacher’s expectations. Be sure to include quotes from your readings into you paper. It’s a full proof way to a good grade.
  • Google it. Sometimes simply searching it in Google can help you understand your topic much better. Don’t hesitate to check it in Wikipedia – it can be a perfect start for your project and a decent source of inspiration.
  • Hunt for reliable sources. When you already have pretty good understanding of the subject matter, you can proceed to the next phase – collection of trustworthy sources. With this goal, you might visit your college library, scholar.google.com, educational and governmental sites.

How to Write a Research Paper

With an excellent idea of what you are going to cover in your paper, you may start making a plan. A detailed outline of your would-be report can be a perfect start to a perfect paper. As soon as you have an outline before your eyes and plenty of good ideas generated from your investigation, everything will go on wheels.

How to Edit Research Papers

And sure, the final touch which will make your paper just perfect is proofreading. If you have difficulties proofreading your papers or simply find it boring, you might consider the following steps:

  1. Read it aloud – it will help you improve tone and logic.
  2. Print it out – in this way you may notice some more errors.
  3. Read it backwards – so you will get a new perspective on your project.

What would you recommend those who have to write a research paper but who are pressed for time?

Improve Memory Quickly with 7 Simple Routine Changes


Improve Memory There’s no such thing as bad memory. There are only ineffective ways of using it. The good news (which might be nothing new to some of you) is that it’s never too late to improve memory. 7 simple tips discussed below proved to be surprisingly effective for improving cognitive abilities and boosting academic performance.

Tip 1: Get Enough Sleep

One of the most pleasant and most effective ways to improve your memory is to improve your sleeping regime. The connection between your sleep and your study outcomes can be a perfect excuse for not throwing another all-nighter. When you’re fed up with it – just go to bed. Enough is enough. Seriously.

Tip 2: Take Breaks

Your brain needs time to process the information you squeeze into it. Most students prefer to procrastinate until the last moment and then study non-stop until they fall asleep on the keyboard. No matter what, there’s always some time for a break and relaxation. By the way, taking naps during some of those breaks can be a good idea, too.

Tip 3: Consider Exercising

Regular exercising will increase the blood flow to the brain. Did you hear the proverb concerning the sound mind in a sound body? We could also add better memory and good mood to this list.

Tip 4: Distress Yourself

Stress and pessimistic outlook are the worst enemies of effective study. Try to distress yourself and help your body use its full potential. Yoga? Bubble bath? Scented candles? It’s your choice.

Tip 5: Improve Connection between Hemispheres

The next step to better memory is to balance your brain’s hemispheres. You might use certain exercises to maintain proper balance and increase your brain’s potential.

Tip 6: Eat Blueberries and Drink Grape Juice

There’s evidence that some foods can improve memory. Blueberries and grape juice were rated high on this list. Choose dark juice over the light one.

Tip 7: Use Memory Techniques

And the last but not least tip you should use to improve memory is modern mnemonic techniques which might boost your results with minimum effort.

So, just stop complaining about your memory and invest your time and effort into training and increasing its potential.

What have you done today to improve memory? Do you have any personal secrets? Please share in the comments section below.

Top 5 Mnemonic Techniques to Help You Survive College


Mnemonic Techniques College life is a true challenge. It can be a terrible ordeal for your body, mind and memory. With the enormous amounts of study material, your memory can betray you when you least expect it. However, the following 5 mnemonic techniques can help you survive college overloads and stay sane.

Mnemonic Technique 1: Listen to Your Own Voice

It turns out that simply cramming is not very effective. Modern mnemonic techniques can boost your personal effectiveness and improve your memory in general.

Surprised with the advice to listen to your own voice? Well, let’s not waste time on detailed discussion of why our body works this way, but recording your own voice and then listening to the record is one of the most effective ways to learn something. Just try it.

Mnemonic Technique 2: Rhymes

Do you still remember some of your childhood rhymes? So do I. Then why not use this trick to memorize the hardest part of your course materials? By the way, the sillier the rhyme, the longer you will remember it.

Mnemonic Technique 3: Analogies

So, mnemonics shouldn’t be overcomplicated. That’s why some unexpected analogies can be just fine. And it doesn’t matter if somebody else can understand why you compare notions or not. It’s your own analogy and your own mnemonic.

Mnemonic Technique 4: Stories

One more proven method is to tell yourself a simple story, making the main subject your main character. Never mind if your topic is a complex inanimate concept. It can be something like this: “Once upon a time, there was Customer Relationship Management – a magician who could improve any business…”

Mnemonic Technique 5: Music

Have you ever noticed that you do not need any effort to memorize lyrics of your favorite songs. Why not use this wonder of human memory to study for a test? Sometimes singing something to your favorite music can be a perfect solution. Singing theory of relativity to “Call Me Maybe”? Crazy as it sounds, but just go for it.

Do you feel like your memory has just become much stronger? Would you share your personal secret – what do you usually do to memorize the hardest info?

Custom Writing Services: 4 Stages of Historical Evolution


Did you know custom writing services were known way before the internet and computers? Let’s make a brief time travel to check the earliest instances:

Custom Writing Services: Ancient Times

Ancient Times

The earliest examples of custom writing were cave paintings. Shamans were invited to paint ritual images on the walls to attract good luck in hunting. Sure, ancient women, sick and tired of waiting for their spouses, had enough free time. They could paint the walls by themselves. Yet, they let professionals do it to achieve better results.

Custom Writing Services: Middle Ages

Middle Ages

The medieval prototype of today’s custom writers was scribes. Before the writing press was invented, they copied the original works of authors by hand. Medieval scribes used quills made of goose feathers and ruled the lines on parchment. They knew Latin, had excellent eyesight and took their work very seriously. The only difference is that today’s professional custom writers create papers out of thin air, making them fully original to meet all of your individual requirements.

Custom Writing Services: Renaissance


The editors of texts played an important role in understanding the Renaissance works of literature. They were free to change not only format, but even the interpretation of the original texts. This means that Petrarch, Dante, Boccaccio and others used proofreading services. Who knows, what if the Renaissance editors actually wrote the most interesting parts of the classic works?

Custom Writing Services Today

Custom Writing Service

And the latest and finest form of this evolution is modern writing services, serving your needs 24/7.

  • your personal writer specializes in your field;
  • your paper is written from scratch;
  • any genres and assignment types.

Combining the best features of all previous generations, this form brings luck and success to its owners. And what’s most interesting – no need to time travel to try it right now.

Email Etiquette Rules for Students: Get Ready for 3 Major Cases


Email Etiquette Rules Do you know what makes the first impression in the modern world? Not the way you dress and not the way you speak. It’s your emails – their format, grammar and tone.

That’s why email etiquette rules are the key to your bright future. Don’t miss them firefly explained below!

Emailing Teachers

If you have certain doubts if anyone cares of email etiquette rules, doubt no more. Your teachers are the ones who definitely do. Be careful when emailing them.

Subject: Never ever leave it empty. Be honest and confess what you’re going to ask – paper extension, consultation, etc. It will significantly improve the chances for your message to be open and read.

Greeting: Be sure to include the professor’s full official title. It would work much better than ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.

Language: Get to the point right from the start. Make it clear and concise. Respect your reader – avoid jargon and unnecessary contractions.

Closing: ‘Sincerely yours’, ‘best regards’ and ‘kindest regards’ are all just perfect.

Emailing Teachers

Emailing Potential Employers

Another chance to show your excellent knowledge of email etiquette rules is sending your resume to employers. Even if you think that everything is crystal clear from your resume, simply throwing ‘see attached’ in the message body is a bad choice. Never forget to include a cover letter introducing yourself and explaining why you are writing.

Subject: The best idea is the title of the position you’re applying to unless something different was requested by the employer.

Greeting: ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ would perfectly suit here.

Language: The same respectful tone and proper grammar as above.

Closing: ‘Sincerely’, ‘best regards’ etc.

Emailing Potential Employers

Txting Your Friends

The only case when the email etiquette rules are crazily democratic is texting your friends.

Subject: Whatever is on the top of your mind at this very moment. You my leave it blank or simply respond to the email the friend sent you last year: ‘Re-Halloween pics’.

Greeting: You might skip it though some psychologists recommend calling people their names which are ‘the sweetest sound for them in any language.’

Language: Anything that both of you would consider as appropriate. Just make sure that the wording you choose doesn’t hurt another person’s feelings.

Closing: Skip it or add something you think is appropriate for this specific case.

So, don’t ignore the email etiquette rules to reach the hearts and minds of your addressees.

Do you usually follow the rules discussed above?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: Our Presents Are Here!



We are grateful to you personally for being a part of our big and happy family.We wanted to do something special for you this year, so go ahead and check out our Holiday Wishes video.

We tried to be funny, so don’t judge:)

P.S.Leave a comment with your Holiday Wishes for us on this video, copy your comment and send it to support@custom-writing.org and we’ll send you a bonus 14% discount, active till the end of the year, cos’ we’re awesome like that:)

Wait! There’s a Bonus!

We couldn’t let you go without another discount:)

You must be really busy with all of the holiday preparations! We figured, you might need some extra hand with your academic tasks. Save 7% on any 1 of your upcoming orders all the way until January 1st.

DISCOUNT CODE: writingsanta2014

Yes, you will get 2 discount codes: 7% from here and another 14%, if you left your holiday wishes on our YouTube video with the pretty Santa and informed our support about the comment!:)

Happy Holidays, guys!

Enjoy your time with your loved ones, family and friends. Stay happy, healthy and prosperous all of the next year!

15 Little-Known Factors That Do Affect Your Exam Results


Exam Results If you’ve already passed at least a few exams in your life, you probably noticed that exam results are often unpredictable. Sometimes you may barely get a ‘C’ grade after cramming all night long. On another day, you may get a ‘B’ or even an ‘A’ in a course you thought you were going to fail.

You are right. Your actual knowledge is only one of the factors affecting your scores. Here are 15 more little-known but important things that have strong impact too.

1. The Way You’ve Spent the Previous Night

The rule of thumb is to avoid any crazy extremes. It means no allnighters – neither studying nor partying. Go to bed at a reasonable hour, as your brain needs good sleep to refresh and keep the information in your head in order.

2. Temperature in the Room

Though you usually can’t control this one, be sure you check the weather forecast to be prepared. Such a trifle as sweat on your forehead or goose bumps on your skin can be really distracting. Wear something appropriate for the weather.

3. Comfortable Clothes

Your clothes can be great as camouflage of your cribs. Additional pockets and long sleeves are your best friends then. However, if you aren’t going to use any illegal strategies, the only goal of your clothes is to keep you warm and comfortable.

4. Mood

No matter whether it’s a multiple choice test or an essay, your mood can boost your exam results. Do several sit-ups and stretches to help you concentrate. And be sure to get some pleasant plans for the evening to reward yourself after the ordeal you’ve been through.

5. Peace of Mind

Avoid breaking your heart and thinking of the sense of life the night before exam. If something unpleasant is likely to happen, imagine pressing the ‘ask me later’ button and get back to it after your exam is already over.

6. Your Belief in Horoscopes

Horoscopes work only for those who believe in them. That’s why you should be selective – try to choose only the most optimistic predictions or try to see everything in positive light.

7. Health

Even a running nose or cough can distract you from exam. Improve your exam results – take good care of your physical wellbeing, sleep and eat well.

8. Energy Level

Your energy level is important for getting a better score. Drink clear water, sleep well and listen to some energizing music.

9. Your Morning Menu

Don’t forget to include some energizing foods in your menu – fruits, vegetables and nuts. Citrus and blueberries are on the top of the list of brain-boosting meals. On the other hand, junk food can decrease your chances for good exam results.

10. Your Physical Activity

Even if you have no time for a full yoga workout, only a few stretches or bends can help you improve blood circulation. It will inevitably improve your memory, concentration and exam results.

11. Your Relations with Students in the Group

The psychological microclimate within the group won’t miraculously make you know all the answers. However, friendly support will comfort you and help you perform better.

12. Your Parents’ Support

One of the recent studies says that parents, not schools boost exam success. That’s why calling your Mom can be a good idea.

13. The Color of Teacher’s Clothes

Sure, you can’t influence your teachers’ preference in any way. Still, the colors around you can either comfort or agitate you.

14. Weather

Not under your control, but definitely an influential factor. By the way, it’s a perfect excuse for those cases when your performance leaves much to be desired.

15. Oil Prices

Quite unexpected, right? However, oil prices have effect on everything. Your exam results can’t be an exception to that rule.

Good luck with your exams! May all the factors be to your advantage.

How to Write an Essay in Microsoft Word and Never Lose It


Sometimes Microsoft Word is like the Bermuda triangle. As if you hadn’t enough troubles writing essays, the technical side of the question can make it even more complicated. However, this article is here to show you how to write an essay in Microsoft Word and never lose it.

Protect Your Files with Auto-Save Options

Though the era of huge personal computers is almost over, the problem of power supply and batteries is still important. Even if you forget to charge your device, you shouldn’t worry. It doesn’t mean you have to lose your documents. Only one small step can save hours of your work. It’s auto-save settings. Here’s how to write an essay and never lose it.

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button Microsoft Office button in the upper left corner and then click the Word Options.
  2. Select Save.
  3. Select Save AutoRecover information every x minutes. X is the interval between the autosaves. The minimum is 1 minute. Remember that the more frequently you decide to save your data, the slower your document will work. If, however, the protection of your data is more important to you, feel free to set autosave every 1 minute (like I do)

*However, this feature won’t replace the classical Save button. Be sure to use the old good Save as option to be sure you can find your work.

Find Lost Files if Auto-Save Failed

There are cases when even Autosave won’t help you in extreme essay writing (the complete crashes of programs).

If it’s already too late to change the autosave settings as your paper is already lost, you shouldn’t be disappointed all the same. There’s a way to find them too. Try to show the hidden files.

  1. Click the Start button;
  2. select Control Panel;
  3. click Appearance and Personalization;
  4. select Folder Options
  5. click View;
  6. select Show Hidden Files and Folders and click Ok.

Then you will see the numerous files with the tilde sign in their names. These are temporary files, which aren’t deleted as of now.

Writing essays can and should be safe. Practice safe essay writing, use autosave.

Essay Writing Format: Fit the Standards, Remain Original, Get A+


Essay Writing Format The essay writing format is one of those tricky things on which you can never decide whether they are helpful or menacing. When you write essays, formatting can be both guiding and misleading. Are you ready to dive into it?

Essay Writing Format: Structure It the Right Way! Important Tips

Keep in mind that, an essay writing format usually includes several aspects:

Essay Writing Format Constituents

Essay Heading

Rule #1: The heading must impress. Good example: “Rousseau vs. Hobbes: The Clash of Titans,” bad example: “Rousseau and Hobbes: The Argument.”


Here’s your Essay Outline 101 (a five paragraph essay): first, Essay Introduction, then Argument, then Counterargument, then Evidence, and then Essay Conclusion.

Citation Style

Author only: MLA;
Author and date: APA format, Harvard, Oxford, Chicago, Turabian;
Footnotes/endnotes: Oxford, Chicago, Turabian.

That’s what makes the bulk of an essay writing format.

Essay Writing Format: Standing at the Beginning. 1st Paragraph!

This is an ideal 1st paragraph structure for an essay paper:

  1. Opening Sentence.
  2. Your Thesis Statement.
  3. Some additional facts.

Essay Writing Format: Introduce Arguments – Let the Fight Begin!

According to the most usual essay writing format, there are two ways to introduce your arguments:

Essay Writing Format: Parallel Ideas
  • 1st argument;
  • 2nd argument;
  • 1st counterargument;
  • 2nd counterargument.
Essay Writing Format: Consecutive Ideas
  • 1st argument;
  • 1st counterargument;
  • 2nd argument;
  • 2nd counterargument.

Choosing between the above two types of essay writing format depends on how many arguments you’ve got.

Essay Writing Format: Writing a Conclusion. Where the Story Ends

Whenever you write essay, format issues are the toughest, but the end always boils down to three key elements:

  • Thesis Restatement;
  • List of Key Results;
  • Some General Statement.

For example, this conclusion follows the essay writing format exactly:

Therefore, unless people care about environment, the world is doomed (Thesis Restatement). As it has been proven, the recent attempts at improving the environment have had a tremendous impact – the level of ice cap melting and sun radiation have decreased (List of Key Results). Once people start caring, the Earth will be a better place to live in (Some General Statement).

Essay Writing Format: Seven Most Horrible Clichés to Be Avoided!

When it comes to the format, essay writing becomes an incredibly tricky business, and the use of these clichés can make the whole thing fall flat:

  1. Writing a tragedy essay for the sake of originality;
  2. Forcing a moral cliché moral inat the end of the paper;
  3. Using phrases such as “Since the dawn of time” and other stylistic clichés;
  4. Sounding too confident: “It is beyond any doubt,” etc.;
  5. Too on-the-nose “I-love-learning” subtext;
  6. Using high-flown speech unless it’s used as a satire;
  7. Ending the paper with “In conclusion…” Show some originality!

Avoid these clichés as much as you can, and you’ll be able to follow any essay writing format. Make your own rules!

10 Life Hacks to Write a Research Paper Like a Pro


Write a Research PaperSo, have you been recently assigned a research project? Or, even worse, is it already due soon? The following 10 life hacks will help you do it in record time. Here are 10 amazing things, which will help you write a research paper like a pro.

Life Hack #1: Topic

Set a timer no to spend too much time on selecting a topic. Search for a gap in the existing literature. There must be at least a small area left untouched by other researchers. Try to choose the right perspective and make your question as narrow as you can. Use specific examples.

E.g. Bad choice: Do students believe in global warming?

E.g. Better choice: Is there a statistically significant relationship between students’ climate change awareness and their personal paper recycling choices?

Life Hack #2: Speed Literature Review

No time to read all the sources you find. At this point, only abstracts and conclusions are your goal. That’s what these parts have been created for.

Life Hack #3: No Problems with Sources

Never hesitate to check the reference pages of the articles you’ve found. The authors have probably done a great job for you. Feel free to use some of their sources for your paper (surely, after finding them in full).

Life Hack #4: Early Notes

To write a research paper right, you should start making notes as soon as you choose your topic. Whenever you find an interesting quote or some brilliant idea crosses your mind, put them down.

Life Hack #5: Outlining

No need to reinvent the wheel. Follow the standard structure to save your time and creative energy for other aspects of writing a research paper.

  1. Abstract;
  2. introduction;
  3. literature review;
  4. methodology;
  5. findings;
  6. discussion;
  7. limitations;
  8. conclusion and recommendations.

Life Hack #6: Strong Introduction

The three most important components to be included into the introduction part are a research question, a hypothesis and a strong thesis statement.

Life Hack #7: Literature Review

If you find the contradicting views, don’t hesitate to include them all into the literature review. It will only show that you understand the question in its complexity. Do your best to find the gap in the existing literature.

Life Hack #8: Results

Give only facts and figures in the “Results” part of your paper.

Life Hack #9: Discussion

Make the “Discussion” the biggest section of your project. Feel free to express your thoughts in this part. Include analysis and interpretation into this part.

Life Hack #10: Format

To write a research paper that rocks, you’ll need to pay proper attention to such a trifle as its format. The easiest way is to find a well-formatted research paper sample using the recommended citation style on a reputable site. One more quick tip is to use the features of the text editor and special applications to make the formatting process quicker and easier.

What about sharing your personal secrets on how to write a research paper with the public? We hope to see your comments below.

Top 5 Hilarious College Pranks Most Students Would Die to See


How often do the amazing things happen at your lectures? College pranks might break the routine. At least, all of the following woke up even the students in the back rows.

An unexpected turn:

Those who were nearly asleep probably thought it was a dream:

Instead of “going to the bathroom”:

Who said organic chemistry can’t be fun?

Some students act as if it’s normal. They probably got accustomed to regular college pranks:

As you can see, some lectures are really worth visiting. What if you are missing something interesting skipping another lecture?

5 Insanely Luxury Dorms: New Lux Class for Students


Luxury Dorms The breaking news is that the cave-like dorm rooms may soon become a thing of the past. If you think that a new generation of students won’t mind sharing bathrooms with tens of people, think again.

Today’s kids want all the comfort of home. And luxury dorms have no other choice but offer not only more space and private bathrooms attached to every room, but also fitness centers, spa, grocery delivery and other services.

“If You Have Everything You Need, You Never Go Outside”

Today’s students not only have all the necessary essentials, but also enjoy plenty of luxury extras in their dorm rooms.

1. University of Michigan – North Quadrangle Residential

A room in this dorm can make even the most demanding student jump with joy. The following are only a few amenities which attract crowds of students to this place:

  • an internationally themed dining hall (serving salmon fillet, tortellini, shark etc.);
  • art gallery;
  • café and coffee shop;
  • a huge hall with new armchairs for students to work on group projects.

2. University of Pennsylvania

The 33 stories of the university’s luxury dorm welcome both freshmen and upperclassmen. For you to understand the level of this dorm, we might mention only one detail – there’s gonna be a rooftop pool. Nice, isn’t it?

3. University of Cincinnati – Campus Recreation Center Housing

The student’s living essentials a decade ago included only Red Bull, Wi Fi and Ramen. Today it’s not enough. Students want more. Probably, for that reason, the University of Cincinnati offers a fitness center with more than 200 machines and a 40-foot climbing wall.

4. Purdue University Dorm

The residents of this dorm readily pay $5000 to live in this complex, which is ‘essentially a hotel’. Ceramic-tiled kitchenettes and customized entertainment centers give students all the luxuries of home and even more than that.

5. Georgia State University – University Commons

And this dorm goes even further than the rest in this list. To make sure that the residents of this dorm have absolutely no need to go out, as this dorm has not only a convenience store, but also a health clinic on its territory.

Don’t these luxury dorms keep the romance of living in the dorm away from students’ lives? Or should students go through certain hardships to get ready for real life waiting for them after graduation?

7 Wildest Dorm Rooms That Will Blow Your Mind Away


Your dorm room can be your sweet home, your fortress and a perfect basis for your design experiments. The dorm room walls are patient; you can put anything on them. The only problem is that your roommate can put anything on them as well. Only imagine entering your room only to see that it looks like anything of the following:

1. Polaroid


If you’re missing your dear and near badly, there’s a way to keep them close. You might simply decorate your dorm room walls with snapshots. Hundreds of snapshots. Note that you might feel uncomfortable drinking beer instead of doing homework when your Mom and Dad are staring at you.

2. Sandy Beach

Sandy Beach

What do you think of the sunsets on the beach? Everyone loves them. But only these guys love them strongly enough to bring all that sand to their college garage. We feel sorry for someone who will clean it out after graduation.

3. Barbie Room

Barbie Room

If you think there’s hardly a dorm room anywhere in the world that is more ‘girlie’ than this one, take a closer look at those bags on the wall. Those bags are highly functional. While most dorm rooms are lacking space for storage, these purses might help solve the problem.

4. Poker Love

Poker Love

Here’s what happens when something goes wrong with a poker fan. This dorm room is full of poker attributes – cards and chips. To this guy, probably, there’s no such thing as too much poker.

5. An Ancient Temple

An Ancient Temple

Back to the roots! A student from Chicago decided to turn her small college cell into an ancient temple. She spent her monthly budget on fake plants and vines and invested long hours of her life into handmade artifacts. But as you can see, it was 100% worth it.

6. Yellow Page Dorm Room

Yellow Page Dorm Room

Sure, the walls covered with yellow pages do not make your dorm room as comfy as you’d love it to be. However, it might be a good idea for a college dorm prank.

7. A Glowing Dorm Room

A Glowing Dorm Room

A multifunctional dorm room might satisfy diverse students’ needs. It can be a perfect study environment during the day when the lights are off, and a perfect disco room in the evening. The three guys living here even use invisible tape to write some words on the walls. The tape is glowing when the lights are on, and the words become visible only at night.

So, when it comes to your dorm room décor, only your imagination is the limit. Get inspired and make it your dorm, sweet dorm.

Great News for Students: 6 Cool Things to Do with a 3D Printer


3D Printer So, what’s your bet: will 3D printing change our world? Will it save lives or flood the planet with unnecessary 3D printed stuff?

Please, don’t be too quick to give your answer. First, let’s take a look at the latest news for students: here’s how 3D printing can change your life as a student in the nearest future.

6 Amazing Thing to Do with a 3D Printer in College

3D printing is just right for students who want to do many things on the go:


New 3D printers make cooking pizza easy like never before. You simply insert all the ingredients and get a crusty gourmet pizza in just a moment. Or, what about 3D printed chocolate or pasta? Cooking comes easy to those who decide to throw a decent sum of money on a 3D printer.

A Glove Phone

A well-known artist and inventor, Bryan Cera, offered to use 3D printers to create a glove phone. What it means? It’s a communication device in the form of a glove. When you fit in a SIM card and wear that glove, you can literally speak to your hand. Dial your number in the same way you’d do it using a keyboard. Isn’t it what you sometimes need when all other ideas how to text in class without getting caught fail?


Hate washing dishes? No problem. Get them 3D printed for every meal. Use edible materials and… simply eat them instead of washing.


Not knowing what to wear or no clean jeans left? A 3D printer might help you solve this problem too. Some exclusive fabric can now be 3D Printed. Simply unlock your creativity but note that some of the 3D printed clothes are transparent and not always appropriate for wearing in class.

Shoes to Put in Your Bag

One more great news for students is that futuristic footwear can be printed using any 3D printer. You can choose not only design and color, but even softness of your 3D printed shoes. You might even make them soft enough to scrunch and put into your bag.

Homework Solution (if You Were in Japan)

A 3D printer can even help you on your homework if you’re in Japan. The problem is that Japanese students have to do numerous writing exercises, scribbling the same kanji characters over and over again. That’s what made lazy but creative students make a three pencil holder via a 3d printer. In this way, they cover three lines at a time. Innovative cheating it is.

What’s your plan for using a 3D printer in your dorm?

30 Hair-Raising Dissertation Topics in Education


Dissertation Topics in Education If you get stuck choosing a topic for your dissertation, don’t be upset. Sometimes good ideas come from where you least expect them. For instance, the following dissertation topics in Education probably came from students’ nightmares. That’s the only explanation of how such weird ideas could cross somebody’s mind… and actually get approved:

The Most Bizarre Dissertation Topics in Education Ever

The most interesting thing is that somebody really did a thesis on all of the following dissertation topics in Education:

  1. Americans study abroad to have a legitimate excuse to travel.
  2. How does working as a taxi driver and navigating change a person’s brain?
  3. Whether or not unicorns can really exist?
  4. To what extent can reality television be disempowering for students?
  5. The role of homework in the lives of immigrant adolescents.
  6. The impact of teachers’ shocking behaviors in fostering students’ creativity.
  7. The determinants of flossing behavior in college students.
  8. The classification of drinking styles in college age population.
  9. Integrating the computer into the curriculum: why you can’t simply plug it in.
  10. The preconditions for serious music-making avocation in computer science students.
  11. Adult graduate difficulties with learning technologies.
  12. The effect of academic performance on academic health of adolescents.
  13. The impact of mathematic coaching on students’ self-esteem.
  14. The influence of internet on emotional maturity of students.
  15. Academic achievements of students who decide to become teachers.
  16. Students are more likely to do homework given by good-looking professors.
  17. Informal learning in rural areas through social networks.
  18. Edublogging for professors: the social networks of educationists.
  19. Does learning existentialism cause suicides?
  20. Is it possible to reduce summer learning loss without students’ consent?
  21. Can we reject classical math and do it at the same time? Yes.
  22. Students are less likely to think something is weird if their teachers act like it’s not weird.
  23. Is a degree in Liberal Arts completely useless? What are major career prospects?
  24. Using electronic games in museums can be an effective education tool.
  25. Brainwashing people too fast can make them resistant to it.
  26. Creativity is a fantasy and nothing more than autohypnosis.
  27. Literature analysis is a fake, because we’ll never know what a long dead writer wanted to say with his/her book.
  28. Surfing the web for 10 years is equal to a college degree.
  29. Positive attitudes to school can improve academic performance, but students doubt it.
  30. Sex education is more stressful to teachers than students.

Note that there’s always only a thin line between creative and bizarre. It’s up to you to choose on which side you are.

Do you know someone who has a dissertation topic in Education that’s even weirder than the ones listed above?

Top 5 Go-To Textbook Exchange Groups and Communities


Textbook ExchangevWhen you’re in college, the biggest risks to your budget come from where you least expect them. From your textbooks. New shiny books with crispy pages can cost you a fortune (sometimes up to several hundred bucks).

To save your wallet, you may buy used books, search for discounts or go even further, visiting textbook exchange communities.

Bookmark the Sites of Textbook Exchange Communities

In most cases, you can find a local book exchange group on your campus. It can be a pool of opportunities for you. Older students who have taken the same courses might have exactly what you need.

If you occasionally don’t find what you need on campus, you may try to trade your books here:

  1. Student2Student.com connects you with other students on your campus or across the country. You can meet in person with someone who wants the books you offer and avoid the shipping and credit card hassle.
  2. BookMooch.com uses a system of points. When you send your books to someone, you earn points. When someone sends books to you, you spend your points. It means that the actual price of the book doesn’t matter as you earn one point for any book.
  3. PaperBackswap.com is a place to trade your old books and choose something you want from the list of more than 4 million available books.
  4. Tbexchange.com is the place to go whenever you want to buy or get rid of books. You can even send your no value books, and the company will donate them to a charity organization, called Books to Children of the World.
  5. Bookstoop.com is a textbook exchange platform that was launched in 2014. It’s a promising network, created by two college students for college students.

A Few Striking Facts about Textbook Market

Here are a few shocking facts about the textbook market as a final argument for textbook exchange:

  • Over the past 20 years, the textbook prices have more than tripled (it’s more than four times the inflation rate).
  • An average student spends $700- $1400 per year on textbooks.
  • New editions of textbooks taking place ever year make students’ old textbooks almost no value.

Become textbook-smart, trade the textbooks you need at the prices you want.

Have you ever used any of the discussed or other groups to exchange your textbooks?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: Our Presents Are Here!



We are grateful to you personally for being a part of our big and happy family.We wanted to do something special for you this year, so go ahead and check out our Holiday Wishes video.

We tried to be funny, so don’t judge:)

P.S.Leave a comment with your Holiday Wishes for us on this video, copy your comment and send it to support@custom-writing.org and we’ll send you a bonus 14% discount, active till the end of the year, cos’ we’re awesome like that:)

Wait! There’s a Bonus!

We couldn’t let you go without another discount:)

You must be really busy with all of the holiday preparations! We figured, you might need some extra hand with your academic tasks. Save 7% on any 1 of your upcoming orders all the way until January 1st.

DISCOUNT CODE: writingsanta2014

Yes, you will get 2 discount codes: 7% from here and another 14%, if you left your holiday wishes on our YouTube video with the pretty Santa and informed our support about the comment!:)

Happy Holidays, guys!

Enjoy your time with your loved ones, family and friends. Stay happy, healthy and prosperous all of the next year!

Where to Find a Summer Internship That’s Worth the Headache


Summer Internship Well, you always have a choice how to spend this summer. To take or not to take an internship?

In other words, ice cocktails and ocean breeze versus warm coffee in a sweltering office… It seems like an easy choice, but is it really so?

This summer internship can change your life forever, becoming the first step on your career ladder. Did you know that at least 54% of recent graduates are unemployed? And the easiest way to secure you first job is to land an internship this summer. But where to find summer internships?

Summer Internships on LinkedIn

The first place to go is LinkedIn, the ‘Facebook’ for professional use. Create a personal page, mention all of your personal accomplishments and search for internship opportunities. It’s easy with the portal, created especially for students and recent graduates.

Summer Internships on Career Fairs

Internet is the place to go whenever you’re looking for something. Career fairs are on Twitter, Facebook, Google+. Simply use the hashtag #careerfairs to do your search and don’t hesitate to join the conversation and ask questions. Don’t be shy and be sure that you are a perfect candidate for internships they offer.

Summer Internships Personal Networks

One more resource you can’t afford ignoring is your personal networks. Ask your friends, friends of your friends, parents, teachers, people you hardly know but follow on Facebook. They might know something you need. Feel free to make self-promotion posts in social networks. But know when to stop. Be sure not to go as far as endless spamming, so that not all of your followers start to hate you.

Summer Internships: Knocking on Doors

If everything else fails, you may go knocking doors and asking if the companies you like need some interns. Be ready to work for free, as it’s still a common practice among modern employers. In most cases, it’s wise to accept these unfavorable conditions. Remember it’s not slavery. It’s your chance to avoid unemployment after graduation.

Summer Internships Abroad

Among the most interesting opportunities is landing summer internships abroad by means of:

  • contacting international companies online;
  • looking through foreign newspapers and magazines;
  • applying to foreign recruitment agencies.

Are you still here? We thought you’re already half way creating an account on LinkedIn…

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